50 Cent is not an homophobic man

In a recent interview given to Playboy magazine, 50 Cent expressed his views about homosexuality:

“I ain’t into faggots. I don’t like gay people around me, because I’m not comfortable with what their thoughts are. I’m not prejudiced. I just don’t go with gay people and kick it – we don’t have that much in common. I’d rather hang out with a straight dude. But women who like women, that’s cool.”

Some people may have been shocked by his statements, but I think he deserves respect for being honest. 50 Cent doesn’t feel comfortable in front gay people, and thus, doesn’t want to hang out with them. There is nothing degrading nor gay bashing in what he said. There is absolutely nothing to be shocked about: 50 Cent has the right not to go with homosexual men. It is his choice.

As he pointed it out, 50 Cent has been honest speaking his mind:

“It’s OK to write that I’m prejudiced.This is as honest as I could possibly be with you. When people become celebrities they change the way they speak. But my conversation with you is exactly the way I would have a conversation on the street. We refer to gay people as faggots, as homos. It could be disrespectful, but that’s the facts.”

The GLAAD approved 50 Cent’s honesty, but people of this organisation still have problems with his use of the word “faggot”. GLAAD’s People of Color Media Manager C. Riley Snorton said:

“We applaud his honesty in talking about the murder of his bisexual mother and appreciate his acknowledgment that he is not comfortable with gay people. We know that confronting homophobia can indeed be uncomfortable. A good way to start would be to attend GLAAD’s annual media awards. I’d like to invite 50 Cent as my personal guest.”

The GLAAD said: “it can be dangerous to use words like ‘faggot’ and ‘homo’ when talking about the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community.”I wish the GLAAD stopped with its susceptibility about the use of the word “faggot”. The organisation still has problems with it.

The GLAAD should seriously grow up.
In 2001, the Glaad has protested against Eminem, turning him into a symbol of homophobia as if Eminem was the first rapper to use “faggot” in his lyrics. As Eminem pointed it out, the word “faggot” in his lyrics means “sissy”. The song “Criminal”, where the word gets used with the meaning “gay”, is obviously a reaction against the Glaad’s accusation of homophobia.
People of the GLAAD don’t seem to know the world of hip hop very well. It is so common to use words such as “faggot” or “dyke” in hip hop lyrics. Scholly D did it long before Eminem and 50 Cent in “Saturday Night”:

“…and I thought it was
a gag, when I thought it was a girl, it was nothing but a fag”

NWA has also used similar words like “dyke” in “Gangsta Gangsta”:

“Dumb ass hooker ain’t nuttin’ but a dyke”

50 Cent, whose own mom used to be bisexual, cannot be targetted as homophobic. It would be a real mistake to do so.
People from the Glaad should stop taing each word of rap lyric literally. That would certainly help to push things forward.






101 responses to “50 Cent is not an homophobic man”

  1. Jay avatar

    Very interesting.

    So, to flip it around and reverse it, I’m a gay man and I don’t feel comfortable around street-wise, hip hop, straight, black, men.

    Am I racist?

  2. Lexx avatar

    50 cent’s mother being a bisexual doesn’t mean he can’t be homophobic. Theres plenty of white people who burn crosses
    and have black or mixed parents/relatives.

  3. Eminem Lova avatar
    Eminem Lova

    ILU 50 cent. i wanna lick u. dont listen 2 those gay ppl.ill always luv u.mauh.

  4. shola avatar

    Eminem’s use of language about gay people will influence
    young people to use those words towards gay people. Is that
    not giving a message to young people that it is not
    ‘cool’ to be gay?

  5. joey avatar

    he says “We refer to gay people as faggots, as homos. It could be disrespectful, but that’s the facts.” thats fine as long as hes fine with people referring to him as a black monkey.

  6. Coward IRC User avatar
    Coward IRC User

    right on!

  7. Hooba avatar

    Morons. Sexual preference is something completely different from sex, culture, or occupation.

  8. tom avatar

    ur all tree hugging hippies…..hes honest and i dont care i use those words all the time wut u gonna do….nuttin i didnt think do u fagggggs

  9. Peaches avatar

    Everyone who’s gay started stating that just because Eminem start saying
    faggot in his music that everyone mock him. No. From my understanding
    the word faggot have been out and been said. So squashed it. DAMN

  10. Anniefromdabronx avatar

    It is my beleife that when a person feels the need to openly
    bash or speak badly of someone who is gay or bisexual, than they
    are the ones who are indeed gay or bisexual. That means you 50
    cent. By the way, I heard you hang with GAME, who wears his hair
    blonde and has a toungue ring!!! so basicly u hang out with sissy’s urse;f!

  11. thending avatar

    Damn stop whining thats what yall get for making your decision. If my “preference” was to eat unhealthy food instead of healthy food then there would be nothing wrong with someone to call me dumb for doing it. So it all boils down to one’s decisions yall choose to be gay and he chooses to call yall faggots to say his decision is wrong is hypocricy. Also the word “homophobia” is bogus because it is easy to fear someone because of their choices, actions, or preferences such as a black boy fearing a racist or a person fearing a devil worshipper. So until homosexuality or bisexuality is proven to be a born defect then homophobia may not be a legitimate condition or term ,because then a phobia would be necessary every life affecting choice.

  12. Daniela avatar

    I think rapers now a day have no respect whets so ever towards others no matter if you are gay or not, RAP is not what it used to be before, now all the play in the ratio is garbage, I do like some 50 cent songs well I should say the beats because I honestly don’t like to hear what he has or that he shot some one or that he doesn’t like some one, I think RAPERS need to keep their drama to them selves and stop teaching children the violence they show on their videos, I am concerned about how they like to show people their before life style, now they are rich and famous, so leave the past where it belongs.

  13. Ashwin avatar

    Really, homosexuality isn’t a matter of choice? There are numerous studies that prove it isn’t the chances of it manifesting it can be amplified by genetics and psychological experiences. Even then if it was a matter of choice, devil worshippers and KKK members cannot be compared to homosexuals; people like that are trying to hurt people. Gay people aren’t out to hurt people any more than straight people. Gay people aren’t out to get 50 cent. That’s why it Homophobia is a legitimate phobia; its completely baseless and the object feared isn’t threatening at all.

  14. MeMe avatar

    Are Gays and Lesbians still comparing being a homosexual to being black.*Shaking my head* I have to remember next time Im in a conversation not to accidentally let it slip that I’m black.

    And another thing Why is it that homosexuals always pick names like “Gay” which means happy, “Glaad” that means Happy …Rainbow and Pride. When all you do is seek out other people who you think don’t like you and persecute them. Do you all really believe that’s how Proud Happy Rainbow people would behave…lol

    Muah Muah
    Love Yah!

  15. Jared avatar

    I ran into this forum on Google, and it pissed me off so much I had to post a reply.

    “I ain’t into faggots. I don’t like gay people around me, because I’m not comfortable with what their thoughts are. I’m not prejudiced. I just don’t go with gay people and kick it – we don’t have that much in common. I’d rather hang out with a straight dude. But women who like women, that’s cool.â€?

    Stop defending this ignorant fuckweed. Let me change this around to my own quote and see how offensive it can sound.

    “I ain’t into niggers. I don’t like black people around me, because I’m not comfortable with what their skin color is. I’m not prejudiced. I just don’t go with black people and kick it – we don’t have that much in common. I’d rather hang out with a white dude. But latinos, that’s cool.â€?

