Eminem vs Moby

It is no secret for anybody that Eminem doesn’t like Moby at all. Not only that he doesn’t like his music, but he can’t stand Moby as a person either.
When Eminem doesn’t like somebody, he has the honesty to express it publicly, which is a rare thing in the music industry.

That’s what he expressed in an interview with Radio 1 :

“I don’t give a fuck who gets mad at me, I hate techno music, I’m sorry but I can’t stand it. Like, when I used to be on drugs it used to blow my high and like now that I can’t be on drugs it blows my high even worse. So just for the record, I hate techno music, so no matter how good Moby is, it’s not going to change anything.”

The feud between Eminem and Moby began when Moby expressed about the talented rapper at the 2001 Grammys and spoke out against his lyrics :

« The weird thing is that I actually do think that Eminem has skills as an MC, but it disturbs me that he glorifies homophobia and misogyny in his songs, especially seeing as his listeners are, for the most part, very impressionable 10-year-old boys. “I won’t be dissing him back (given the fact that my skills as an MC are terrible), … but I will say, as I said before, that musicians need to assume a certain artistic responsibility when their fanbase is very, very young.

“From my perspective, any music that glorifies abuse, misogyny, homophobia or racism is disturbing, but especially so when it’s targeted to a fanbase of 10-year-old boys. If you’re reading this, Eminem, thanks for the dis. No hard feelings from me. “

Of course Eminem has skills as an MC, but his lyrics need to be understood. Eminem listeners are not only 10 year old boys. In fact, Eminem’s audience is composed of various people from different social classes. Moby has certainly read Eminem’s lyrics, but he didn’t get their hidden sense. His words belong to typical stereotypes I’m fighting against.
And what probably angered Eminem is the fact that Moby brought back all those stereotypes which are due to a total misunderstanding of the artist.
Eminem retaliated against Moby in his well known and appreciated song « Without Me » :

“And Moby? You can get stomped by Obie
You thirty-six year old baldheaded fag, blow me
You don’t know me, you’re too old, let go
It’s over, nobody listens to techno”

And when Eminem interprets the song on stage, Moby gets “killed”. Or should I say: a Moby impersonator gets symbollically “killed” on stage while he flows in the air as a spaceman, to the greatest delight of the fans.

At the 2002 VMA Awards, Eminem won 4 awards all for “Without Me”:
-Best Video Of The Year – Without Me
-Best Male Video – Without Me
-Best Rap Video – Without Me
-Best Direction In A Video – Without Me (Director: Joseph Kahn)

Mtv’s pupeeter of Insult Comic Dog, Robert Smigel’s words against Eminem while sitting next to Moby were more than provocative:
[Eminem] should lighten up… I mean, my mom was a bitch too, but I don’t go writing songs about it. –Triumph

Moby was afraid for the safety of the puppet more than of his own safety when Eminem reacted badly and that actually sounds funny:

”I was more concerned for Triumph’s well-being. If Eminem wants to pick on someone, fine, pick on me, but don’t diss the dog-puppet. Triumph the dog-puppet is my hero. That’s the sole reason that I went to the VMAs. ‘Cos I love that little dog-puppet.”

Eminem reacted badly against Moby, calling him a lady and flipping the bird. In fact, the incident occured not because Eminem is deprived of any sense of humor, but because he had no idea of who Triumph was. Nobody had told him about what was going on, so Eminem thought the puppet was fabricated by Moby. Mr Smigel thought that his intervention would have a funny effect:

“They paired me with Moby, and I was like, ‘If I do Moby, it would be great to go from him to Eminem, since Eminem hates Moby.’ And they’re like, ‘Great, great, we’ll set you and Moby down near Eminem right before the bit. And I’m like, ‘O.K., are you going to tell Eminem?’”
“‘Ahhhh, he’s got a great sense of humor. He’s going to love it. Eminem, he’s funny!’ And, of course, he had no idea who Triumph was. He thought I was some puppet Moby had fashioned to torment him.”

At the 2003 VMA Awards, Eminem humored the past event while destroying a puppet of the crank yankers.
While he was receiving his” best male award”, Eminem got boeed and he thought Moby was booing him too:

“Sorry, that li’l Moby girl threw me out of my zone for a minute. Keep booing, li’l Moby-girl. I will hit a man with glasses.”
He apologized later on while receiving the best video award.

