Typical stereotypes about Eminem we need to fight against !

The Eminem Blog

1. Eminem’s lyrics help desensitize boys and men to the pain and suffering of girls and women.

Eminem’s fans argue that his raps about mistreating, raping, torturing, and murdering women are not meant to be taken literally. “Just because we listen to the music doesn’t mean we’re gonna go out and harass, rape and murder women. We know it’s just a song.” But thoughtful critics of Eminem do not make the argument that the danger of his lyrics (and the lyrics of other artists, including African American rap artists) lies in the possibility that some unstable young man will go out and imitate in real life what the artist is rapping about. While possible, this is highly unlikely.

Rather, one of the most damaging aspects of Eminem’s violent misogyny and homophobia is how normal and matter-of-fact this violence comes to seem. Rapping and joking about sex crimes have the effect of desensitizing people to the real pain and trauma suffered by victims and their loved ones. The process of desensitization to violence through repeated exposure in the media has been studied for decades. Among the effects: young men who have watched/listened to excessive amounts of fictionalized portrayals of men’s violence against women in mainstream media and pornography have been shown to be more callous toward victims, less likely to believe their accounts of victimization, more willing to believe they were “asking for it,” and less likely to intervene in instances of “real-life” violence.

Let us not forget that the culture in which Eminem has become a huge star is in the midst of an ongoing crisis of men’s violence against women. In the U.S., rates of rape, sexual assault, battering, teen relationship violence and stalking have been shockingly high for decades, far exceeding rates in comparable western societies. Sadly, millions of American girls and women have been assaulted by American boys and men. Thousands of gays each year are bashed and harassed by young men. For these victims, this is not an academic debate about the differences between literalist and satirical art. It hits closer to home.

2. Girls are encouraged to be attracted to boys and men who don’t respect women.

What began as a tentative dance has become a passionate embrace. After initially airing “misgivings” about featuring the woman-hating rapper, magazines with predominantly young female readership, like Cosmogirl and Teen People, now regularly feature “Em” on their covers, posed as a sex symbol, as an object of heterosexual female desire. This is not simply the latest example of the star-making machinery of mass media constructing the “bad boy” as dangerously desirable to women. This sends a powerful message to girls that goes something like this: he doesn’t really hate and disrespect you. In fact, he loves you. He’s just misunderstood. It’s the hip hop version of Beauty and the Beast. You know, underneath that gruff exterior, between the lines of those nasty lyrics, lies a tender heart that has been hurt, a good man who just needs more love and understanding.

This is a myth that battered women have been fed for centuries! That his violence is her responsibility, that if only she loved him more, his abuse would stop. This is one of the most damaging myths about batterers, and one of the most alarming features of Eminem’s popularity with girls. Remember, Eminem is the same “lovable” rapper who wrote a chillingly realistic song (“Kim”) about murdering his wife (whose real name is Kim), and putting her body in the trunk of his car, interspersed with loving references to their daughter Hallie (their real-life daughter is named Hallie). This is the same “cute” guy who angrily raps about catching diseases from “ho’s.” (“Drips”) This is the same “adorable” man who constantly unleashes torrents of verbal aggression against women, even though he is so sensitive to the potential wounding power of words that he famously refuses to use the “n-word.” Why is it not okay for a white rapper to diss “niggers,” but it is okay for a man to express contempt for “bitches” and “ho’s.

His credulous female fans counter: he doesn’t really hate women. How could he? He loves his daughter! For battered women’s advocates, this is one of the most frustrating aspects of Eminem’s popularity. His defenders ‘ including women ‘ will utter some of the most discredited myths about abusive men as if they have special insight! Newsflash to female Eminem fans: “He loves his daughter” is one of the most predictable excuses that batterers give in pleading for another chance. The fact is, most batterers are not one-dimensional ogres. Abusive men often love the very women they’re abusing. And let us not forget that when Eminem verbally abuses his wife/ex-wife through his lyrics, he is verbally abusing his daughter’s mother ‘ and by extension his daughter.

3. His popularity with girls sends a dangerous message to boys and men.

Boys and young men have long expressed frustration with the fact that girls and young women say they’re attracted to nice guys, but that the most popular girls often end up with the disdainful tough guys who treat them like dirt. We all know that heterosexual young guys are forever struggling to figure out what girls want. What are they supposed to conclude when 53% of the 8 Mile audience on opening weekend was female?