    “It’s OK to write that I’m prejudiced. This is as honest as I could possibly be with you. When people become celebrities they change the way they speak. But my conversation with you is exactly the way I would have a conversation on the street. We refer to black people as niggers. It could be disrespectful, but that’s the facts.�

    It’s funny how black people get so offended when a white person uses the word “nigger” to describe them, but when we complain about straight people using the word “faggot”, it’s so hard for everyone to comprehend.

    So stop being so ignorant.

  16. vegas pimpin avatar
    vegas pimpin

    You fuckheads are retarted who think 50’s wrong. Word up to 50 speaking his mind about faggets.

  17. your friendly neighborhood lesbian avatar
    your friendly neighborhood lesbian

    Looking at what all of you are saying is sad. It pisses me off that it is now 2005 and we are still arguing about all of this crap. Oh, well. Human beings as a species just appear to be a bunch of assholes as it is, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. I am a gay woman. I’ve b girls all my life. Yes, ALL my life. I’ve had crushes on girls since I was 3 or 4 years old. I did date some guys, even slept with a few. But guess what. It did NOTHING for me. I broke up with them as fast as I got together with them. I still am friends with some of my ex-boyfriends, even rescued one of them several years ago from attempting suicide. But I do not want to be with men. The lying about who I am got really old really quick, and I’d rather have family members who never were good to me anyway hate my ass than to not be with the woman I love. And my relationship with the woman I consider my wife for the past six years has been the best I have ever had with anyone.
    What might be funny as hell to some people is that one of the reasons my wife and I got together was that we discovered how much both of us love hip-hop music. As a matter of fact, her college thesis was on the history of hip-hop, going all the way back to the griots of West Africa. Oh, and she interviewed Red Alert over the phone for it. Yes, THE D.J. Red Alert. And we know we’re not the only dykes who dig rap. A LOT of gay people like rap. Sorry if this chaps anyone’s asses, but it’s a free country. We’re a couple of white lesbos who like rap. Deal. Oh, and by the way, we love 50 Cent and always have loved Eminem. Do I feel okay when we hear either of them, or anyone else, use words like “faggot”? No. But I’m not one to ban the use of certain words just because they come across as derogatory toward anyone else. Words have power, and if you don’t like a word cuz it is directed at you and hurts you, OWN IT. I don’t own the right to use the word “n___er” (which is why I won’t even write it up here). But I do own “gay,” “lesbo,” “dyke,” “queer,” etc. You wanna use those words against me as ammo? Go right ahead. I don’t give a fuck. Yeah, I’m a dyke, I’m a muff-diver, what’s your point? I’ve gotten to the point emotionally where I’m too strong for your verbal abuse to matter. You can call me whatever you want. But the moment you try to physically or legally attack me, start acting like a Nazi, you’ve got another thing coming. Then you’re dead shit.

    Oh, and why do some of you people think I *chose* to be gay? Do you honestly think people like me *choose* to be treated like crap by family, be called stuff left and right, face the kind of danger we face from full of it politicians and from skinheads who wanna bash our heads in with a two by four?? Do you think Matt Shepherd *wanted* to be battered and left to die in the middle of some field in bumblefuck Wyoming?! GET REAL!!! “Gay” is what we got called because so many homosexual men used to hang out on Gay Street in Greenwich Village in NYC. We chose the rainbow as a symbol because we wanted to get the message across that our community is just as diverse as straight people’s. And the pink thing was because the Nazis put pink triangles on gay men’s jackets to identify and humiliate them in public, just like they did with the yellow stars that they made Jews wear. Next time that you want to start going off about stuff that you don’t understand, do some goddamn research before you start.

    Above all else, just wanted to say that even if I disagree with what 50 and Eminem and whoever else may say about people like me and my wife, as long as they aren’t talking like some other artists I won’t mention who think that we should be exterminated, whatever. I think that Eminem performing with Elton John said it all. So I’ll follow his lead and just flip the bird.

  18. Shyna avatar

    I went through the whole “gay phase” or whatever, and I’ve known a lot of homophobic and confused people, but whenever it comes to gay people, I just say what I feel like saying. If I call a gay guy a fag or a lesbian a dyke, they don’t take it to offense. If I were to use it in a mean sense, SOMETIMES THEY WILL, but it’s like, don’t get hung up on words. It’s just like black people calling each other nigga and then white people using it and it being wrong. My friends, white and black and asian and spanish, we all call each other nigga and spic and chink and we’re just like, whatever about it. Yeah, they’re racist. But only because someone MADE THEM racist. Anyway, I love damn near everyone, regardless of what I “call them”. And 50 Cent is rockin cool, so ya ya ya.

  19. KL avatar

    Shyna is right…… words are only racist because someone made them racist….. just like swear words were made swear words….

  20. K41N avatar

    all of you shut the hell up 🙂 if you really gave a fuck about gays being discriminated against by rappers, here isnt the place to talk about it. it may be just making replies or whatever, but some of the stuff you’re saying looks a bit too passionate, like you’ve really put thought into what you’re saying. dont waste your time on here. if you’re passionate enough about the subject, dont post useless replies on someone’s blog. get yourself a damn picket sign and start another gay supremacist group or some shit. thats the way people in the usa get shit done…. fuck the us. get your ass to europe, we argue about real shit, none of this GAY shit…

  21. Tony avatar

    I know this guy he likes black cock. bigdon@gmail.co]

  22. Tony avatar

    50 cent is awesome and should pistol whip faggots and then run them over in his black escalade and if they still live he should ram his 14inch cock down their throats til they choke.

    shit can i post shit like this here!!

  23. Jared avatar

    Sorry folks about all those comments about ‘niggers’. I shouldnt have said all that. I remember that there was this black guy is name was Nigel. The guy would hand around and screw whores and play with himself on the street corner. Anyway I never knew who my dad was so i asked my mom who he is – Nigel is my dad dam Im half black and my mum was one of those whores.

    Aint life a bitch

  24. noreen avatar

    yow people, why the fuk u barking like a bunch of pit bulls.. its a multicultural society all thisis natural so get used to it beeeee
    n by the way its upto anybody however they want to live whats it to you lot..
    are you their mother’s
    stop butting in to others bizzz

  25. noreen avatar

    live your own life coz dis world is a
    b i t c h
    so keep yourselves to yourseslf..
    n fuk these dirty bastards
    gays and lesis
    ur damn sad man…
    how do you make love
    shes gt a vagina and so has she so what do you do
    i really want to kno….

  26. diddy avatar

    wanna know the funniest part about all of it? 50 cent is a closet homosexual. i knew him growing up and his mother raised him without a dad and she was a lesbian. isnt it unusual that he is almost always shirtless in every picture? thats kidn of strage for a “straight” guy. look past the videos with girls and the thuggish appearance. 50 cent hates gays because deep down he hates that he IS gay. this is not a joke. you shall see.

  27. laz avatar

    in that case its ok for eltons next big hit to be all about niggas. how he hates niggas and thinks they should all be shot.

    50 cent is justifying his homophobia, would elton get away with justifing rasicm?

    dont say its not the same, prejudice has the same principle, hes a prejudice twat. period.

  28. thebc avatar

    the thing is though homosexuality is wrong and they are all dirty faggot perverts and should be kept away from children.as for racism and sexuality there 2 completely different things,50 cent cant choose not to black but a queer can choose not to put his cock up another mans arse.

