Category: John Gray

  • US report pins down bogus degrees

    The BBC is reporting that some US nuclear scientists may not be as qualified as they say they are. Investigators have established that 28 top federal employees including nuclear monitors possess bogus college degrees and the phenomenon may be much bigger. This all sounds familiar, where have I heard this before? One told the GAO…

  • Author sues blogger

    I just came across this in my referral logs, it’s curious how Technorati actually misses alot of the inbound linking. It seems like alot of people out there may have commented on the affair without me even realising. A good weblog though, he says of me… Blogger Gavin Sheridan maintains an excellent blog (Gavin’s Blog)…

  • Lawsuits are from Mars

    I should have blogged this earlier, but a story appeared recently in a San Francisco legal periodical. Brenda Sandburg had the story, published in the Recorder and on Irish blogger Gavin Sheridan got plenty of free legal advice after a San Francisco lawyer objected to one of his postings. Sheridan reprinted a friend’s blog…

  • More blogs on John Gray

    Still some more blogs picking up the John Gray story. Netlawblog Stephen Brophy Bag and Baggage See why? Virtual Stoa After images

  • My response to John Gray's letter

    Dear Mr. Given: I am writing in response to the letter you sent me, dated March 9, 2004, regarding a November 17, 2003 post I made on my weblog that referenced information on another website regarding John Gray (“the post”). In the letter, you stated that my post was libelous and demanded that I publish…

  • More debate

    Yet more debate on this whole situation. This discussion is very interesting, its much different to the ongoing discussions in the blogosphere. People here seem to be bringing the credentials of Rick Ross into question rather than that other guy. Another interesting blog that I had not seen before, Overlawyered, has a brief mention of…

  • Gavin's Trumpet

    John Howard over at For What It’s Worth writes a lengthy piece on the ongoing legal saga I find myself in. John articulates his views in a concise and clear cut manner, as one would expect from a lawyer. He takes it in two sections, law and facts. He believes that any case brought against…

  • Legal advice

    I have received legal advice from California by phone. I have not retracted my original statement or issued an apology. The 3 week deadline ends on March 31. I will be seeking a second opinion before making a final decision.

  • Glenn on the John Gray thing

    Glenn Reynolds has picked up the John Gray story, and writes a lengthy entry on it. I like Jeff Jarvis’ idea.

  • Response digest

    I will be assembling the opinions of everyone I can find here, and grouping duplicate opinions into categories. I will take it from emails I received, comments left on my blog, comments left on other blogs, and views expressed on other weblogs. This will take a while…