Category: Bill Hicks

  • Bill Hicks movie

    Finally. But who will play the lead role? Comedycentral makes a stab at it. Punchline are saying Russell Crowe is up for it. Here is my humble Bill Hicks transcript that I put up in 2002. It still gets regular visits and referrals. The red bits were cut out of the video release, I transcribed…

  • Bill Hicks in Cork

    Ok I know he’s dead 11 years, but on the 26th June we get to see him come back to life: The true story of one man’s attempt to change the world through stand-up. In this comedy play, the greatest comedian ever returns from the dead for one more show, revealing how to end the…

  • Happy Easter!

    To celebrate Easter have a listen to Bill Hicks’ take on Easter and Gideons… Easter.mp3 Gideons.mp3 Not work safe either!

  • Some Bill Hicks (not work safe)

    Click here

  • Bill Hicks DVD

    I finally got the Bill Hicks DVD, ‘Bill Hicks Live‘. A very reasonable price, and shipped promptly to Ireland. I highly recommend it, it includes One Night Stand, Relentless, and the classic Revelations.

  • The Comedy Blog

    Clare over at the BBC’s Comedy Blog has linked to my Bill Hicks site. Interesting blog they have there. My Hicks site needs a serious overhaul though.

  • Bill Hicks: December 16 1961 to February 26 1994

    We all miss you Bill. Read Bill here.

  • Last laugh: Bill Hicks

    First article I’ve seen in the lead up to Bill’s anniversary. A good job with some good exerpts. I also found this mention on a blog too. I found some more mentions in quite a few places using technorati. Oh and here too.

  • Bill Hicks anniversary

    The number of people visiting my site for Bill Hicks material has doubled in the lead up to the 10th Anniversary of his death. I think I will write a personal essay or article on him to mark his anniversary. I was looking at his biography in the bookshop today – good reading. He is…

  • Bill Hicks Anniversary

    Nick Barlow mentions that I was the only blog where Bill Hicks’ 10th Anniversary was mentioned – there should be more! He suggests “that some kind of ‘Hicks Day’ blogburst on the 26th where people can mark the anniversary however they want and I’ll link to any posts people want to make, like I did…