  29. laz avatar

    Sexuality isn’t a choice, you choose to go to collage – or not, you choose to learn guitar – or not. You are ‘born’ black and you are ‘born’ gay – there is no ‘choice’

    There is also no connection between homosexuality and paedophilia. For you to say so makes you grossly uneducated and ignorant

  30. Somebody avatar

    you guys are chatting bull talking on “niggers”. there is such word called wiggers and there are black homo’s and bi’s (chingy)
    and dont talk about his mom as a lesbian cos how the hell would he have be born..
    black people and gay’s are different
    though you cant choose your colour or whether your gay , but why dont i hear you guys on about “wiggers” cos in my area there’s lots of em
    i aint a homophobic but i admit i dont feel comfortable around gay’s can you blame me..
    what if one tries to rape me (not saying i hate them)i say homo’s not faggots or gay’s (which might be wrong?)
    there was once slavery
    but nothing like that for gay’s
    this post probably dont make sense i was in a rush
    one last messege :
    You Call 50 a nigger and your white,
    Im Calling You a fucking posh retarded wigger…..
    That Is All

  31. Somebody avatar

    also dont u guys stop to think there are white homophobes but you dont diss em do you?

  32. Somebody avatar

    check this out homophobic people and racist people are wrong…

  33. laz avatar

    uneducated idiot.

  34. shanice avatar

    gay ppl r sick. i dont like em either dey hav a sick twisted mind n all of dem shuld change or spend etrnity in hell.+ 50 sent is fione n i mean fineeee!!!!

  35. Somebody avatar

    dont call me an uneducated idiot i was just defending both peoeple
    i stand by my other words posh retarded wiggers.

  36. Vkob avatar

    Look… People are not going to like you whether you are straight, gay, black, white, albino… Whatever. Sometimes for no reason people just don’t like people. I don’t have anything against homosexuals but I use words like gay all the time. I use the word as slang. When I say, “this weather is gay” I don’t actually mean that the overcast skies are homosexual. If you make a snap judgement about me being a homophobe, then you end up being worse then me. You don’t even know who I am. What if I’m gay and saying gay is my “right”.

    By the way, the reason black people get offended when you call him or her a “nigger” is because, beleive it or not, black people went through way worse shit then gay people. WAY FUCKING WORSE. They don’t even bitch half as much. I fucking can’t believe that some of you homosexuals have a grudge against 50 cent for saying he doesn’t like male homosexuals and that he uses words like fag or gay. So many other rappers use those words all the time, they are just not as popular and you don’t see them so it doesn’t bother you.

    The man gave his honest oppinion. Today you can’t even have a fucking oppinion anymore due to all this politcal correctness. I have nothing against gay people that aren’t like proactively gay. By proactively gay, I mean people that like defend thier homosexuality before anyone even has a chance to “threaten” it and make faggy parrades that paralyse traffic just to show that they have “pride”. Fuck that, why not have a straight parade. Fuck off we’re all the same, you’re not special, so take your parade and fuck off until a team of homosexuals lands on the moon or something.

    On a side note, this is why I hate femenists too. Women have been objectified for like fucking ages! Cavemen probably drew stick figure chicks with big boobs on cave walls; why not boycott neanderthals?

    50 cent is the most humane rapper in my oppinion, and genuinly a good person. I don’t know him, but from what I’ve heard him say, he’s more open then any other rapper. Just because he doesn’t like fags doesn’t make him an asshole. He didn’t say hate, and his own my was a lesbian. Maybe he just doesn’t like that about his life and he feels vunerable or something and doesn’t ever like the notion of being with a gay man because of it. YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY PEOPLE THAT GET PERSECUTED AND SINGLED OUT.

  37. Vkob avatar

    About the word “nigger”. That word symbolises the racial discrimination blacks went through for centuries. They where slaves, and even in the 20th century where treated as 2nd class citizens, on top of having thier chuches burned down with the fucking congregation inside, and no one did a thing. That is why they get offended.

    When someone calls you a fag, it reminds you how someone teased you in highschool. Throughout history gay people haven’t had half as much shit as black people. In the Greek and Roman empires, a lot people where bi or gay and that was fine. So seriously… If you really believe we’re all the same (which we are), stop parading and shut the fuck up. There are shitloads of people that have it worse then you.

  38. Pro-People avatar

    It’s true that someone being called ‘fag’ doesn’t carry with it the same burden as the n-word, but it makes it no less dangerous to use either. Imagine walking up to a black person and calling them n___er to their face. You’d start a fight. Similarly people who get called gay and dyke in schools, or on the streets also carry fear: they dont’ know whether someone is just beinf a prick, or if they might hurt them physically. Freedom of speech is the most important tool we have here in the US, and we should appreciate it, but if You go up to a cop and say “fuck You” to him, he might and has the right to arrest You for verbal assault. It isn’t right to make fun of anyone, especially for the Bible thumpers who feel being gay is wrong. God dind’t say to treat humans as You would like to be treated, with the exception of gays. Somehow this entire blog turned into a black/gay thing, so I’ll include a comment on that. Unfortunately being called fag/dyke IS the same as being called a nigger – just to different people. To a gay person, the two words cut a deep wound, especially if there’s a sense of physical harm.threat attached such as “I’m going to beat Your ass faggot”. Why is it that black people went through the horrible burden of slavery and discrimination and abuse, and yet they cannot see the same pain (although in much different form, due to the times in which we live) which the gays carry? If You’re a Christian You should know better than to degrade homosexuals, b/c even God doesn’t teach that. How much more could we accomplish if the oppressed groups joined forces? People think about problems of a certain community as not their own, but the community is part of a larger group and we all belong to that one. 50 Cent had the right to say he feels uncomfortable around gay people, but he could at least use respectful language. If I substituted the word “breeder” (that’s what us gays call You procreators) You’d find it offensive, even appalling that a person from a minority would refer to a person of the majority with such language. The blacks are also considered a minority, Hispanics (although I don’t know why, seeing as how the United States is about 20% Latino) and all the many other ethnic minorities we have. Well gays comprise about 3-5% of the US population, so we’re really a minority – there is absolutely no reason for homophobia with such a small ‘threat’. Get real – most gay people prefer to sleep with and date other gay people, so if You’re some stud at a club scared to get hit on by another guy remember this – You’re too pompous for Your own good. What makes You think the cute gay boy would want Your straight unattainable self in the first place? Aren’t there things like Crazy President Bush to worry about? Let’s stick to real fears, not made up problems based on the way You were brought up (i.e. Bible-thumping family, gay family, KKK, in the ghetto)

  39. gay female avatar
    gay female

    Regarding the above comment, nicely said!

    I’m a gay female and get significantly offended by straight people using homophobic slang.

    Yes he was honest and open, nevertheless what he said was offensive and he contradicted himself,

    ‘I aint into faggots, I don’t like gay people around me’
    then goes on to say ‘I’m not prejudiced’

    I’m afraid he is, evidently. Put it like this,
    If I said ‘I aint into niggas, I don’t like black people around me’ I wander would that be seen as racist? Of course it would, becasue it would be racist much like he is homophobic in his use of language.

    He is, like it or not, using offensive language, using words like ‘homo’ and ‘faggot’ is grossly offensive to the gay community. Much the same as the word ‘nigga’ is to the black community.

    As for the homophobia on this forum I think it just goes to show that people will never be accepted for who they are, gay, black, fat, thin, tall short.

    It’s a harsh reality. All I know is I wont let people with your views have an effect on me in my life or the way I live it. And I hope that one day you realise that the people you sleep with doesn’t shape who you are as a person.

