What is happening to Kim ?

Since June 2001, Kim has been dealing with serious cocaine addiction problems.
It seems like her addiction problems have become worse since June 2003. She had been arrested for cocaine possession and her arrestation caused a lot of problems to Marshall during his European Tour. Marshall was so worried of what could happen to Hailie when he heard about Kim being arrested that immediatly filed some documents in Michigan Court in order to get Hailie’s full custody.
Kim was arrested on June the 10 th, 2003 :


She had also to face charges for a party held in a Warren hotel room on September the 29th. Marijuana, extasy pills were found on the floor.
After missing a Court arraignment, Kim suddenly disappeared in November 2003. Nobody knew where she was. Later on, Todd Nelson revealed that Eminem had rescued his ex wife from committing suicide in Cancun, Mexico.

Kim was sentenced for her drug charges in January 2004. she received two years of probation, but violating her probation terms in February, she got jailed for a 90 days jail sentence. After serving her month in jail, she was given the chance to go to a rehabilitation clinic in Tennessee. But,again, Kim couldn’t resist to taking drugs.

Does Kim Mathers realize that she risks to lose her daughters for good if she goes on like this ? Are drugs more important in their life than her own flesh and blood ? Eminem’s ex wife is a sick person who needs a serious therapy to overcome her addiction problems. Marshall sacrificed a lot of money for her rehabilitation, but it doesn’t seem to help her. Will she find enough courage to fight for her daughters’ sake ? Nobody else will deal with her demons in her place.






One response to “What is happening to Kim ?”

  1. Johann avatar

    Kim was stupid to drop out of the rehab but being addicted to drugs does not make you a sick person. It can happen to the best of us