Category: Photos

  • Antioch and Aleppo

    We left Adana on Monday, travelling to Antioch by bus. It was a nice trip, the bus was air conditioned and almost empty. The bus had two drivers, who switched half way through. They also gave out free Pepsi, fizzy orange and tea.

  • Adana, Turkey

    Went for a stroll around Adana today, going to the train station, the Sabanci Mosque (the largest in Turkey) and the Roman bridge built by either Hadrian or Justinian. All very impressive pieces of architecture. A person working for the mosque was kind enough to show us around and bring us to the top of…

  • Ardmore photos

    I went walking with my new 18-200mm Sigma and my trusty 20D. Some turned out quite nice I think. Highlights of the walk include the 8th century monastery and round tower, the wreck of the Samson (the crane) and the hermitage ruins.

  • Walking the Gap of Dunloe

    I went with some colleagues to walk the Gap of Dunloe and Black Valley in Co Kerry last Saturday. I did tweet some of it, but we were soon out of coverage. I took my trusty 20D along too, here are some of the results: More below the fold:

  • Earth observing

    Some spectacular images from NASA’s Earth Observatory via the Big Picture blog.

  • ISS decade and the Burj Dubai

    The ISS celebrates 10 years in space this week, and the Big Picture has a photo spread covering the 10th anniversary. Some of the photos are pretty spectacular. It tops last week’s excellent spread on Dubai, which included a really high res and up to date image of the soon to be tallest structure in…

  • Life images

    Go and get lost in Google’s archive of images from Life magazine, dating back to the 1750s. It points to some stunning images of Marilyn Monroe.

  • Washington pics

    I went for some very long walks around Washington, and took lots of pics. A sample here, with the rest over in this Flickr set. Remember if you want to see the full size pic you can click on ‘all sizes’ in Flickr. It was a stunning day, with summer-like temperatures for November 1.

  • Stalking

    Man that lake had a lot of fish.

  • Tropical sun

    I am often amazed during trips to West Cork on sunny days at just how sub-tropical the region can feel. I took a trip down to Bandon, on through Clonakilty and down to Castlefreke (odd name isn’t it?), Rathbarry, and the several beaches between Clon and Roscarberry. I ended up at the Church of Ireland…