  40. Somebody avatar

    “gay female” someone already said that.
    I was doing some research and found out most of y’all arent even being racist by saying nigga
    cos nigger and nigga have their differences..
    Nigger = A Black Slave
    Nigga = An Ignorant Person
    Obviously most people dont really know the differences and probably wont ever believe what i just said.
    I used to play a game called EF1, a bit like halo and that lot on PC (first person shooters,online)
    well like most online games there was a chat facility
    now EF1 aint really popular only like 100 people play it
    i managed though somehow to find 2 gay men and a lesbian
    one of the gay men who i never knew was gay was very close to me he taught me alot and we were pretty close online-buddies,
    when him and the other guy told me he was gay i was ofcourse shocked i mean you gay people imagine how your parents took it when you told them you were gay (if you have)
    At first i didnt feel like talking to him again .. from there i knew or atealse thought i was homophobic
    but then he showed me gay people are just the same as straight people they dont hafta talk about gay sex online as we dont hafta talk about straight sex they keep it to themselves,
    I mean Sexuality isn’t a choice and it aint your choice to judge people by it..
    Those Who are Homophobic have lives that just revolve around sex who cares if someone likes men?
    if your friend is gay and the same sex as you dont get scared he wont pull on you knowing you are straight i mean Get Real!
    i met another rap fan who was black (just like me) but who was homophobic to the EXTREME!
    i mean he was like the hitler who wanted to make gays extinct.. (but you cant extinct gays but you can extinct blacks,mixed,jews,muslims,christians) cos the parents choose their childs colour by their colour and their partners colour
    you cant help being your sexuality and thats final people get over it.
    But thats just life, as 50 said ‘hate it or love it… we’re in a cold world’.
    Maybe one day we will just accept people for who they are , see the beauty in them instead of what we find to be the ugly side, another thing can you guys please stop comparing homophobia to racism,
    Because after what i just said i hate to stir shit up or sound like a hippocrit but as someone said already
    You Choose To Shove a Cock up another man’s ass/mouth
    or the ladies you choose to shove your tongue/dildo/fingers up another womans vagina
    and with black people you cant change your colour.. just because countries like england and U.S are more advanced then africa dont mean they are better..
    i mean without africa i think the white peoples land would be nothing..
    they use oil from africa,textures,jewlerry and other shit Europe and America Would be nothing without Asia/Africa
    And if your religous in the bible it says homosexuality is wrong, not saying i am a homophobic, i just dont like to see 2 men kissing in the street.. Nothing wrong with that,
    is there?
    (Sorry Again if my post didnt make sense im always in a rush..)

  41. AnDy avatar

    i rekon 50 tlkin sense
    u dnt trust em n der frts if u aint inot wot dey into den u jus not kl wit da tings dey do r ya.

    it aint homophobic it sence n it wot 50 timks least e says it 2 people insted of bein 2 faced

  42. AnDy avatar

    n i tink um peepz on ere r jus sayin dis shit coz ov wot 50 sed but dey dnt reeli tink it dey jus bein suk ups

  43. gay stompa avatar
    gay stompa

    yo i think kids should use those words 50 addressed fags with cuz no its not ok to be gay.. u faggots need to stop wining… i think kids should learn through offensive words that gay is wrong.. and use them against all gay people.

  44. Someone avatar

    RIGHT ON gaystompa!
    i was just tryin to reason with them but i know what i feel inside is what you just said..

  45. skye avatar

    it’s truly amusing how the uneducated of the group (read the comments, and you know all those i’m speaking of) speak poorly of gay people and those who use more educated terms speak positively of them.


    you know, studies show that those who display the most homophobia also demonstrate arousal to homosexual sex images.

  46. syke avatar

    and to add i wanna suck one of you straight men cocks.

    If you say no i will be intact and ready to rape you.

  47. Somebody avatar

    I hope you aint calling me dumb syke , because i find myself smart and cant tolerate people being so rude..
    and anyway I was “against” and “for” homosexual’s
    I never Said that ‘Right On GayStompa’ crap someone else with my name said it.
    I am perfectly straight and do not get turned on by gay sex unless I’m Thinking of a girl sucking my cock or me doing a girl from behind..
    I am disgusted when I see 2 men , 2 women kiss..
    But Off that subject please stay mature syke instead of asking to “suck us” or “rape us”, Because that is certainly going to far.

  48. Somebody avatar

    I was doing some research and found out most of y’all arent even being racist by saying nigga
    cos nigger and nigga have their differences..
    Nigger = A Black Slave
    Nigga = An Ignorant Person
    Obviously most people dont really know the differences and probably wont ever believe what i just said.
    I used to play a game called EF1, a bit like halo and that lot on PC (first person shooters,online)
    well like most online games there was a chat facility
    now EF1 aint really popular only like 100 people play it
    i managed though somehow to find 2 gay men and a lesbian
    one of the gay men who i never knew was gay was very close to me he taught me alot and we were pretty close online-buddies,
    when him and the other guy told me he was gay i was ofcourse shocked i mean you gay people imagine how your parents took it when you told them you were gay (if you have)
    At first i didnt feel like talking to him again .. from there i knew or atealse thought i was homophobic
    but then he showed me gay people are just the same as straight people they dont hafta talk about gay sex online as we dont hafta talk about straight sex they keep it to themselves,
    I mean Sexuality isn’t a choice and it aint your choice to judge people by it..
    Those Who are Homophobic have lives that just revolve around sex who cares if someone likes men?
    if your friend is gay and the same sex as you dont get scared he wont pull on you knowing you are straight i mean Get Real!
    i met another rap fan who was black (just like me) but who was homophobic to the EXTREME!
    i mean he was like the hitler who wanted to make gays extinct.. (but you cant extinct gays but you can extinct blacks,mixed,jews,muslims,christians) cos the parents choose their childs colour by their colour and their partners colour
    you cant help being your sexuality and thats final people get over it.
    But thats just life, as 50 said ‘hate it or love it… we’re in a cold world’.
    Maybe one day we will just accept people for who they are , see the beauty in them instead of what we find to be the ugly side, another thing can you guys please stop comparing homophobia to racism,
    Because after what i just said i hate to stir shit up or sound like a hippocrit but as someone said already
    You Choose To Shove a Cock up another man’s ass/mouth
    or the ladies you choose to shove your tongue/dildo/fingers up another womans vagina
    and with black people you cant change your colour.. just because countries like england and U.S are more advanced then africa dont mean they are better..
    i mean without africa i think the white peoples land would be nothing..
    they use oil from africa,textures,jewlerry and other shit Europe and America Would be nothing without Asia/Africa
    And if your religous in the bible it says homosexuality is wrong, not saying i am a homophobic, i just dont like to see 2 men kissing in the street.. Nothing wrong with that,
    is there?
    (Sorry Again if my post didnt make sense im always in a rush..)
    P.S ,
    Check this out homophobic people and racist people are wrong…

    I think You Saw that before But I think you should read it again, especially those links..

  49. G unit soldier avatar
    G unit soldier

    rite then ppl, str8 up, FCK GAyz, fck homo’s, fck faggots, woteva u wanna call em, theyre scumbags, theyre aint nuthin gud bout a man wantin put his dik in anotha man! wots rong with u ppl? n im onli bein onest wen i say if u dnt like niggas TOUGH SHIT, word up 50!

    G UNIT muthafckas thats whats up

  50. undisclosed avatar

    Shut the fuck up you innate fuckwit.

  51. undisclosed avatar

    -> 3: What the fuck possessed you the post that? How about you go and lick a street corner where there’s plenty of traffic…

    -> 8: I’ll also be honest as well in saying that you’re a fuckwit; ‘wut u gonna do fuckwit!’.

    -> 16: “Word up� to the first person who decides to wrap a steel bat around your head.

    -> 22: You seem content to ramble on about faggots when you come across as gay yourself with your “fascinations� of 50 Cents 14 inch.

    -> 25: “so keep yourselves to yourseslf..� – How about you take heed to your own advice; and FUCK OFF.

