Enterprise Ireland grants

I have received copies of all financial support given by Enterprise Ireland for 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. It details tens of millions of euro worth of grants to companies throughout the country. The supports are broken down by county.

For now I have not ‘cleaned’ the data, ie I have not removed spaces and extra sentences that are not needed for the purposes of better presentation. The document is ‘as
is’ and is based on PDFs which have been imported into Google spreadsheets.

Enterprise Ireland grants 2005 – 2008

You can view each year of data by clicking the respective year at the bottom of the spreadsheet.

[cross posted to thestory.ie]






8 responses to “Enterprise Ireland grants”

  1. Fiona Ashe avatar

    This is extremely useful information. Thanks, Gavin.
    Best, Fiona.

  2. Mick Winston avatar
    Mick Winston

    I see Diageo picked up 27,000 from the taxpayer. According to the Drinks Business Review it had net sales for 2009 of £9,311m, so they need every penny they can get. There’s an interesting Guardian article here.

  3. Filthy avatar

    Hi Gavin, I just wondered if you had heard anything about people in the military not being deducted the recently introduced Public sector deductions? I’m not sure if this is happening, but I know someone working in the military who doesn’t seem to have been as badly affected by them as other people I know who work in the public sector. It’s just a thought that occurred to me and was wondering if there were certain sections that were exempt from the deductions.

  4. Robert Fuller avatar
    Robert Fuller

    I did a very small bit of analysis on the spreadsheet. Here are some
    interesting numbers.

    Over the 4 years EI paid out 404 million to about 2760 recipients.

    80% of the money went to 20% of the recipients (ie., pretty much
    exactly 80:20).

    5% of the recipients shared 50% of the moneys.

    2% of the recipients took 33% of moneys.

    50% of the recipients shared 95% of the moneys, the other 50% shared the remaining 5% of moneys.

    The bottom 1000 recipients (36%) shared 2.5% of the moneys.

    The total average amount of funding per recipient for the 4 years was 146,280.

    The total average amount for each of the top 100 recipients was 1.75 million

    The total average amount for each of the bottom 100 recipients was 1,198.

    Glanbia companies took 2.66% of moneys (ie., more than the bottom 1000 recipients)

    1.36% of moneys went to BOI equity funds.

    The numbers could be out very slightly because a small number of
    company names are slightly different between years.

  5. Tomaltach avatar

    There is one company on that list which received a few million in 2007. At the time the money was handed over Michael Martin appeared in a PR stunt announcing that the company would create 20 new high tech jobs as a result of the investment. At the time employees of the company in Ireland wondered if this could be real since the company’s stated strategy to employees since about 2005 had been that it would continue to expand its operations in Eastern Europe while keeping the Irish offices static in terms of growth. Though like a balance, in business you can never remain static, you are either going forward or going back. Sure enough the Irish operation laid people off in 2008. Those 20 announced jobs of course never materialised. I wonder what conditions if any were attached to the EI grant. Furthermore the same company has recently announced further lay-offs in Ireland and abroad and this time has decided to pay only statutory redundancy. As far as I know the overall financial position of the company, while not healthy, is no worse, indeed probably better, than it was in 2008, yet the decision to pay only statutory has been justified on the basis that the affected division is itself making a bad loss.

  6. […] mySociety used ScraperWiki to combine a list of grants made by Enterprise Ireland (which Gavin had aquired via an FOI request) with the profile data listed on the Enterprise Ireland website. This will no doubt be a source for […]

  7. […] mySociety used ScraperWiki to combine a list of grants made by Enterprise Ireland (which Gavin had aquired via an FOI request) with the profile data listed on the Enterprise Ireland website. This will no doubt be a source for […]

  8. lorraine avatar

    Hi Gavin, do you know when the info for 2009 will be available? Thanks,