Moby pretends that it is untrue:

“And I do feel the need to clarify one last little point. When Eminem accepted his award I was not booing. Ironically enough, I was clapping because that seemed like the polite thing to do. Everyone around me was booing him, but I was sitting there politely clapping. I don’t know why he accused me of booing him, because for what it’s worth I certainly was not. Ok, that’s it.”

Eminem also called Moby a “pussy” and theatened to beat him up:

“The truth is that I honestly, in all sincerity, thought that the whole Eminem thing was done in some semblance of humor until Eminem called me a pussy(that was off camera) and then threatened to beat me up. I think that Eminem is talented and interesting but I’m kind of stunned at the anger that he has for me seeing as I’d never met him up until last night.”

Unfortunately, Moby should know that he cannot force Eminem’s sympathy. Like anybody of us, he will always find people who like him or some others who dislike him. His comments on Eminem’s are are pointless, though. As you probably know, Eminem’s lyrics are not to be taken literally.
Moby seems to respect Eminem as an artist, but he doesn’t seem to get his lyrics. But he’s far from the truth when he states some of his fantasies:

“He shoots me on stage, he dresses up like me in the video, talks about having sex with me in his song. I’ve figured it out. He has a crush on me. And at some point he found out that I was straight and he’s so upset and hurt, the fact that he has this unrequited crush on me, that’s why he’s so upset. I’m just waiting for Eminem to come out of the closet.”

He is crazy to think Eminem could have a crush on him. Matter of fact: Eminem can’t stand him.

When Moby got attacked at Paradise Club in Boston after a concert, some Eminem fans were suspected, but nobody can prove those people were actually Eminem fans:

“I am hardly the most physically threatening person . If anyone sees me in the next couple of weeks and I have some big bruises or stitches on my face, well at least you know why. I’m not angry, I don’t feel vindictive. I just hope that at some point in these guys’ lives they come to realise that hurting other people is wrong.”

If some fans of Marshall are involved, I would describe their behavior as plain stupid. Those are the kind of fans who usually give Eminem a bad name. But still, the rapper is not responsible for his fans crazy behavior if they happen to be involved in the incident.

I do appreciate Eminem for his honesty. He has the sincerity to show when he dislikes a person, which is something rare in a society where hypocrisy is priviledged before honesty. My request towards Marshall Mathers is following :

« Don’t ever change. Keep being yourself. We fans love you for that quality in particular. »

To quote Mr Vontese from Los Angeles about the 2002 MTV Awards:

“Eminem is an outstanding performer who is constantly booed and put down for being real. I was really upset that everyone at the awards loved him one minute and turned on him the next for being himself. Don’t follow the crowd. Love him or leave him the fuck alone! Keep being you, Em.”






15 responses to “Eminem vs Moby”

  1. ian avatar

    >”Eminem…. Love him or leave him the fuck alone!”

    Couldn’t this same advice be given to Eminem wrt Moby? After all, Moby is hardly the first person to level these criticisms at Em but he seems kind of obsessed with getting back at him. Why not just let it go? Why does he even give a f-ck what Moby thinks of him anyway?

  2. Isabelle Esling avatar
    Isabelle Esling

    What angered Eminem was Moby stereotyping his lyrics…
    If you summarize Moby’s thoughts about Eminem’s work they would be:”I admire him for his talent, but he is a violent mysogynist, an homophobe, a racist and an anti semite.”
    If people said the same things about me when their arguments are not justified, it would anger me too.

  3. john avatar

    most war films glorify war – by making anything the focus of art you add some kind of kudos to it where some people are concerned, albeit inadvertently – eminem if anything tries to give social insight – rather than plummimng for safe harbours of political correctness. j

  4. pauline avatar

    i love eminem he´s the best rapper!!! I LOVE HIM

  5. laura avatar

    To Ian: I think you’ve got a point there. I mean he gets that kind of diss all the time, why should moby who’s not even a rap artist matter to him? And I think that the reason of this obsession is just that he needed the publicity. And it worked. Think about it, if this kind of ‘fight’ had been just between some two rappers, only people who are interested about rap would have known about it, but because it was moby, a well-known technoartist now everybody knows. I think that even my parents have heard about it.
    And Isabelle. When you said: ‘When Eminem doesn’t like somebody, he has the honesty to express it publicly, which is a rare thing in the music industry’, then don’t you think that moby showed us real honesty when he first critisized Eminem? Wasn’t that as a matter of fact quite brave of him?
    And another thing, haven’t you heard that articles are usually supposed to be objective?

