Eminem overrated ? Certainly not.

According to a US poll, some people think that Eminem and Britney Spears are the most overrated artists in the show business.

Honestly, I don’t grant Britney Spears any talent, and as far as I am concerned, the best product she can sell is her beauty.
But in Eminem’s case, it is different. I don’t care about the way he is marketted and about the image the media display of him.
-First of all, Eminem has talent. He has proven his lyrical skills and he is definitly gifted for rap. This man was born to be a rapper.
One could hardly contest Eminem’s mastery of the English language. His way to handle words and syllables make him unique in the world of hip hop.
– from his first to his most recent album, Eminem has always offered excellent and original work.
– Most of the artists become worst when their two first albums are successful. Eminem hasn’t disappointed his fans with the « Eminem Show ». The more mature he becomes, the better his work is.
– Eminem’s videos are well made and very original. He exactly knows how to captivate his public.
– Eminem wasn’t born with a golden spoon in his mouth. Unlike many stars in the showbizz, he came from nothing to stardom. He has worked very hard to become what he is now.

Some people may object that Eminem’s image is exploited by the media and that he has become a sex symbol. So what ? Eminem is not responsible of the image the media display of him. He is exploited commercially as well as J.K Rowling’s Harry Potter books. That’s just the way the show business and the industry work. None of the artists or celebrities can be held responsible for this.
But one thing cannot be denied : Eminem is a talented artist with a great personality which is the main reason of his massive success.
To the person who told me : « In a few years Eminem will be long forgotten, most overrated rapper ever… », let me tell you that you are totally wrong. A lot of people do appreciate Eminem for other reasons than his pretty face. We are numerous to be conscious that the talented rapper actually is a lyrical genius and a very gifted musician.






8 responses to “Eminem overrated ? Certainly not.”

  1. Afi K. James avatar
    Afi K. James

    Eminem may have talent and skills, but to he is overrated, and everyone calls him god should be ashamed.
    there are so much white rappers out there
    yet they don’t get some much praise.

  2. Blawhi Pimp avatar
    Blawhi Pimp

    “there are so much white rappers out there
    yet they don’t get some much praise.” We’re not talking about ‘white rappers,’ we’re talking about talent. Sure him being white makes him even more famous, but the guy has skill. This type of talent doesn’t matter if your black (Dr. Dre), White (Eminem), Chinese (Jin), or anyother race.

  3. Aaron Bendel avatar
    Aaron Bendel

    Is this the same magazine that rated ICP number 1 worst band? Does this mean their wrong!?!

  4.  avatar

    We really liked the website .. Thank you.

  5.  avatar

    I noticed somebody mentioned Jin. Yes Jin’s getting better everyday. If you didn’t know, there’s two very good websites that have a lot of information on Jin, along with exclusive tracks, mixtape tracks, and other type of media. Updated all the time! Please tell everyone about these websites and spread the word about Jin, he needs all the promotion he can get! Thanks.


  6. jiviweak avatar

    Jin’s vision is weak.

  7. ghhgjhgjghj avatar

    if theres any eminem fans in here….


    go here. it’s a new eminem book they wanna publish to silence the critics. e-mail them with your name age location, why you like eminem and how he changed your life. they need 200,000 signatures for it to be published.

  8. william reich avatar
    william reich

    eminem is overated because even biger overated rapers like dr. dre hype evryone up, just like 50 cent. all they are is pop stars without any inovation in there music. to be original people you cant be loved by 13 yr old girls