    -> 34: Why don’t you just return to your shit pit of a bedroom and carry on using that grotty vibrator to pleasure your cunt over your posters of 50 Cent.

    -> 41-42: When you were a small child, did your mother throw you around the walls some because your choice of language suggests intense brain damage.

    -> 43: Well your obviously a complete retard as well aren’t you, sir-think-a lot – certainly you are a prime example of the current scum that’s bringing up our future generations.

  52. Somebody avatar

    You talking to me?
    had to hide your name but I’m Guessing you are Syke…
    well hopefully you were talkin to G-Unit Soldier..
    who as ‘Syke’ Rightfully pointed out is Un-educated..
    Suprising How those who speak against gays are really un-educated ..
    But Off that..

    Lets think of Black People what they went through:
    -Verbal Abuse
    -Physical Abuse (wrong spelling?)
    and much more..

    Slavery, locked up in chains blacks were forced to do stuff they shouldnt have done.. Moved on to different house’s and suppousedly treated like dirt (not really explainatory but hey it could take hours to write all.

    Exclusion, People Left out seperated.. small cramped busses which stunk and was never maintened because the white didn’t allow it,Also White people would also give blacks bad education they basically created the way we act today.

    Verbal Abuse, Being Called Certain words such as ‘Niggers’ which obviously meant a black american slave as this was sent to them in a bad manner.

    Physical Abuse,
    Beating them up, I was watching a film i saw a black woman who’s family had saved for ages money for food for her family.
    a man driving a car threw a can at the bags which she was holding causing all her shopping to drop. Imagine ALL THE MONEY SHE SAVED UP!
    they probably charged her extra price at the supermarket aswell.
    The men then started to relentlessly beat her up which ended in her being hung on a tree with a cable.

    I could only imagine a black child at a school full of white boys and teachers the child would probably sit alone and be laughed at by the children Being Called ‘nigger and negro’ and spat at while the whole school laughed and pointed..

    I haven’t really studied black history i will next year I’d Love to see if we’re still talking about this by then..

    I’ll carry on soon

  53. Somebody avatar

    Now lets think about gays..
    bare in mind that its easy to hide the fact your gay
    You dont have to walk a certain way or dress a certain way or talk a certain way to be gay.. You dont even need to kiss a man in public all you need to do is go gay bars
    Simple right? that way you aint getting discriminated.
    Yeah I know words such as F*ggot and Dy*e
    are offensive, but no one needs to know your gay because a majority of people are homophobic just hide the fact your gay and your safe (WAS REALLY IN A RUSH AND WAS TIRED)
    sorry i didnt go deep into this but I am getting tired
    P.S i never have said f*ggots or dy*e
    because i find it rude, just as you guys saying Nigger/Nigga/Negro/Black Monkey etc.. is rude which you guys are proving your racism which is also wrong , making you guys the true Un-educated Fuckwits
    Yeah “word up nig , holla at’cha boi”
    we hear that everyday but before you get rude to them.. think about why they act this way.. you’ll find you white men caused it.

  54. undisclosed avatar

    My posts were mainly directed at the delusional idiots who have added their comments – such as ‘G unit soldier’.

  55. wht race am i? avatar

    well i totally agree with undisclosed i think his comments are totally valid unlike sum of the worthless crap on ere. May i say that your names made me piss!! ciao

  56. Stupidity of Epic Proportions avatar
    Stupidity of Epic Proportions

    The stupidity of such rappers as Fifty Cent or those who defend him are astounding! I guess I’m going to be an idiot and suppose for a minute this lowlife doesn’t really hate gays. Yeah just like I’m going to suppose for a minute that someone who made a statement like, “I’m not real comfortable around niggers.” doesn’t really hate black people. Are you an idiot? This kind of nonsense has been going on since Eminem. Terms like faggot, nigger, kike, etc. fuel hatred and any rapper who uses them in an interview or in a song should be rallied against. The problem is remaining silent or even worse trying to excuse it like this moron. For years music was used to free minds of such ignorant narrow mindedness. Now so many of these rappers are setting back all that has been accomplished through music uniting people of all kinds!

  57. Vkob avatar

    I don’t understand why people have to hate other people who are different then they are. You may think being gay was wrong, but lets assume that being a heterosexual was wrong. How would u feel about being hated and ridiculed for something you can’t change about yourself. All you Str8 Ganstaz can’t imagine blowing your load into some guys ass, but what if “nailing” a “biotch” was the unorthodox (look it up) thing to do? What would you do? Would you just try to like da boi nex door yo? Instead of spending your energy on hating someone for being who they are, you should concentrate on learning how to spell, because I think the reason you spell incorrectly is because you can’t really spell correctly. Or maybe maybe spelling inkorrectly is TOTALLY KOOL TO DO MAX YO! Get your ass back in school, and apply yourself to something productive instead of hating gay people home boys

  58. Vkob avatar

    56…. I don’t know wtf to say to that… Because if I remember correctly, during the holocaust, gays where one of the first groups to be sent to gas chambers, and wheren’t even let out of concentration camps still 1947, at which time the allies finally let them out. But you seem to say that EMINEM is the sole reason people hate gay people now-a-days. Some people have been raised to hate gay people because of thier religious beliefes and what not and they can’t help but dislike homosexuals. They can’t change, just like a homosexual can’t just magically turn straight. It seems to me, for someone who is supposedly preaching tollerance, you really only preach tollerance for gay people, and seem to say every other minority can go fuck itself. Even in the great country of America, red necks in the southern states hated gay people as much as they hated black people in the 50s. The only thing worse was a gay black person (I feel bad for that guy…) SO don’t approach this shit with the angle that Eminem and 50 cent have started homophobia in America up again. It was always there and at the risk of sounding like Bill O’Reily, “Shut up” and quit blaming rappers for something that they didn’t even start.

  59. Stupidity of Epic Proportions avatar
    Stupidity of Epic Proportions

    58…go back and read what I wrote again you moron. I’m talking about how using words in music that perpetuate hatred and violence that of course was around way before these rappers topped the charts was popularized by Eminem! Fifty Cent is nothing more than Eminem’s bitch and following his lead because he is his protege Eminem and Dr. Dre took from crack dealer to rap star. Rap in general perpetuates violence not only towards gays but in general. That’s something else for all you jackasses buying and eating up this shit the record companies are selling these days! It’s one thing not to agree with a lifestyle, orientation, race, etc. It’s a whole other thing to promote violence and hatred towards a particular group by making statements, lyrics, etc. that further what a particular minority lives with every day! This is not ok to many people but they’re scared of speaking up. They are being bullied by fear because they want to be part of what’s hip and cool right now. This is quite simply a new form of oppression in the 21st century and many of us aren’t going to sit back and be the target of this shit anymore! That’s why so much of this rap and its “stars” has to go! Enough!

  60. Somebody avatar

    Well, Nowadays not much people listen to the actual lyrics but they listen to the chorus,hook.. Only a rock hard fan of rap would listen to words like I do..
    But like I said, I have “Never” said F*ggot or dyk* in my life , sure I cant stop myself from thinking the word, but i believe in what they say “If you have nothing good to say, dont say it at all”
    Now Look at us all somebody goes and disses the gay community they’d be like ‘Excuse me please take that back?’
    then we go off dissing the black community and we hear ‘Yo blud ima murk u cos u gayz r f*gs n’ dat ain rite bitch, shout outs to my nigga’s yo word up to all y’all im still here keepin it reel.’
    This is not only fo blacks but wiggers alike or as people in england like to call themselves ‘Chavs’
    But Hah! dont blame it on us , like i said you cause the way we act today..

