Category: Technology

  • Yahoo results

    Well Mr Market has liked Yahoo’s decision to fire 1,500 workers. The shares are trading up by about 5% in after market. The purge outlined Tuesday represents a 10 percent reduction in Yahoo’s payroll of about 15,000 employees. It’s the second time in nine months that Yahoo has resorted to mass layoffs in what so…

  • Mac Mini RIP?

    Gizmodo reports that the Mac Mini has ceased shipping to some retailers and may be cancelled altogether. Does Apple have a replacement in mind, or is it planning to simple let the Mac Mini go the way of the Dodo? I have a Mac Mini, as do several people I know. All of whom hooked…

  • Dell to leave Limerick?

    Dell just announced the sale of a call centre in El Salvador. An announcement about its Irish operation could soon follow. Keep an eye out. As I said last month, Dell leaving Limerick, or indeed Ireland, is inevitable. The job losses will be substantial.

  • New MacBooks and Pros

    Gizmodo and Engadget are live blogging the event. Let’s see what happens. Update: Ok, I’m not going to live blog the live bloggers but I will add the most important bits. Nvidia has been confirmed, the 9400m. Multi touch glass trackpad. New MacBook Pro unveiled. Looks nice. Solid state drive option too. Two graphics cards!…

  • The F-35B

    Whatever about the ultimate purpose of planes such as this (killing people), they sure are impressive pieces of technology. If only we put the same innovation (and billions) into more constructive endeavours.

  • New Macbooks

    Finally it is confirmed, Apple will unveil new MacBooks and MacBook Pros on October 14. I can’t say I’m not tempted to upgrade my existing MacBook Pro.

  • Hurricane Ike satellite photo

    Hurricane Ike as it would appear from space: Scary.

  • Twitter testing

    I’ve been playing with Twitter for the past few days. It’s certainly an interesting tool, and one that I have been enjoying. You can follow me here:

  • Gustav from space

    I took a screen grab of the satellite images of Gustav as it nears the Louisiana coast. Man it’s huge. If you use Google Earth’s measurement tool, it is about 1,000km by 900km in size. The green is the radar signal. In this picture I measured the circumference of the main part of the storm,…

  • search engine

    So I’ve been fiddling around with this latest upstart, which promises much. Believe it or not the name is based on the Irish word… though I’m not sure if it’s the word for ‘goal’ or on the fictional character Fionn. CNN have a story on it today, the most read today too. I searched for…