What are men to make of New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd when she writes, uncritically, that a “gaggle” of her female Baby Boomer friends are “surreptitiously smitten” with a 30-year-old rapper whose lyrics literally drip with contempt for women? (If you’re in denial or simply refuse to believe that his lyrics are degrading to women, do your homework ‘ download his lyrics.) That girls want to be treated with dignity and respect? Or that the quickest route to popularity with them is to be verbally and emotionally cruel, that “bad boy” posturing is a winning strategy to impress na’ve (and self-loathing) girls? Surely most of Eminem’s female fans would not want to be sending that message to their male peers ‘ but they are.

Boys who have listened carefully to Eminem’s actual lyrics — not just the hit songs or the sanitized movie soundtrack — know that most self-respecting girls who are conscious about the depths of our culture’s sexism are repulsed by Eminem’s misogyny and depressed by his popularity. Sadly, many of these girls have been silent, fearing they’ll be branded as “uncool” because they “don’t get” the artist who is supposedly the voice of their generation.

There are women who like Eminem because (they say) he’s complex and not easily knowable; they would argue that it is reductionist to characterize his art as sexist. But the burden is on them to demonstrate how — in a culture where so many men sexually harass, rape, and batter women — it is possible to reconcile a concern for women’s physical, sexual, and emotional well-being with admiration for a male artist whose lyrics consistently portray women in a contemptuous and sexually degrading manner.

Girls and women, even those who have been coopted into Eminem-worship, want to be treated with respect. They certainly don’t want to be physically or sexually assaulted by men. They don’t want to be sexually degraded by dismissive and arrogant men. But they can’t have it both ways. They can’t proclaim their attraction to a man who’s gotten rich verbally trashing and metaphorically raping women and yet expect that young men will treat them with dignity.

4. The racial storyline around Eminem perpetuates the racist myth that “hip” white guys are those who most closely emulate the sexist beliefs and hypermasculine posturing of some Black males.

Eminem is popular with white audiences in large measure because the African American gangsta rap icon Dr. Dre and other hardcore Black rappers with “street credibility” have conferred on him the mantle of legitimacy. Dre is Eminem’s mentor and producer, signaling to Black audiences as well that unlike Vanilla Ice ‘ a useful object of derision from a decade ago — this white boy is for real. What’s missing from this story is that Dr. Dre himself is one of the most misogynous and homophobic figures in the history of rap music. He has produced and performed some of this era’s most degrading songs about women. (e.g. “Bitches Ain’t Shit”)

In other words, Eminem and Dre are modeling a perverse sort of interracial solidarity that comes at the expense of women. It’s an old and sordid story: sexism provides men a way to ally across race and class lines. African American people who are happy to see Eminem earning rap even greater legitimacy in white America might want to consider that this era’s white artist most identified as a bridge to Black culture has built that bridge on the denigration and undermining of Black women — and all women.

5. Eminem’s personal trajectory ‘ either the so-called “true” story, or the explicitly fictionalized version in 8 Mile ‘ perpetuates damaging mythology about abusive men.

Eminem’s fans like to ascribe to him the sympathetic and classic role of underprivileged underdog. But Marshall Mathers, if he ever was an underdog, has long since crossed over into the role of bully. Unlike most bullies this side of right-wing talk radio, however, he has a very large microphone (and now a screen presence).

You can gain important insight into one key aspect of the Eminem persona by studying both the behavior of men who batter and people’s responses to them. The man who is being lionized as one of this era’s emblematic artists shares many character traits with men who batter. One glaring similarity is the folklore that Mathers has actively constructed about his famously difficult childhood. Narcissistic batterers frequently paint themselves as the true victims. It’s them we’re supposed to feel sorry for ‘ not their victims (or the victims/targets of their lyrical aggression.).

It is well-known that many of Eminem’s fans, male and female, reference his abusive family life to explain and rationalize his rage. But it is not as well-known that batterer intervention counselors hear this excuse every single day from men who are in court-mandated programs for beating their girlfriends and wives. “I had a tough childhood. I have a right to be angry,” or “She was the real aggressor. She pushed my buttons and I just reacted.” The counselors’ typical answer: “It is not right or ok that you were abused as a child. You deserve our empathy and support. But you have no right to pass on your pain to other people.”

