Category: Iraqi War

  • The Iraqi solution for stopping rebels

    This is a long and interesting take on some of the more ‘elite’ members of the Iraqi security forces. General Adnan, as he is known, is the leader of Iraq’s most fearsome counterinsurgency force. It is called the Special Police Commandos and consists of about 5,000 troops. They have fought the insurgents in Mosul, Ramadi,…

  • Helicopter shot down near Baghdad

    Sad news indeed. Is it me or does it always come across as more tragic when it’s an air accident? Same goes for commercial airlines too, somehow I think one can more closely related to it.

  • Salam Pax vs George Galloway

    Former blogger Salam Pax turned up at the manifesto launch for the Respect party and asked why Mr Galloway wanted the immediate withdrawal of occupying troops from Iraq. To which Galloway replied: We are not going to agree on this. You are a supporter of the war. You are a supporter of the occupation and…

  • Smokescreen in Madaen

    Following reports of ethic tensions, kidnappings, threats of mass-killings, it appears that the whole thing was exaggerated just a little. The NY Times reports: Anyone in Baghdad this morning could have been forgiven for thinking the country was on the verge of civil war. Three Iraqi Army battalions had surrounded the town of Madaen, just…

  • So how's Iraqification going?

    Dan Drezner has a good post on current efforts in Iraq, drawing from a number of sources. Encouraging stuff. I would have added John Simpson’s first column on the BBC site to the list too. He, as ever, has a good take on the situation. Yet the basic problem remains: the Sunni population is as…

  • Iraq, Tony and the truth

    Panorama was exceptional this evening. You can read the full transcript here. I can’t find a link to a Realplayer stream.

  • Italy disputes US hostage account

    The Italians are now contradicting the US version of events in relation to the killing of Nicola Calipari. The other agent in the car has said that the car did come to a halt, but the car was fired on anyway. The investigation into the incident could take up to 4 weeks.

  • Eason Jordan and Kate Adie?

    I have been following the huge coverage surrounding “Easongate”, and what he did or did not say about the US military targeting journalists in Iraq. For those of you unfamiliar with the news, and so big has the story been on all the top blogs, there is now a blog devoted entirely to the story.…

  • Prospects for Iraqi Democracy

    Kieran Healy writes a good post on the Iraqi elections, and loosely compares it to the foundation of the Irish State. [Via Dan]

  • Iraq election declared 'success'

    Let’s hope that Sunnis will also be happy with the new assembly. Importantly: Electoral officials estimated that up to eight million Iraqis voted – more than 60% of those registered. Some other sources are giving figures as high as 72%