Category: US Politics

  • Washington Journalist Tells of White House Quote Massaging

    Change what people said by changing the writing of quotes afterwards? Dan is right to call it Stalinist.

  • The Pentagon's New Map

    This site is also making the rounds in the world of Blogs. It tries to explain why the US is going to war, and why the US will keep going to war. It is written by Thomas Barnett from the US Naval War College. Im going to have a decent read from it later, and…

  • Fisk on Bush

    Robert Fisk again, this time discussing parallels between Bush’s speech on a new Iraq and defending the US from Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, and Sharon’s speeches on defending Israel from Palestinian terrorists. An interesting read.

  • Leave the cave-dwelling to Osama: Tom Friedman

    Tom Friedman writes a somewhat humorous pieceon living in the US. He manages to get things in perspective while not being too dismissive about any threat. I love his taking the piss out of a survival kit: The only survival purchases I’ve made since Code Orange is a new set of Ben Hogan Apex golf irons,…

  • Some Bushisms

    This is absolutely hilarious. A list of Bushisms from the last couple of years. George W. Bush beggars belief! : “We need an energy bill that encourages consumption.” Trenton, N.J., Sept. 23, 2002″ “I need to be able to move the right people to the right place at the right time to protect you, and…

  • Condoleezza Rice and the subtext

    This is very interesting indeed. Condoleezza Rice said on Sunday that war with Iraq would become unavoidable unless UN Security Council members united soon behind a tough, common approach to Baghdad. What? This is typical of the Bush administration. Reading the subtext its more like a veiled threat. “The UN better toe the line and…

  • Bombers put on alert for N.Korea

    Don Rumsfeld has put long range bombers on alert in the pacific – in order to deter any Korean oppurtunism while the administration is engaged with Iraq. Recently there have been movements of fissile material in Korea – being watched closely by the Americans.

  • Religion and Foreign Policy

    William Pfaff writes a very intriguing piece today. He talks about the relation between religion and the Bush administration – Calvinism and Protestantism dogma in relation to Foreign Policy. Well worth the read.

  • Anti-European is not nice

    Todd Gitlin, professor of journalism and sociology at Columbia University, writes something of a polemic against his own country. He derides Bush and his cronies for their dismissal of ‘Old Europe’.It is a very interesting piece, I have not read anything like that in a while.

  • End of US imperialism?

    A well-thought through, well constructed, reasonable and logical argument from Madelaine Bunting. This is one of the best pieces on US imperialism that I have read in some time. Its worth reading it twice – an excellent piece of writing.