Category: Property

  • Fianna Fail and house prices

    I came across another interesting article from the archives. This time it’s from April 3, 2001, and is an opinion piece by Maev-Ann Wren. It’s title says much: Why is Government against falling house prices? Wren argues that vested interests have a bigger role in Government circles than is widely known and the latter half…

  • Warning of problems

    While scanning through the Irish Times archives I came across this little gem. Tucked in the corner of the business pages on February 12, 2000, was this: “The former head of supervision at the Central Bank, Mr William Slattery, has reiterated his recent warnings about the danger of negative equity for house owners if house…

  • Housing bubble downfall

    Via south.

  • Builders' loan plan to lure buyers

    RTE reports that builders are offering interest free loans to lure buyers. They must be getting desperate. A simpler way to lure buyers would be to drop the over-inflated prices. The advantage of these loan offers is that it gets buyers in at the current property price now, rather than at a lower price later.…

  • Government crap

    So house prices are falling, and continue to fall, and the Government thinks that they will aid first-time buyers by propping up the market using taxpayers money? How exactly will that work? Leave the fucking property market alone Cowen. The best way to make houses more affordable is to leave the market do its work.…

  • Detroit houses

    Fancy a holiday home in Detroit, Michigan? Buy this one for $1.

  • Reality hitting?

    Finally some sensible figures from an economist: 45% peak to trough house price falls, excluding inflation. If you include inflation that could be over 50%. This is what happens in a typical housing correction. Not alone that, but prices tend to overshoot fair value. And it will drag on into 2010. At least. I said…

  • Economic and property doom in Ireland

    The Sunday papers were awash with property articles today. I guess I am in a similar position to fellow blogger Una Mullaly in that I am of a similar age (or slightly older) and never bought a property. Although this was also partly because I could never afford one. Una’s piece is the most read…

  • The Fear grows…

    We may finally be moving from denial to fear in the great Irish property standoff. I like this week’s graph from Trees. Average price drops are also nearing 10%.

  • Property prices in Wexford

    Some staggering statistics: Gorey rural area (including town) Population (2006): 25,808 Properties listed for sale on Daft: 963 Enniscorthy rural area (including town) Population (2006): 33,111 Properties listed for sale on Daft: 594 Just by way of comparison: Cork city Population (2006): 119,143 Properties listed for sale on Daft: 1,080 (City and suburbs) Cork has…