6. Eminem’s success has unleashed a torrent of mother-blaming.

One element of Eminem’s story of which all his fans are aware is that he and his mother don’t get along. Many people psychoanalyze him from a distance and argue that his problems with women stem from his stormy relationship with his mother. This may or may not be true, but it is an excuse that abusive men often make for their behavior. As Lundy Bancroft observes in his book Why Does He Do That: inside the minds of angry and controlling men, battered women themselves sometimes like this explanation, since it makes sense out of the man’s behavior and gives the woman someone safe to be angry at ‘ since getting angry at him always seems to blow up in her face.

It is hard to say what percentage of the Eminem faithful relate to his oft-articulated rage at his mother. But consider this anecdotal evidence. I attended an Eminem concert in southern California during the “Anger Management” tour a couple of years ago. At one point, Eminem ripped off a string of angry expletives about his mother, (something like “F-you, bitch!”) after which a sizable cross-section of the 18,000 person crowd joined in a violent chant repeating the verbal aggression against Ms. Mathers (and no doubt other mothers by extension.)

Why is this aspect of the Eminem phenomenon such a cause for concern? No one begrudges Eminem, or anyone else, the right to have issues ‘ including in some cases being very angry with their mothers. But it is not a great stretch to see that Eminem’s anger can easily be generalized to all women ‘ tens of millions of whom are mothers — and used as yet another rationale for some men’s deeply held misogyny.

Considering Eminem’s (and his mother’s) roots on the economic margins of “white trash” Detroit, class is also a critical factor here. Poor women ‘ especially poor women of color — are easy scapegoats for many societal problems. Eminem’s fans presumably know little about the context within which Debbie Mathers (who is white) tried to raise her kids. Might we have some compassion for her as we are asked to for him? Why was she constantly struggling financially? How did educational inequities and lack of employment opportunities affect her life, her family experiences, her education level, her dreams, her ability to be a good parent? As a woman, how did sexism shape her choices? What was her personal history, including her history with men? Was she ever abused? We know a lot of women with substance abuse problems develop them as a form of self-medication against the effects of trauma. What is the connection between Ms. Mathers’ alleged (by her son) substance abuse and any history of victimization she might have?

Further, if Eminem’s father deserted him and the family when Marshall was young, why is so much of Eminem’s verbal aggression aimed at his mother and at women? If you buy the argument that Eminem’s misogyny comes from his issues with his mother, then considering his father’s behavior, why doesn’t he have a huge problem with men? (Hint: the answer has to do with SEXISM.) It’s easy to blame struggling single mothers for their shortcomings; right-wing politicians have been doing this for decades. A more thoughtful approach would seek to understand their plight, and while such an understanding would provide no excuse for abusive behavior (if that is what Eminem actually experienced), it would give it much-needed context. Unfortunately, this context is notably absent from much political discourse ‘ and from 8 Mile.

7. Eminem has elevated to an art form the practice of verbally bullying and degrading people (especially women and gays) and then claiming “I was just kidding around.”

In fact, many of Eminem’s fans will claim that his Slim Shady persona ‘ or any of his nasty anti-woman lyrics ‘ are just an act. On a more sophisticated level, Eminem’s defenders ‘ including a number of prominent music critics — like to argue that his ironic wit and dark sense of humor are lost on many of his detractors, who supposedly “don’t get it.” This is what his predominantly young fans are constantly being told: that some people don’t like the likable”Em” because they don’t get him, the personae he’s created, his outrageously transgressive humor. In comparison, his fans are said to be much more hip, since they’re in on the joke.

One way that non-fans can respond to this is by saying “We get it, alright. We understand that lyrics are usually not meant to be taken literally. And we think we have a good sense of humor. We just don’t think it’s funny for men to be joking aggressively about murdering and raping women, and assaulting gays and lesbians. Just like we don’t think that it’s funny for white people to be making racist jokes at the expense of people of color. This sort of ‘hate humor’ is not just harmless fun ‘ no matter how clever the lyrics.

Millions of American girls and women are assaulted by men each year. According to the U.S. surgeon general, battering is the leading cause of injury to women. In recent years there has been growing recognition of the alarming prevalence of abuse in teen relationships; one recent national study found 20 % of teenage girls experience some form of physical or sexual abuse from men or boys. Gay-bashing is a serious problem all over the country. Music lyrics and other art forms can either in some way illuminate these problems, or they can cynically exploit them. Eminem is arguably a major force in the latter category. Sorry if we don’t find that funny.”

