Ardmore photos

I went walking with my new 18-200mm Sigma and my trusty 20D. Some turned out quite nice I think. Highlights of the walk include the 8th century monastery and round tower, the wreck of the Samson (the crane) and the hermitage ruins.






3 responses to “Ardmore photos”

  1. Mark avatar

    The fourth one (I think) with the gravestones in the foreground, the tower dominating the middleground and the daunting clouds in back, is my favourite. The one at the entrance to what looks to be a church is very nice too. The one before the picture with just the tower and one cross in it is also interesting.

    Nice reel.

  2. Anthony Sheridan avatar
    Anthony Sheridan

    I like the one with the sea wall, the dark clouds and the lonely seat.

  3. ryan avatar

    Love that trusty 20D 😀

    great shots. Must get back down to Ardmore sometime.