How is Hailie gonna react when she grows up?

Being a huge Eminem fan, I have been confronted to those questions many times : « How will Hailie react as a teenager when she will discover the full version of « Bonnie and Clyde » and of songs like « Kim », for instance ?
Many Eminem detractors have objected me that Eminem was so « evil », that his daughter would end up hating her father.
I am totally convinced of the contrary and let me tell you why :

Eminem is a devoted father to Hailie who feels very concerned by her well being. He is very cautious when Hailie listens to his music. She only listens to clean versions of his songs.

– Eminem’s approach of education with Hailie is liberal. Recently Hailie even learnt how to use some cusswords from her cool daddy who thought it was high time for her to learn some, she’d hear some cusswords at school anyway.

– The little girl is also used to her daddy’s sense of humor. She is also part of his artistic creation and lend her voice to her daddy’s records since she was 2 and a half.

– When Hailie will be old enough, Eminem will spend some time with his daughter to explain her the meaning behind the words. He will explain her in which context he wrote « 97 Bonnie and Clyde » and « Kim ». Hailie will understand that her caring dad had been hurt by her mom and that he wanted to get her back. She will understand that those songs that shocked the media are nothing else than Eminem’s expression of love towards Kim. Hailie will understand that her parents, despite their arguments, had strong feelings for each other.

In 1999, when Hailie was 3, Kurt Loder from MTV asked Eminem about the song « Guilty conscience ». He wanted to know how Eminem would explain the song to his daughter. The part with the 15 years old girl in particular :

« Yo! This girl’s only fifteen years old
You shouldn’t take advantage of her, that’s not fair)
Yo, look at her bush.. does it got hair? (Uh huh!)
Fuck this bitch right here on the spot bare
Til she passes out and she forgot how she got there
(Man, ain’t you ever seen that one movie _Kids_?)
No, but I seen the porno with SunDoobiest!
(Shit, you wanna get hauled off to jail?)
Man fuck that, hit that shit raw dawg and bail… »

There are clear references to rape in « Guilty Conscience ». But why should Eminem hide those things to Hailie ? Eminem envisions America’s bad side in the song and he is referring to reality.
There is no reason for him to overprotect his daughter and to hide reality to her.

This is how Eminem answered to Kurt :

Eminem:” I would be able to explain that song to her just like I would to any other child on the face of this earth. Anyone with a half a brain can see that “Guilty Conscience” was me just talking about the ways of the world and your conscience. It’s a concept song.It’s like you got the bad half of you and you have the good half — and it seems like in America these days, the evil side always rules. And that’s what I was trying to do with that song. It was a concept, you know, me taking little stabs at Dr. Dre and him throwing them back. As a kid growing up, my daughter is gonna know right from wrong. She’s gonna know what to do and what not to do. She’s also gonna go through the same things that other children do when growing up. When I was 12 years old, if I heard an NWA record or I heard an Ice-T record, I never went out and shot somebody. You have to be smart enough to know.”According to me, Eminem is a good father who is doing the right thing with his little daughter. When she will be old enough to understand, he will explain his lyrics to her. He will help her to distinguish between right and wrong. We should expose reality to our kids in its uglyness and roughness : that’s the best way to prepare them to their adult life. Life won’t always be sugarcoated for them. It is useless to act as of danger and violence didn’t exist. Kids who are far from reality will be weakened in their adult life.”

Parents, should also be tolerant about their kids’ musical tastes. Music helps them to grow up and is not necessarly a bad influence.
As Eminem points it out, he stated listening to NWA and Ice T when he was 12 and he never shot anybody. Take your kid’s CD for what it actually is: words and music.






12 responses to “How is Hailie gonna react when she grows up?”

  1. dora the explorer avatar
    dora the explorer

    hailie will be a fantastic girl

  2. Bob the Builder avatar
    Bob the Builder

    i dont even like hip hop that much but have nothing against [most] rappers, especially eminem. i think whatever the media says, hailie will grow up to be a great person.

  3. lol avatar


    But ive seen the porno with SunDoobiest

  4. ############### avatar


  5. Johnny avatar


    any young girl growing up with a demented father, in this case eminem, is going to have a messed up life, and the fact that she is coming out of a divorced home is going to be hard on her. does anyone have a brain on this site?

  6. Johnny Portugal avatar
    Johnny Portugal

    he’s not demented, Johnny… yeah, he grew up with a messed up life, and he’s made some mistakes, but he loves his daughter more than anything… he adores that little girl and he’s teaching her right from wrong… he’s not sugarcoating the world, which is how it should be… the world is an ugly and hateful place and she needs to know that… yeah, it’ll be hard, I know because I also come from a broken home, but that doesn’t mean she’s going to be messed up… she’ll be a lot better off than he is… she doesn’t have to deal with her mom and all the crap that Marshall had to put up with, and she’s going to know how much he loves her… that’s all that matters, and she’s going to turn out fine… the question is, Johnny, do YOU have a brain?

  7. DeathEgg666 avatar

    yeh….exactly wat mr portugal sed!!!

  8. eminem_forever avatar

    i think hailie will grow up to be a good actress just like what the other page says and be a fun, loving girl. I think she will learn wrong from right especially if shes 12 now and shes only allowed to listen to the clean versions of her father’s songs, i mean i was 12 and i listened to the real version of the songs and im an academic student, just cause your listening to songs that have swearing in it doesnt mean your bad, eminem listened to songs that swear and talk bout killing when he was 12 and he didnt go out killing. kids know reality and songs. plus good songs no-a-days all have swearing in them anyways

  9. eminemluver avatar

    i totally agree with eminem_forever i think shes right. she will be adoring girl

  10. Random avatar

    Cmon, Eminem is a great father, even though hes famous, he dosen;t exclude her, and makes sure she only hears the clean versions of his songs, considering about her age. When she grows up, and listens to the regular versions of the song, She’ll understand all the stuff he went through, about his mom, about her mother and all of that. I think she’ll definitly grow up fine

  11. eminem_forever avatar

    totally agree with “random”
    good job dudette!
    i mean when you were 12 did you hear clean versions of songs? probaly not, i really, really agree with the part about what eminem went through its totally right, i mean eminem went through ALOT, from when he was born (33years ago) to now. Hailie will learn to understand the feelings of Eminem, especially the things Eminem doesnt want to talk about anymore.

    Anyone that doesnt know eminem from the inside will probaly think hes a really bad guy, really bad father. But he’s not he really isnt “hailie is his life,” and he really loves her, spoils her a bit but thats to be expected. He really wants hailie to have a good education and everything, especailly things that Eminem didnt have growing up.

  12. K.Singerman avatar

    Who knows. Teens that came from children with money and the power of publicity and in this case, grammy nominated songs of praise to that individual, aren’t usually normal.She might just become the celeb/singer Goddess that 9/10 of everybody here thinks she but she can also end up being a bigger party girl then Lohan, or become a high school dropout rebel with a fuck the world attitude but no ones considering that she’ll be normal. She might just go to college and become a teacher or a vet etc and that’ll be the end of it.

    It’s her life, its up to her, no matter how Shady brings her up. When you think about it, who the hell are we to even judge? There people like the rest of us and I think how she is going to turn out should only be important to Marshall, Hailie family & friends and we need to stay the fuck out and I’m positive that Eminem would agree.

    Best wishes to them both.