8. Eminem’s rebel image obscures the fact that sexism and men’s violence against women perpetuates established male power ‘ it is not rebellious.

Eminem has been skillfully marketed as a “rebel” to whom many young people ‘ especially white boys — can relate. But what exactly is he rebelling against? Powerful women who oppress weak and vulnerable men? Omnipotent gays and lesbians who make life a living hell for straight people? Eminem’s misogyny and homophobia, far from being “rebellious,” are actually extremely traditional and conservative. As a straight white man in hip hop culture, Marshall Mathers would actually be much more of a rebel if he rapped about supporting women’s equality and embracing gay and lesbian civil rights. Instead, he is only a rebel in a very narrow sense of that word. Since he offends a lot of parents, kids can “rebel” against their parents’ wishes by listening to him, buying his cd’s, etc. The irony is that by buying into Eminem’s clever “bad boy” act, they are just being obedient, predictable consumers. (“If you want to express your rebellious side, we have just the right product for you! The Marshall Mathers LP! Come get your Slim Shady!) It’s rebellion as a purchasable commodity.

But if you focus on the contents of his lyrics, the “rebellion” is empty. Context is everything. If you’re a “rebel,” it matters who you are and what you’re rebelling against. The KKK are rebels, too. They boast about it all the time. They fly the Confederate (rebel) flag. But most cultural commentators wouldn’t nod approvingly to the KKK as models of adolescent rebellion for American youth because the content of what they’re advocating is so repugnant. (And Eminem would be dropped from MTV playlists and lose his record contract immediately if he turned his lyrical aggression away from women and gays and started trashing people of color, or Jews, or Catholics, etc…) Isn’t it plausible that when “responsible” critics, journalists and other entertainers embrace Eminem as a “rebel,” it provides a glimpse into their own repressed anger at women, their own unacknowledged anxieties about homosexuality?

Isn’t it also plausible that after Eminem has posed for dozens of magazine layouts dutifully wearing the swoosh logo of the Nike corporation, he finds amusing how easily people buy the outlandish idea of him as a rebel?

found on www.jacksonkatz.com

What a bunch of bullshit! Yes I am a adult woman who happens to be a huge Eminem fan and those are exactly the kind of stereotypes I’m fighting against!
Those kind of comments are written by people who first show their ignorance of hip hop culture. Eminem is not the first rapper to use mysogynistic words in his lyrics.He’s not the first to use the word “faggot” in his songs, ”faggot ” being misinterpreted.The meaning of “faggot” in Eminem’s lyrics is
The content of Eminem’s lyrics are mysogynistic.For sure. But this doesn’t mean Marshall Mathers is a mysogynistic man.Those lyrics are NOT to be taken literaly, of course.I have experienced violence from men in my personal life, but I never felt bad while listening to Eminem’s lyrics, simply because I know they are not to be taken seriously.The attentive listener will know that he’s joking.
Eminem loves his daughter Hailie, but he also said he loved Kim.He clearly said they he was with her not because of Hailie, but because of the love he felt for her. “Kim” and “Bonnie and Clyde 97” are love songs.Eminem has been hurt by Kim who cheated on him, and he simply expressed it in his songs. Despite the problems he experienced with Debbie,his mom, Debbie said her son has never been violent towards Kim.
I have read some interviews of women who have met Eminem. They said that he was very polite and gentle towards them. He is also known by his neighborhood for being a nice and timid person. He is not what he is saying in his songs, Slim Shady is only a character.
Yes, Eminem expressed his rage towards his mom. He has sufffered from his mom’s behavior. Debbie used to suffer from Munchhausen’s syndrome.”Debbie used to treat her son badly and he justifiedly hates her for that!
“Cleaning Out My Closet ” is much more a therapy to teenagers who come from broken homes then an encouragement for young people to express their rage against their moms.
Some people need a psychiatrist, Eminem’s therapy is his music. He wants to share his dramas with his public.
8 Mile may be semi – fictional, but it teaches everybody a great lesson. It gives some hope to poor people, it shows them that anybody can make it.
Eminem is a rebel against the American’s policy for instance. There is nothing bad about it. He has destroyed the myth of the rich white American man.
If Dr Dre uses mysoginistic lyrics, which is a common thing in gangsta rap, female rappers also use degrading words for men in rap. There is nothing shocking about it. Those are just words…and music.

