My response to John Gray's letter

Dear Mr. Given:

I am writing in response to the letter you sent me, dated March 9, 2004, regarding a November 17, 2003 post I made on my weblog that referenced information on another website regarding John Gray (“the post”). In the letter, you stated that my post was libelous and demanded that I publish a correction on my website, pursuant to Section 48a of the California Civil Code. I decline your request, because I do not believe that my statements were libelous, based on my review of your letter and of California case law.

As a preliminary matter, I am astounded by your suggestion that you might initiate legal action against me in California. I live in Ireland, and I publish a noncommercial, passive website that is hosted on servers located in the United Kingdom. Legal proceedings in California would pose an undue and unreasonable burden on me, and a California state court would have no personal jurisdiction over me, under well-established law. See, e.g., Cybersell, Inc. v. Cybersell, Inc., 130 F.3d 414, 419 (9th Cir. 1997) (holding that there was no personal jurisdiction over a Florida corporation that conducted “no commercial activity” on “an essentially passive home page on the web”).

Even if a California court had jurisdiction, it is clear that my statements were not libelous. It is indisputable that John Gray is a public figure under U.S. law. According to his own website (, Gray is “the best-selling relationship author of all time,” and the author of “the number one best-selling book of the last decade,” having sold “30 million Mars and Venus books.” As a public figure, Gray could not prevail in a suit unless he showed that I acted with “actual malice,” that is “knowledge that [the weblog post] was false” or with “reckless disregard of whether it was false or not.” New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, 376 U.S. 254, 280 (1964). It is highly unlikely that you could meet this burden, given that my post quoted a web page containing information about John Gray that I believed to be true.

Based on the information on your letter, I cannot conclude that my post was false, much less libelous. Despite your blanket statements that my post was “false” and “libelous,” you did not dispute the specific information in the post regarding Gray’s biographical information, such as the claim that John Gray received his undergraduate degree from an unaccredited institution. Additional research I have undertaken has not revealed information that suggests that my post was false, and the post was an accurate quotation of a source ( upon which I relied. You complain of only five words of which I was the original author “John Gray is a fraud” which are “classic rhetorical hyperbole which cannot reasonably be interpreted as stating actual facts.” Seelig v. Infinity Broadcasting Corp., 119 Cal. Rptr. 2d 108, 117 (1999) (internal citation and quotation omitted). Such statements are not libelous under California law. Id.

Given that my post was not libelous, I decline your request for removal of the post and the posting of a correction on my website. I assume that you will not pursue this frivolous claim any further.


Gavin Sheridan






27 responses to “My response to John Gray's letter”

  1. Antonin "the Devil" Scalia avatar
    Antonin “the Devil” Scalia

    Excellent letter, Gavin!
    Gavin gives it to Given! Gavin Gives Given and Gray A Black Eye with Golden Glove!

  2. Greg avatar

    Nice one.

  3. A friend who fought and won avatar
    A friend who fought and won

    Very nice. Shorter Gavin letter: “Dear Shameless Bloodsucker: Your legal argument was total horseshit. Now fugg off and don’t make me smack you around with California’s anti-SLAPP law.”

    Game, set, match to Gavin.

    If Gray and his flying monkey decide to file a suit against you anyway, ask your legal adviser to tell you about the Good Thing known as Rule 11. It scared the pants off the attorneys for the corporation that tried to sue me.

  4. JasonY avatar

    freaking awesome Gavin! Chalk one up for the little guy. Please be sure to share their return letter (if they have the stones to send one after that thrashing)

  5. Cyrus Farivar avatar

    Damn. What can they say to that? You’ve got support from California!

  6. jerry avatar

    Well done, can I hire you to represent me?

  7. Jordon Cooper avatar

    Ok, I am impressed. That post rocked.

  8. John Sands avatar

    I can’t believe I’m the first person to say that John Gray is from Uranus! Great post.

  9. Alec Trebec avatar
    Alec Trebec

    Note to John Sands, Owen beat you to it:

    “Men are from Earth, women are from Earth. John Gray may be from Uranus.”

    Posted by Owen at March 22, 2004 04:53 PM
    (see thread accompanying Gavin’s March 17 post)

  10. Mike Harris avatar
    Mike Harris

    Damn fine job, sir!

  11. Lance Knobel avatar

    Wonderful letter.

  12. Eric Hancock avatar

    Bravo. Good luck with all this silliness.

  13. K.G. Schneider avatar
    K.G. Schneider

    Excellent job.

  14. Rob wallace avatar

    Brilliant! Nail the bastards.

  15. mhking avatar

    Impressive, sir!

  16. Dave Weeden avatar

    Well done from me too!

  17. Adin avatar


    Well formed/thought out legal argument. I would be surprised to hear anything back from them.

  18. Scott avatar

    Very nice. Very thorough.

  19. Scott Johnson avatar

    Excellent response. It’s always nice to see the little man standing up against big corporate American lawyers.

  20. Scott Whittaker avatar


    With that response, I expect to hear the Law And Order “Gavel” sound.

    Fight the good fight bro.

  21. Dave Collins avatar
    Dave Collins

    Excellent. Well done Gavin.

    Libel terrorism of this kind needs to be stood up to within the responsible blogging community. Although all bloggers, particularly those in plaintiff friendly defamation jurisdictions such as the UK and (I assume) Eire, need to take care to ensure that they do not post comments that are genuinely libellous.

    I haven’t seen any references to it elsewhere on your site, but Marcus from Harry’s Place kicked off some discussion on the problems of defamation, in particular the dangers of it being diseminated “unintentionally” on the part of the blog’s owner via comments pages, a couple of months ago which you might find of interest.

    As far as responsible bloggers are concerned (especially those with assets to protect), I fear this is not an issue that is likely to go away.

  22. santana avatar

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  23. Tony avatar

    Well done, Gavin, an excellent letter that will make those attorneys squirm.

    But you make me nervous when you point out that part of your “immunity” from California law is because your host server is in the UK. My own blog server is located within California. Hmmmm !

  24. Tony avatar

    Link provided with “Tony” in my above post has somehow ended up incorrect. It’s been automatically repeated in this post.

    I think you have a fault in your Comments software.

    T o n y (again)

  25. […] As some readers may know one of the major incidences to happen with this blog in its 3 years plus existence was the entire John Gray letter thing. Long story short, he threatened legal action because I questioned his qualifications. I refused to retract or apologise, and haven’t heard anything since. […]