Category: US Politics

  • Springer for the Senate

    The notorious talkshow host, and former mayor of Cincinatti, Jerry Springer is considering running for the Senate. This is a nice piece by Mark Lawson – I like: The state of American culture might suggest a horrible logic in President Springer, presiding over a country run by live-on-television plebiscites, with policy dilemmas snappily packaged: I’ve…

  • US government planning complete Internet monitoring

    For my American readers, a report in Internet week is saying that the Bush administration is planning to require Internet service providers to become part of a new monitoring system. It is all part of the “National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace” which will be launched in the new year.

  • Kissinger and his past

    David Ignatius writes on why Kissinger resigned as one of the investigators into the events surrounding Sep 11 2001.

  • When State power goes wrong: Fred Hiatt

    Fred Hiatt writes about press freedom in Eritrea and the effects the war on terrorism has had on overall freedoms in the US. The balancing act of freedom vs security is one that is increasingly going in favour of security – if it can even be called that.

  • Rome = Washington

    This is a very interesting article in the Guardian today. Jonathan Freedland writes an excellent piece on the ins and outs of whether the US empire today could be compared to the Roman Empire c300BC – 150AD. Strangely enough, this argument is one that the irreverant Anthony Sheridan and I have discussed with the other…

  • Right-wing mania

    A very interesting read, if somewhat disturbing. I can only agree with the journalist in question on his closing remarks, “The only people more dangerous than dumb bigots are smart, educated ones”.