Category: Iraqi War

  • Zarqawi Killed

    CNN are showing a video of the airstrike that has apparently killed one of the most wanted men in the world, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Whether or not his death will affect the overall insurgency remains to be seen. It could be just as likely that his successor will carry on as ever, though without the…

  • Tyler Drumheller

    Do you still believe the Bush administration? Click here. At that meeting, Drumheller says, “They were enthusiastic because they said, they were excited that we had a high-level penetration of Iraqis.” What did this high-level source tell him? “He told us that they had no active weapons of mass destruction program,” says Drumheller. “So in…

  • The Cost of War

    Jonathan Weisman at the Washington Post has an interesting article on the increasing cost of the war in Iraq. The rate of spending is enormous: The cost of the war in U.S. fatalities has declined this year, but the cost in treasure continues to rise, from $48 billion in 2003 to $59 billion in 2004…

  • The Last Exit From Iraq

    Joel Rayburn, a Major in the U.S. Army and from 2002 to 2005 taught history at the U.S. Military Academy, has an essay in the latest issue of Foreign Affairs. In it, he draws historical comparisons between the British involvement in Iraq and the current American intervention. In light of the recent Sunni-Shiite tensions in…

  • Sir Christopher Meyer Critiques U.S.-U.K. Orchestration of Iraq War

    Steve Clemons points to the first part in the serialisation of Sir Christopher Meyer, former British ambassador to the US. It looks like it might be explosive with regard to the Blair premiership. The Guardian has it as front page news. I liked this bit: I told him [Wolfowitz] there had to be a strategy…

  • Casualties in Iraq

    Fascinating graphic. Watch it.

  • Web site: Al Qaeda in Iraq abducted Egyptian envoy

    Al-Qaeda are now apparently claiming that they were the ones to snatch the Egyptian’s top diplomat in Iraq: “We announce, al Qaeda in Iraq, that the Egyptian ambassador had been kidnapped by our mujahedeen, and he is under their control,” said a statement on an Islamic Web site linked to the group. CNN could not…

  • IED Movie from Iraq

    Armor Geddon has posted a 60Mb video(the bottom one marked IED) of a patrol in Iraq, and how to deal with a suspected IED. Here is his account of the day.

  • When did Bush decide to invade Iraq?

    Fred Kaplan with a good piece on the Downing Street memo: The key passage of the memo—which lays down the minutes of a July 23, 2002, British Cabinet meeting and was obtained and published by the Times of London just last month—is also the one that’s gained the greatest notoriety: C reported on his recent…

  • Iraqi Whirlwind

    Austin Bay is detailing interesting times in Iraq. A bit to the right for some people, but interesting nonetheless.