Harry Potter is "evil"

United States: The pastor of a New Mexico church declared that Harry Potter is the devil and he is destroying people as he urged his congregation to join in a book-burning the Taliban would’ve been proud of. Pastor Jack Brock of the Christ Community Church in Alamogordo admitted he had never read the books.

As well as Harry Potter books, members of the church torched Stephen King books, ouija boards, recordings by Eminem and AC/DC and even a copy of Disney’s Snow White, all of which they called the work of the Devil. I hope they
bought these legitimately rather than stealing them to deny the artists their royalties!

Counter-protestors wore witch hats and carried brooksticks. One of them carried a Third Reich War Ensign and placards included one reading Hitler – Bin Laden – Pastor Brock – what great company. ‘Satanic’ Harry Potter books burnt –

Frankly, I despise this kind of intolerance.






8 responses to “Harry Potter is "evil"”

  1. Meryl avatar

    That’s disgusting. In fact, that pastor would love that Stephen King and J.K. Rowling are some of my favorite authors. He needs a good kick in the pants, I think the Harry Potter books will go down as classics.


  2. Tori avatar

    OMG I hate these idiots who think HP is evil!!!!!!!!I mean just because you read the books dosen’t mean your going to start practicing Wica or join some cult!!!!!! We read them for FUN F-U-N !!!!!!!!! Mabey those people don’t know what reading a book for peasure means.I am a Catholic and I don’t belive that you are going to burn in you-know-where for reading a book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Amie avatar

    “Where they burn books, they will also burn people.”
    –Heinrich Heine, German-Jewish philosopher

  4. carolyn avatar

    one of Harry Potter’s core messages is tolerance towards all. It was especially prevelant in book five: tolerance towards ALL people (even those you don’t agree with) and other forms of life. In the books, as well as in real life, this crucial issue is bandying about by the same people who burn books. Ironic, no?

  5. Hailey avatar

    Oh my goodness people! The books are fiction!!! Witchcraft is a matter of opinion and if you believe it then you are as bad as the other people! They’re only children and they wouldn’t even know about evil and things, you’ve probably put this idea into their head in the first place!

  6.  avatar

    Get over this, how pathetic are you if you believe that harry potter is the devil!

  7. James avatar

    Jesus christ, that guy needs a good slap in the face, Harry Potter! Evil! no mate, One of the best children’s books, yes. and AC/DC bl**y hel one of the greatest bands, how cares if it stands for anti-christ, devils child, those guy are no more the prince of hell than you, me or anyone else

  8. Green avatar

    Hi Sam! Photos i send on e-mail.