Eminem Buying Neverland? Nope … But Never Say Never

Eminem Buying Neverland? Nope … But Never Say Never


Can you imagine Eminem cleaning out his closet — and his giraffe pen, his carousel, his go-kart racetrack and his video game arcade?

US Weekly reported in this week’s issue that Eminem is considering purchasing Michael Jackson’s sprawling, carnival-like Neverland Ranch (see “Jackson Fans Binge On Candy, Slurpees, Ice Cream At Neverland”), but on Wednesday (February 18) Em’s camp dismissed the piece.

The magazine cites a source who claims Marshall Mathers is sick of cold Detroit winters and is looking for a nice area in which to raise his daughter, Hailie Jade. Several other media outlets, including television shows like “Access Hollywood,” have also run with the story.

“We don’t see him leaving Detroit anytime soon,” the rapper’s spokesperson told MTV News, playfully adding, “But you never know.”

Jackson moved out of the 2,700-acre property, located 90 miles north of Los Angeles in Santa Barbara County, after his recent legal troubles (see “Michael Jackson Pleads Not Guilty To Child-Molestation Charges”), though the property has been on the market for many months. The Santa Barbara County Assessor’s Office reported last year that the value of Neverland Ranch is $12.2 million, though Jackson had it listed for close to $50 million.

—Joseph Patel






4 responses to “Eminem Buying Neverland? Nope … But Never Say Never”

  1. vicky avatar

    nahhh em will never move out of detroit baby…he luvs it 2much-hes always rymin stuff bout it and its his home town hes hd 2 much shithappen to him there-its where his lfe is everythin tha has happened to him is there;8 mile;writin the slim shady lp;his famous house is situated there;he met haileys mum there;he grew up there and he got the shit kicked out of him y the at kid de angelo bailey now he is the best well known person in detroit baby

  2. chris i rap and im wite avatar
    chris i rap and im wite

    i want him to move to cali cause that is where i live and im making my demo right nom and it is going real good and i want him to hear it ive been talking to a family friend witch is a agent and he has meet em befor with a guy named lil z he is a good raper but em i will prob be dome wit my demo im a mounth so call me witch i dout u will but here is my nummber 1818 640 5128 all right i have to get back to my demo

  3. xxxkristaxxx avatar

    if eminem fucking buys never land im going to go fucking crazy that is the one of the most fucked up things in rap history! U kno i love u M just this is fucking mest up…..

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