    Note: I am Black I just dont act tough and hard.. yeah so i wear baseball caps and nike clothes but i think.. This Whole Being Cool shit is just temporary and dangerous I need to think about my future my job etc..
    It’s sad to see adults like ja rule and 50 cent arguing like teenagers in my school do.

    Translation to all my nigga’s!
    Yo Ima Nig 2 bro,i jus dun feel tight actin tough u hear me? that shit is loose but that dun mean i dun wear baseball caps and dont hav a crew yo i wear nikes n’ addidas those crep’s r crazy bro , yo any1 else wear those holla back, but come on peeps we gotta fink on our future s’only fo the best, ya heard?

  61. Somebody avatar

    Lol i just find this hilarious Im bringing this shit back.
    -> 3: What the fuck possessed you the post that? How about you go and lick a street corner where there’s plenty of traffic…

    -> 8: I’ll also be honest as well in saying that you’re a fuckwit; ‘wut u gonna do fuckwit!’.

    -> 16: “Word up� to the first person who decides to wrap a steel bat around your head.

    -> 22: You seem content to ramble on about faggots when you come across as gay yourself with your “fascinations� of 50 Cents 14 inch.

    -> 25: “so keep yourselves to yourseslf..� – How about you take heed to your own advice; and FUCK OFF.

    -> 34: Why don’t you just return to your shit pit of a bedroom and carry on using that grotty vibrator to pleasure your cunt over your posters of 50 Cent.

    -> 41-42: When you were a small child, did your mother throw you around the walls some because your choice of language suggests intense brain damage.

    -> 43: Well your obviously a complete retard as well aren’t you, sir-think-a lot – certainly you are a prime example of the current scum that’s bringing up our future generations.

    Here are the funny parts….

    “41-42: When you were a small child, did your mother throw you around the walls some because your choice of language suggests intense brain damage.” LOL!!

    -> 16: “Word up� to the first person who decides to wrap a steel bat around your head. LOL x2!!!

  62. Somebody avatar

    Sorry this is too funny
    “41-42: When you were a small child, did your mother throw you around the walls some because your choice of language suggests intense brain damage.�

    AnDy Says:
    April 29th, 2005 at 9:55 pm
    i rekon 50 tlkin sense
    u dnt trust em n der frts if u aint inot wot dey into den u jus not kl wit da tings dey do r ya.

    it aint homophobic it sence n it wot 50 timks least e says it 2 people insted of bein 2 faced

    AnDy Says:
    April 29th, 2005 at 9:58 pm
    n i tink um peepz on ere r jus sayin dis shit coz ov wot 50 sed but dey dnt reeli tink it dey jus bein suk ups


    oh yeah and skye…
    skye Says:
    May 6th, 2005 at 2:16 am
    it’s truly amusing how the uneducated of the group (read the comments, and you know all those i’m speaking of) speak poorly of gay people and those who use more educated terms speak positively of them.

    thebc Says:
    April 21st, 2005 at 12:58 pm
    the thing is though homosexuality is wrong and they are all dirty faggot perverts and should be kept away from children.as for racism and sexuality there 2 completely different things,50 cent cant choose not to black but a queer can choose not to put his cock up another mans arse

    to me thebc doesnt seem that uneducated?

  63. Top G avatar
    Top G

    yo blud fag’s r jus whack man allow dem they shud jus suck cock,dirty fag’s
    Yeah im Top y’all bitches holla at meh
    fag’s n’ dykes shud b extinct.

  64. qoutesfromchappelle avatar

    “yes they deserve to die, and i hope they burn in hell!”-2:1 samuel jackson skit

  65. You ARE a homophobe avatar
    You ARE a homophobe

    To whoever the fuckhead is that said, “Don’t you dare call 50’s mom a lesbian becuase if she was how would he have been born”

    you are retarded.

    and you should go take sex ed.

  66. He avatar

    To gay female (39),
    u are a dumb fucking bitch

  67. American Lesbian avatar
    American Lesbian

    i once was a lesbian but 50s sexy pecs turned me around

  68. narzia avatar

    hi hunni how r ya and by da way keep up
    wid da tic work mwah

  69. Someone avatar


  70. Terence avatar

    After reading all the entries and reading the lyrics to 50 cents song I can easily see now why there is so much hate in the world. Why we have Panthers and KKK or Aryan Nations. Basically Ive sat here and read of bunch of crap about whos gay or whose not and if its okay to use words like nigger & faggot and who’se proud of who for either opinion…..So Ill be brief.
    50 cent and others like him are the personification of the word “nigger”…something they feel is okay to call eachother but Im not allowed cause Im white and their not. That mentality they have is is manifested in the values they spew in their excuse for music. Basically it seems like the very worst human elements that apply to the word “Nigger” are being praised and made into heros..they are looked up to because they are the worst kind of human scum and it makes the weakening country as a whole look laughable to other countries.
    People say that if we dont embrace the gay ideals then we are not God fearing because we are intolerant…bad news…since you obviously havent read a word of the Bible let me Direct you to the first five chapters of the new testiment book called “romans”…GOD is very clear that he has a few things that HE isnt “tolerant” of either. So if that Makes ME intolerant because I think the country has been goign to hell in a hand basket since it became “cool” to embrace everything weather decadant or not….then I am intolerant..and I dont care.
    50 cent and others like him are, by their own words, racists and promote the worst things in society and think they are cool for it….It wont matter to God what they think in the end. And Gay people can be proud all they want to be…they can be intolerant of people who dont share their views….they can use the same values as the people the fight against….in teh end, it wont matter a single bit.
    GOD said what is right and wrong…clearly, I might add….so if that makes me worng for thinking people like 50 cent or gay people are wrong…so be it. The bible said that THAT kind of opinion would not be tolerated either…go figure.

  71. harold avatar

    hi ,this site cool site .lol

  72. typical citizen avatar

    being gay is not cool.

  73. WILL avatar

    Black and White people who casually use the word Nigga are simply ignorant.

    For the White Kid who uses Nigga, speaking as a Black person this could be a hazard to your health. If would approach me using that word the response would be swift and not too pleasing.

    All of the Black rappers and people using the word should be ashamed of themselves.
    There is nothing good about the word Nigga. Many Blacks through the ages have died over that word.
    Those who choose to use it are pond scum!!!!

  74. ebonicics avatar

    I like the word nigger, just look up the definiton. “he word nigger is a highly controversial term used in many countries, including the US, Canada, Britain and Russia, to refer to individuals with dark skin, especially those of indigenous African descent who previously were racially classified by the now outdated term Negro. It was once the standard, casual English term for black people. Associated with the word traditionally have been an often casual contempt, an assumption of inherent inferiority, even of bestiality, making it extremely pejor” so thats what a nigger is. A dark skined person, thats in to bestiality and inferior to the white man. Shit alot of negro cant speak english. Listen to shade 45, those are the most racist negro, bro, doggs. they hate on all whites and other races. So I would like to give a fuck you to shade 45 and all g-unit and dark people that were inferior to ?

  75. ebonicics avatar

    # Top G Says:
    May 23rd, 2005 at 12:22 pm

    yo blud fag’s r jus whack man allow dem they shud jus suck cock,dirty fag’s
    Yeah im Top y’all bitches holla at meh
    fag’s n’ dykes shud b extinct.
    dumb negro, learn how to fucking talk , go back to school, looks like your on the crack, dark fucking nigger

  76. ebonicics avatar

    No shit, niggers cant talk. 50 cent cant speak good because someone made swiss cheese out of his face

  77. scotty avatar

    i’m a gay black teenager and i think people like 50cent are locked up in their own world it is hard to see trouugh the line with them. i think it is stupid saying he is not comftable around homosexuals,not every gay guy fancies every straight one, he is a vain man.

