John O'Donoghue files Part Deux

These documents became available because of an FOI request of Ken Foxe and the Sunday Tribune, which paid €600 for this information. Details were due to be published on Sunday October 4. John O’Donoghue pre-empted this by publishing the information today.

All receipts (PDFs):

Explanatory document on CC expenses

Schedule 1 – Allowances and Expenses
Schedule 2 – Domestic flights
Schedule 3 – Details of foreign travel
Schedule 4 – Official entertainment


Domestic Travel 1
Domestic Travel 2
Domestic Travel 3
Domestic Travel 4
Domestic Travel 5

1 Stop Shop Constituency Expenses






5 responses to “John O'Donoghue files Part Deux”

  1. Coles2 avatar

    The receipts on Pg 70 and 73 (DOC) for flights to the US don't make any sense. Did he double book flights on two different planes?

  2. jmcd33 avatar

    The government also pays 15 million euros a year in subsidies to Aer Arann so these TD's can swan around the country in their own semi private aeroplanes.
    Aer Arann would certainly go out of business without this taxpayers money.
    notice they were also excluded from the illegal 10 tax on flights within the EEU.
    I have registered an objection to this tax with the Court of Citizens Petitions in Brussels (which has been accepted for further enquiry) about 9 months ago, and in 5 years time the tax will almost certainly be thrown out but by then Lenehan will have amassed a lot of money he does not have to pay back to the original victims.

    Petition 1678/2008

    SINNOTT Kathy to me
    show details Mar 19
    Dear John,

    I have just seen that your petition on alleged breaches of EC legislation by the new Irish aviation departure tax has been deemed admissible. This is good news. The Petitions Committee are asking the Commission for information and to investigate the situation.

    The Petitions Committee will be writing to you themselves to inform you of this.

    I support your petition and will keep you updated.

    Thank you,

    Kathy Sinnott, MEP for Ireland South
    Vice President Committee on Petitions

    Office of Kathy Sinnott, MEP for Muns

  3. TJ avatar

    I'm disappointed but not surprised to see John O'Donoghue cynically releasing these files now to deprive the Sunday Tribune of its well earned scoop.

  4. paulfinn avatar

    The worrying thing about all these disclosures recently, is that there are still a large number of people who believe John O'Donoghue didn't nothing wrong and willing to vote for him in a general election. We had this years ago with Mr. Lowry – are we still the gobshites we were then. Have we not learned from past mistakes, do we not see that the country has been run into the ground by an imcompetent government, while at the same time they have been dipping their fingers in to what little coffers remain. There has never been, and by the look of things, never will be accountablility in this country for fraud by high ranking officials and business people. We continue to be screwed by a system put in place by the very people who abuse it. Until this changes, we haven't a hope of ever having a transparent system which is fair and for the common good. Party politics and greed stand between success and failure in getting this country back on it's feet. It's not long ago we were patting ourselves on the back for being a wonderful country – the challenge is there now to prove ourselves and be seen to be capable of sorting this horrible mess out. We need zero tolerance for a lot of things in this country including politicians who steal from us!