  6. Giorgio avatar

    I think that the lack of sense of humor is one of the worst thing that can ever happen to a human being.

  7. Aaron Bendel avatar
    Aaron Bendel

    “Moby has certainly read Eminem’s lyrics, but he didn’t get their hidden sense. His words belong to typical stereotypes I’m fighting against.”

    Kinda like you vs ICP and Esham <(ô_ô)V

    “And when Eminem interprets the song on stage, Moby gets “killed”. Or should I say: a Moby impersonator gets symbollically “killed” on stage while he flows in the air as a spaceman, to the greatest delight of the fans.”

    Wow, thats a good one eminem, no one will mess with you now!

    “Eminem reacted badly against Moby, calling him a lady and flipping the bird.”


    “Eminem also called Moby a “pussy” and theatened to beat him up:”
    Orrrrr have his 30 guards do it

    “He is crazy to think Eminem could have a crush on him. Matter of fact: Eminem can’t stand him.”

    And how do you know? I remember in elemetary school, if someone liked you, they picked on you.

    “the rapper is not responsible for his fans crazy behavior if they happen to be involved in the incident.”

    You fail to mention that he provoked it

    “If you summarize Moby’s thoughts about Eminem’s work they would be:”I admire him for his talent, but he is a violent mysogynist, an homophobe, a racist and an anti semite.””

    And eminem doesnt sing about this?!

  8. John avatar

    When is everyone going to realize Techno is far more advanced than rap music will ever be. Rap is full of plain beats, and useless lyrics put out by people who can’t even wear their pants on right.

  9. Isabelle Esling avatar
    Isabelle Esling

    You’re an insult to hip hop. If you don’t get this kind of music, just shut up and go away. I never insulted techno so far.

  10. MAJS avatar

    All I can say to the techno geeks here is…

    I’m sorry…that you find a need to even read this webpage… just go back to your electronicaly generated world.

  11. S G avatar
    S G

    Get a freaking life.

    I can’t believe I read this shit. I also can’t believe someone who doesn’t understand sarcasm (from Moby’s comments) actually is trying to prove some stupid point. One last thing, love him or leave him the fuck alone?? In other words, let him say and do whatever he wants. Let him ridicule anyone he wants but if he offends you, bite your tongue and leave him alone? Fuck You! This is America, not fucking Russia or China you stupid ass fool! The public has the right to dissaprove of you and what you do. Move to North Korea you bum!

  12. Pascal avatar

    I must agree with S G on his comment about the author of this blog who doesn’t even seem to understand the sarcasm in Moby’s words. There is a thing I want to say. All Eminem fans keep saying that him saying insulting things about pretty much everybody is a good thing. They pretend it’s good because he says what he thinks. However, the real question is to ask yourselves if you really care. So what if he doesn’t like his mother or Moby? So what? I don’t like apple juice, but I won’t start making songs or writing books about it.

    And wether you like it or not, one cannot say whatever he wants. Eminem is a loose cannon. Why should he have the right to go outside and insult everyone. If he believes all he says, good for him. But why should people pay money to listen to these things? I find this quite ridiculous. We all have different opinions. We all hate some things. But, hey. That’s life. Like I said, who cares if you hate dogs, roses, Vanilla Ice or whatsoever?

    And. That’s a bit funny. The thing about 10 year old kids listening to him might not be so wrong. I am a bit older. 18, in fact. I like his beats. However, his lyrics mean nothing. Sure, there will be people trying to find ”deep” meaning to his words. Good for you. But you have more chances of seeing your own illusions than a true intelligent sense to his words. Sad but true. So, what I’m saying is that kids like his lyrics, while older people just listen to the music.

    Moby is right when he says that Eminem has some responsibility towards his public. Kids can believe a lot of things. Really a lot…

    Well that’s it.


  13. MANNEY avatar


  14. Super douche avatar
    Super douche

    Dude you are a douche, you are totally sucking Eminem’s dick and portraying him in a light hat he can do no wrong. He is a bitter racist turd, the fact his own mother and girlfriend hate him says something, and one day his kid will too.

  15. John Powers avatar

    I’d love to interview Eminem.
    He’s a total washup… loser.

    The last two albums he put out were terrible.
    It’s like he forgot what got him there.

    Just recently started a webisode
    featuring puppets made of… my hand.

    If you like what Triumph did to him,
    just wait and see what my Hauppets
    would say to the washed-up rapper.

    Check out the Hand-Off here: