Mary Hanafin's trip to India

[cross posted to]

In 2006 the Government went on a trade mission to India. Mary Hanafin as Minister for Education went along. I put in the following FOI request:

1) The Minister’s schedule and appointments between January 1, 2006 and March 1, 2006.

2) A breakdown of flight costs, accommodation costs, hospitality costs, and any other costs borne by the Department for a trip taken by the Minister to India in January 2006, and a breakdown of any expenses claimed.

I will upload the schedule later. The total trip cost €26,421.14. Flights cost €20,912.84. Ms Hanafin’s flight alone cost €8,990.28.

For now, here is the spreadsheet of costs (go to the bottom of the sheet and click “costs India trip” :

Hanafin India 2006

I do not believe removing the names of other people who went on the trip is warranted under Section 28 (1) (personal information). I will be appealing this element of the request.







One response to “Mary Hanafin's trip to India”

  1. arag0rn avatar

    Hey Gavin – just reading something yesterday and I came across this:

    Mary Harney makes a statement to the effect that between 2003 and 2007, Mary Hanfin only had 76 euro in expenses… I thought the whole India junket was within that time frame… maybe she didnt report to Harney then… Dunno – seems off to me.