To all those people who keep stereotyping Eminem: please get a sense of humor!Or just don’t listen to him. And about the racial arguments: you’re totally wrong! Mr Jackson, your comments are a disaster for hip hop lovers. When will you learn to separate the truth from the entertainment?






8 responses to “Typical stereotypes about Eminem we need to fight against !”

  1. mrs. mathers avatar
    mrs. mathers

    i am a young eminem fan. i admire him so much because he is super talented. i have been a huge fan of him for 5 years now. theres nothing any eminem hater can say to make me stop loving this man. he is just kidding in his lyrics. if you were an eminem fan you would know. only his fans are the ones who know the real slim shady. not some haters with their stupid theories. he has never raped anyone in his life. hes said millions of times not to take his lyrics seriouse. us fans know that. im so sick of hearing people saying how abusive he is when you dont know a damn thing about him. he does not hate woman. he loves his wife and daughter very much. if you listen to his new cd “encore” you’ll see. just dont listen to his music if you dont like it. im always going to support eminem because he is talented, gorgouse and the realest rapper out there. eminem, im always gonna be on your side baby. now this is the truth. later.

  2. Regi avatar


  3. me avatar

    I think you are deffinitly an ass hole.

  4. mizzutti avatar

    nobody can hate eminem because he is complex…..sorry eminem have just a little bit of positive actitude….

  5. hannah avatar

    allright, you people all THINK WAY TOO HARD. Marshalls just had a fuckd up life like ANYONE ELSE IN THE WORLD, i agree about his doing his therapy in his music. He simply grew up not having anyone to talk to cuza his fked up mom.
    Who slightly blames herself. Obviously only because theres NO OTHER EXCUSE. Hes never had anyone to talk to. What his messed up girlfriend/wives. Im not a big eminem person but “cleaning out my closet” is a deep song. He hates him mom as he says in the song its not because he wants good hits on the song. And he is saying sorry to his mom, about dissing her a lot in the song. But i only dunt love eminem because he says in one of his songs i forget which one ” i rap like im an addict ” which proves, he is all talk. His lifes fked up but the most he does is pot maybe. Anyways he loves his daughter because he knows how messed up it is to have a terrible parent lay off the disses he’s been through hell.

  6. rob zombe avatar
    rob zombe

    lmfao allyall are apart of the great WHITE hype he is fake he’s never been in a real gang and he claims to be a gangster rapper lmfao omfg and he never shot paint balls at insane clown possie FUCK EMINEM he a poser who brainwashes urban middle class youth that its ok to be gangster

  7. lena avatar

    i thought he dissapeared for good but no such luck the conservative asshole is back

  8. Juci avatar

    Is that person for real? I’m a female who grew up with rap music for the most part of my life and hanged out with a violent crowd, yet I was never raped… and the abuse I did faced (had a gun pointed to my face and head smashed against a bathroom sink) I FOUGHT BACK! It’ll take elephant tranquilizers to put me down, so stop generalizing women and girls as all weak and can’t fight, because we can and do.

    I don’t blame the music, because believe it or not Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy, Jr (aka Killer Clown), Patrick Kearney, Timothy Krajcir and Jeffrey Dahmer didn’t grew up with violent rap music, yet they were all infamous serial killers. Get the hell out of here with the b*llsh*t that music forces boys and men into being violent towards others. Jack Thompson tried that sh*t years ago and failed. … and good reason too. The last thing we need is retards like that messing around with the constitution. It’s bad enough U.S. citizens are being raped by the government due to the Patriot Act… now these f*cks want the government to take away the first amendment.

    BTW, If a man/boy rapes, kills or harasses people there is a place where if that individual drops the soap they get a big, fat, nasty cock straight up his ass (prison). I send two guys in prison. I think what society needs to do is stop portraying boys and men as the bad guys and girls and women as weaklings. Eminem isn’t a bad guy, though fem-nazis love to portray him as such. These are the same b!tches who are trying to banned porn… f*ck them! What Eminem is is a guy who uses music as therapy… it just so happens people like the lyrics and are whiling to buy his music. Recently he had made some awesome music targeting the government and the military (serves them right in policing the world and serving foreign bankers), so he isn’t all about hating his mom and wife (I read he and Kim are back together). People who take music or television seriously have issues and shouldn’t be taken seriously, at least not as lovers anyways. I think you don’t give girls and women intellectual credit. Any female with an ounce of sense of reality and dignity would know to avoid the crazy ones (the ones who take any form of entertainment seriously).