Category: US Election 2004

  • Aftermath Of Failed Electronic Voting

    Slashdot are pointing to a story in the CS Monitor and NPR concerning electronic voting: A combination of human error (setting the machine to record a maximum of three thousand votes when eight thousand people voted) and a software malfunction (the machine kept accepting ballots after its memory was overloaded) resulted in the loss of…

  • 2004 Election Weirdness Continues

    Alot of these stories have been discounted of late, but still worth a look at with regard to the whole subject of e-voting. I’ve read dozens of submissions about election anomalies in the last week and they show no sign of slowing so I’ve decided to post a few of the main ones here to…

  • Paul Krugman: A culture of cover-ups

    Krugman’s pre-election thoughts on the lost munitions at al-Qaqaa, and provides yet more food for thought: The story of the looted explosives has overshadowed another report that Bush officials tried to suppress – this one about how the Bush administration let Abu Musab al-Zarqawi get away. An article in Monday’s Wall Street Journal confirmed and…

  • Stand and Fight

    Katrina vanden Heuvel writes an effective call to arms for Democrats everywhere, after their defeat in the elections this week. The debacle in Iraq that Bush created will also be his to face. At least half of the country understands that the war in Iraq is unwinnable. The most immediate need, perhaps, is for a…

  • Alas! Four more years…

    In reaction to President BushÂ’s reelection.

  • Bush leading in exit polls

    Bush has taken 34 and Kerry has taken 3 college votes. Virginia is too close to call.

  • Exit polls posted by Slate

    Slate has published exit polls, and it looks like John Kerry is leading. Slashdot cover the story of the publication of these secret polls.

  • Weblogs inundated

    Foxnews, Sky news and BBC news are all reporting stories on how weblogs are likely to be the first news souces for many people during the election. You know things are really bad when this happens: C:>ping Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data: Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out.…

  • George Bush or John Kerry?

    Were I a US citizen, my vote would be going to, you guessed it – John F. Kerry. Early indications are a big turnout. An interesting few days to come no doubt. And I am having serious difficulty getting into the BBC news website – not often that happens.