  78. KD avatar

    Homophobia and Racism are completly incomparable, and calling 50 vain for being uncomfortable around homosexual men is nonsense. He may have an irrational fear of Homosexuals and the way that they act around him, I have an irrational fear of spiders, which means that i am uncomfortable around them, this doesn’t mean that I actual beleive they want to or are capable of hurting me. Just as I imagine 50 doesn’t actually beleive that every gay male wants to have intercourse with him or is capable of raping him.

    50 may have something irrational in his mind that makes him uncomfortable around homosexual males because of the things that they do.

    Whereas Racism is a pure prejudice based on nothing but the skin colour/ origins of a person. There is nothing that every black person does that could make a white person uncomfortable around them/ hate them apart from simply existing. They are identicle to the rest of the human race in every way except for the colour of their skin, they think and do the exact same things.

    on a side not i have never understood why homosexuals get offended by being called a homo or for example a pakistani person get offended by the word paki when they are simply abbreviations of words which actually describe the person. (obviously i understand that it is the intent to offend by the user of the word which could itself offend the target). I am a white person from the north of england and if someone calls me a whitey, a brit, a pom or a northern monkey I say “thank you” as I am proud of who I am and where I come from. If you are truly proud of being homosexual then why do you get offended by being called one?

    And if you think any person that uses words such as fag or homo are ignorant or “inate fuckwits” then why don’t you simply ignore them and rise above it.

    Oh a please anyone who wants to come on here and call homosexuals fags and stuff please atleast write in proper English so that your argument seems valid or can be understood, instead of using Text/1337 speak.

  79. Das Cozmos avatar

    Who gives a shit about homos? If I could have it my way they would all be slaughtered by a barrage of bullets sprayed from a high caliber rifle. Then their remains would be pissed on, shit on, spit on and then thrown into a deep chasm to be forgotten by all who participated in the murder of the sodomites.

  80. Das Cozmos avatar


  81. anon avatar

    yeah das cozmos your right, no post on here is likely to change my opinion

    Oh shit but if that true then i should keep arguing and ignore the message in your post..

    But that means that i think your post should’nt affect the way i think, in which case someone else’s post could change my mind including yours

    but if that were true then your post might make me beleive that nobody’s post will change my mind (including yours) so i will end up ignoring your post and keep arguing…


  82. Terence avatar

    hahahaha…Now THAT was funny. In truth I think the reason posts DO exsist is because, in some small part, some people might say something that is actually intelligent and the insites might, indeed, effect or change a persons mind. I know I have had ideas or opinions about something that I eventually changed because someone else had an insite that I hadnt concidered yet. So yes, while most of the stuff on here is counter productive, there are still many comments that have given me food for thought….thats kinda how we GROW. Oh well……

  83. Ray avatar

    right now 50 can kiss my A$$ because hes a frigen gay hatin a$$ i like eminem because he is cool with gay people i luv kanye west because he dosnt care he used to when he was a teen cause he was made fun of so he baecame homophobic but his cousin was gay so he changed his mind kanye is kewel and even if he used to not like gays we all make mistakes atleast kanye sees us homosexuals as PEOPLE the way everyone should see us

  84. Ray avatar

    i also hopesum guy close to him is gay tells him and maybe jus maybe HEL OPEN HIS UGLY DAMN EYES

  85. scotty avatar

    i believe 50 cent is an ignorant bastard he has no respect to society ad his beliefs are morally wrong. he needs to open his fat eyes and see what a world we live in he just sees this gangsater lifestyle which nobody leads. people aound the world are loosing themselves to this apathy and this rap music should be stopped

  86. Ray avatar


  87. Jemell avatar

    Dont feel sorry for 50 cent whoever said About him being honest.Check this out 50 is a Drama setter! All he does is stir shit up for contrevesy for album sales. Of course he would be up here with his double talk speechs! To me 50 is a toy soldier, buddy hustler, and a sell out to his own people! By damaging hip hop by creating these beefs bound to get ppl kill or extorted! With marketing false protrayles to ppl out in the suburbs fan base and making room for more sterotypes! Thinking its cool to be gangsta! I lost a lot of friends cuz of that shit remember ladies and gentlemen if you hear someone talking shit about what they did and they gangsta they aint! He violated a rule a gangster never talk! If they found a better way to live you would never hear a real gangster talk about what he did! If in 50’s shoes! BOYCOTT 50 HE IS JUST A HIP HOP PAWN SLASH UNDERCOVER NYPD COP!

  88. scs avatar

    50 Cent, Tom Petty, Aerosmith, Don Henley, Joe Walsh, Stevie Nicks, Kenny G, Ciara all SELL OUT BIG TIME to corrupt defense contractor.

  89. Brad-Scott avatar

    Dude, as a bi guy whose a fan of Em and D12, I gotta add my two cents. These are just musicians. Art imitates life. I think that rather than hounding artists like 50 Cent for negative messages, people should focus on the positive alternatives and maybe start promoting them. Like gay rappers Deadlee (masculine hardcore-gaYngsta), Tori Fixx (hip-hop dance), or Juba Kalamka and DDC (intellectual-political). Or even pro-gay straight rappers, like Common or Kanye West. I do think that homophobic rappers tudes tend to be ignorant as fuck on this and many other issues (reverse racism, religious ignorance, sexism, anti-intellectualism, etc), though, and that these people really are too stupid and ill-informed to influence young people’s opinions on things. Rather than try to censor artists that many people like, however, as a solution, how about pushing for more artists to follow in Kanye’s footsteps in challenging homophobia?

    ps. What I truly hate is the amount of guys who hate “fags”, but will drool over two women, like it’s different. Double standards like 50 mentioned (‘But women who like women, that’s cool.’) are about as retarded as fuck, and show his intelligence. Romantically, I’m straight as an arrow, in that I would only ever marry or carry a serious relationship with a woman, IF I found the one in a billion that made me wanna settle into the monogamy thing. The bi thing is strictly sexual and fantasy related. I only bring that up because, I think that many people see sexuality way too linear (you’re ‘straight’ or you’re ‘gay’), when it’s not that clearcut. If gay were such a choice like many homophobes think, I guess I’d lean more towards gay than straight, being such a fan of many shows, music and artists that are homoerotic/gay. Just like many white boys who jumped on black culture when hip-hop came out. I love the culture. But I’M NOT, and could never make myself gay. The minute a hot gal came along who I liked, I’d end up leaving him in the relationship. I’ve babbled enough, now. Not everyone’s gonna understand me, anyway.

  90. Brad-Scott avatar

    Oh, and the Bible never made a special case for homosexuality as a worse sin than anything else. Man and modern churches picked it out. Here’s a link: http://www.keithboykin.com/arch/000479.html

    Black people should know better since selective targeting by religious groups was used AGAINST them at one point, to defend slavery. The Bible is based on interpretation. I’m just saying don’t believe the hype. Question people who claim to speak for God, based on their own and society’s interpretations. Often, in history, Churches have mirrored the views of Conservative society, including their prejudices. As much as black people should know about discrimination and white hype, given their history, and socio-economic status, they should AT LEAST be inspired to know more about the gay issue prior to hating, so as not to be just as ignorant as the particular white people they denounce. Christian oppressors have been just as bad as white oppressors over history. According to the Bible, we’re ALL probably equal sinners.

