Jekyll & Hyde

Our esteemed Senators have been at it again. Hold onto your hats. Senator Donie Cassidy kicked it off:

Donie Cassidy (Fianna Fail): Senators Fitzgerald, Coghlan, Quinn and Norris congratulated the Jekyll and Hyde foundation for the wonderful work it is doing. Senator Fitzgerald outlined the huge difference between the cost of the services being provided by the foundation and those provided by the HSE. It is something we must examine—–

Frances Fitzgerald (Fine Gael): It is the Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation.

Dominic Hannigan (Labour): Jekyll and Hyde is something different.

Donie Cassidy (Fianna Fail): My apologies. It is the Jack and Jill Children’s Foundation….

Your tax euros hard at work there.






6 responses to “Jekyll & Hyde”

  1. bill bird avatar
    bill bird

    No surprise there with donie boy,sure hes worth every penny of taxpayers money.

  2. Laurence avatar

    What is it with the plethora of Irish politicians who have names like Donie, Batt, Willie or Mattie?

  3. oliver1vandt avatar

    I see the DDDA is in the headlines again. I was, like most people, under the impression that some sort of terrible accident had occurred in terms of it’s governance. In fact, as I found out from this blog, not only did the DDDA and Anglo have multiple shared directors,
    a formal complaint had been made touching on this to our Standards in Public Office Commission (SIPO). SIPO’s reply is a master piece of official Ireland’s (canon) legal approach:

    “The Standards Commission decided that there was no basis on which to find that Mr Fitzpatrick and Mr Bradshaw were, as between themselves, connected persons. In addition, there was no basis on which to find that Anglo Irish Bank was, in relation to either Mr Fitzpatrick or Mr Bradshaw, a connected person. While it may be that both held substantial shareholdings in the bank, there was no evidence that either held ‘control’ of the bank.”

    Our eager guard dog’s conclusion:
    “In view of its consideration of the complaint as set out above, the Standards Commission decided that the initiation of an investigation under the Ethics Acts into the matters raised in the complaint was not warranted.”,8581,en.htm

    SIPO: the light-touch standards in public office regulator.

  4. Smileyfreak avatar

    Sorry for commenting about something totally unrelated but…

    What do you think about the recent media coverage of Brian Lenihan’s illness? I’m interested to hear your view,as a political blogger.

  5. John McDermott avatar

    Here is a video about the latest controversy; Fianna Fail’s determination to keep 300 people on the dole at Dublin airport.
    If Michael wanted to create 300 jobs,and an unused hanger in Donegal Airport would Mary Coughlan bust a gut to get it for him.?

  6. Alex avatar

    I’m interested to hear your view,as a political blogger.