Todd Nelson

Todd Nelson is Debbie’s elder brother and thus Marshall’s uncle.
In the early 80’s, Marshall spent a few years with his uncle in Warren, Michigan, in a little house. The two family home was purchased by Eminem’s great grandmother Bessi Viola Whitacker in 1950 and has been put on sale on eBay in 2002 by Todd. Appearently, his financial situation didn’t allow him to keep the house :
« This is a very emotional thing for me, because this house has been in our family for 50 years. I didn’t want to sell it, but I had to because my finances won’t allow me to live here any more. »

Todd Nelson has made the DVD “The Man Behind The Mask” that is all about Eminem. The DVD certainly contains interesting stuff and allows you to view places like Eminem’s primary school, the house where he used to stay with his uncle and other significant and interesting places in Detroit where Eminem used to rap.

About his nephew, Todd says:

“It never occurs to me that he’s famous. I changed his diapers when he was a kid.”

According to Todd, Eminem was very protective towards his mom. When he didn’t like her boyfriend, the man had just to carry his luggage and leave their home.Todd talks about Eminem’s will to become famous and about Kim’s suicide attempt.

Some of his statements are unbelievable. He claims to be the first who has taught Marshall how to rap, what we may, of course, doubt : Eminem’s maternal uncle has never released any rap tape nor done any work related to rap music. Eminem denied his allegations.

He describes Marshall as a sissy, who was afraid to go fishing with him, because “the water was too cold”.
Todd also states Marshall has turned to the worst since he started making bad songs. Those statements sound funny from the mouth of a man who spent 8 years in a Missouri state prison for killing his brother-in-law.

Eminem’s uncle has rather shown a real eagerness to sell his nephew’s privacy to the British tabloïds and to talk about his sexuality which is really none of his business, no matter if those facts are true or not. (*)
Eminem’s fame shouldn’t allow him to talk about such private matters.

No doubt that both men’s relationship is bad. Todd stands on Debbie’s side, pretending that she was “real good to the boy”.
About Marshall’s mom, Todd says:
“His mother looked after him so well. He grew up not having to take responsibility for anything because Debbie did it all for him.”
But Debbie’s sick behavior is no longer hidden for the public’s eyes. He totally denies that Marshall has had a hard life and denies some facts related in 8 Mile.

Since Eminem became famous, many of his family members turned their back to him and focused their interest on his money. Todd also wants some publicity and tries to find a way to make easy money on Eminem’s back.

Eminem’s sentence summarizes it all: “My family has never been there for me. They expect things because we’re blood.”






3 responses to “Todd Nelson”

  1. Amy avatar

    That’s Disgustin can’t his family give him a break already! don’t care if he’s famous… Ha! then why are they turnin their backs on him? They should just give it up and find some snail out in the garden to pick on!!

  2. Isabelle Esling avatar
    Isabelle Esling

    Yea, I know.

  3. m.monaghan avatar

    todd nelson shot himself in the head in 2004,in case your thick he is now dead.