  91. FromUSA avatar

    To the dumbfuks that said oppession hhasn’t been felt like blacks have felt need to follow the history of the Jews-they have a few thousand years on ya, homos have been persecuted since before the middle ages, yeh that includes being slaughtered,forced into slavery and raped, The Inquisition and the dark ages did a real number on Jews,Gypsies(Roma),Moors,homos,and any one else not white,rich,zealots….gee we must be retroing back to there..won’t that be fun-noone will be safe.

  92. right on fiddy avatar
    right on fiddy

    Most of u r nuffing but a bunch bitcy fags who cant handle someones opinion sad how angry it made some of u.
    But fags r overbearing selfish and shallow

  93. Brad-Scott avatar

    50’s just saying how he felt. He’s got every right to since this is America. It’s just that people like him who are so cool with lesbians are usually the ones who are the loudest assholes to gay/bi guys. Feel one way or the other 100%, even if it’s 100% against gay people. Those shallow braindead double standards just make someone look like a fucktard. Most of these rappers are far too stupid when it comes to such things they like to talk about (gay people) to influence people’s opinions on them. Half the artists I listen to are probably ignorant, INCLUDING rappers. Difference is I have many different influences, keep an open mind, and I’m not walking around trying to show how “hard” or “thug” (or ignorant which is seen as cool) I am because I’m an easily influenced (by ONLY one thing or musical genre) fucktard. Like many of 50’s male fans do.

    Plus, 50 sucks, anyways. He’s a walking talking breathing composition of every negative stereotype of what most people that hate all rap think that hip-hop is all about. Nothing special. He’s like a “create your own Gangsta rapper” joke sketch from Mad TV. Nothing cool that stands out really. He’s been shot 9 times. Wow, OK, how many has he shot?

    He’s held hip-hop back a loooong way with his “push”. Someone else should’ve gotten his spot.

  94. bubbz avatar

    i LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  95. meshel avatar

    yes u are

  96. name avatar

    I’m 15, bi, and half black. I loooooove 50 Cent. Like, a lot. I don’t necessarily agree with him using the word “f*ggot” while trying to tell people he infact isn’t homophobic, but saying he’s uncomfortable around them is completely different from saying he hates them. Things like which slang is acceptable and what people mean when they use it can have a lot to do with where you grew up, and he said that “faggot” and “homo” is how they refer to gay people on the street. It’s difficult for someone to change the way they grew up, and I am proud of him for not acting like a different person just because he’s famous.

    And hey, maybe him not wanting to hang out with gay or bi men does have something to do with his mother having been bisexual, but no one can know for sure, nor can they know if he himself is “homophobic” because he’s a homosexual. Nobody here knows him personally, so it’s not fair to make statements like that. As long as he wouldn’t hurt or attack someone because of their sexuality (which I don’t think he would) then he’s really not doing much harm. And I agree with the people who have already commented saying things like, “The people from GLAAD might not want to hang around black people like 50 all the time, but no one calls them racist.” That is true. We like what we’re used to, and if 50 Cent’s not used to the GLBT community, then that’s his right to spend his time with whoever he wants.

    As for his influence on teenagers: relax, people. Kids aren’t completely ignorant. We don’t believe everything we hear and we certainly don’t want to copy everything every famous person does. I’ll admit that if the word “f*ggot” or “n*gga” works in a song, it won’t ruin it for me, but that doesn’t mean I would agree with anyone using those words to describe another person. It does seem a little odd that he’s also saying he won’t be around gay men, but that lesbians are cool, but isn’t that all straight guys ages, like, 13 and up? Don’t they all love seeing two girls make out? 🙂

    One last thing I want to say is that the people saying “f*ggots should die 50 Cent should kill/shoot/fuck them” is totally juvenile and unnecessary as we’re trying to have an open, mature discusssion here. And if 50 himself wouldn’t say he hates them or would harm them, then I bet he wouldn’t appreciate all of you idiots saying what he should do to them.

    (Sorry if anything I said offends anyone, but I really don’t think I wrote anything offensive or mean towards anyone. And sorry if I repeated some things, I didn’t have time to read every single comment.)

  97. Pete avatar

    Ok many of us do not like the thought of what gay people do, but that does not make them any different from us, they all look and feel the same as us, i am totally cool about people who like to be with the same sex, if we was all the same the world would be so boring

  98. Ice Queen avatar

    Wait just a minute.

    He doesn’t have a problem with two women getting it on but not men?
    Its ok if two cute girls are doing the nasty but not a couple guys? Well that is a double standard. SO HE DOES LIKE GAY PEOPLE. ONLY FEMALE GAYS NOT MALE.
    I am certain that someone like him and Enema there like to putt from the rough all the time in the closet.

    It is real strange how the majority of so called straight men will denounce homosexuality and then have every fracking video of- girls gone wild- which is homosexual.!!! So the word we are looking for ladies and gentlemen is not homophobe but HYPOCRIT.

    50 cent, Enema(cuz he is full of something) are not only homophobes but also hypocrites and liars. There were scientific test done on males who denounce homosexuality recently. The test – showed them to be homophobes because the were aroused by gay porn. Where as men who were tested that didn’t denounce homosexuals were not!.

    Science in the end proves this- Homophobic people are gay. They are fearful of being so- so the answer is to lash out. BUT IN THE END, HOMOPHONES LIKE 50 CENT AND ENEMA ARE HOMOSEXUALS IN DENIAL. Enema is a misogynistic homophobe- maybe his mother didn’t spent enough time with him Maybe too much . maybe he has two personalities but science not opinion or philosophy wins the day.

    Gay comes in many forms. 50 cent supports at least one form of gay and yet denounces the other. Which means that if he is open to lesbians then he is in fact supportive of gay people yet he denounces male homosexuals(Gay gender discrimination?)which means basically that he is a hypocritical closeted homosexual himself. And prob has always been so but has been brain programmed to not accept it. I can see him in pastel shirts and dancing about with a big daisy in his teeth.
    Sounds like Photoshop opportunity to me!

    I would like to know myself how a man who is black. Knows what it means to be black and grew up in a time when schools were still segregating people can be this disgusting.
    And Close minded.

    When I was going to school. There was segregation and it was wrong. I now think that if Dr King were alive he would take up arms against this form of discrimination too and he would look Curtis in the eye and say “may you are some kind of hypocrite” How can we as a society continue to function if we allow this kind of thing to continue? Fracking people and there little categories…

    I want to know how come that it is ok for thousands of catholic priest to rape boys and yet adult homosexuals are evil? How is it that a pedophile is ok and two adults are not? Gay people would never harm a little child… Pedophiles are monsters. Yet once again let me say it. “thousands of catholic priest where exposed recently as pedophiles.”

    And last. 50 cents raps suck and so does Enima’s really I used to like some rap but nowadays all I hear is drugs violence and hate. So someday when they can rap about something meaningful like” RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE” does instead of the same old bullsh___ I might tune in.. And dude there is no taking things halfway.
    If you are ok with gay women then you you need to be ok with gay men too. Because if it bugs you that much it means that there is obviously something deep down inside that you need to address there spud.

  99. quinn avatar

    Shame on any radio station that gives 50 cents any air time. I hope all music that is hurtful to anyone is stopped. How can people be so mean?

  100. doop avatar

    what issue could possibly make this repressed, crackhead, gangster bag of shit so uncomfortable with gay men? probably his own insecurities with his own confused repressed sexual identity. he should just be the banana sucking monkey thug he so secretly wants to be rather than spreading this insecure, jealous and hateful rhetoric. better yet: next moron to shoot that mouth breathing, dr suess mother goose rhyming disgrace of the ghetto in his fucking head. do it right.