Eminem's Mom Torn Over Carjacker Sentence

DETROIT (AP)–Eminem’s mother wants to see a 16-year-old punished for carjacking and robbing her, but she’s also distressed to think he could spend the next decade or more in prison.


Debbie Nelson said she’s struggling to get over the Jan. 22 gas station robbery on Eight Mile Road, a strip that divides Detroit from its suburbs and was made famous by her son’s movie, “8 Mile.” She said she suffered bruises, a broken foot, neck pain and insomnia.

“This is something that doesn’t just go away overnight,” Nelson, 49, said in an interview Monday.

She said she was in her car, resetting the trip odometer while getting fuel, when her attacker waved a silver revolver in her face, punched her in the head and dragged her and her dog, a lab mix named Itchy, from the car.

James Antonio Knott is scheduled to be sentenced next week and could face 10-18 years in prison on charges of carjacking and armed robbery, said Oakland County prosecutor Margaret Scott.

Knott pleaded guilty and has said through his attorney that he used a BB gun in the robbery, not a handgun. Scott said investigators never recovered a weapon.

Police arrested him after he got stuck in traffic in Nelson’s 2002 Honda Accord about a mile from the gas station. He ran from the car and was caught, Scott said.

Nelson said Monday she hadn’t received the contents of her handbag, which was in the car and contained her cell phone, identification, house keys, pictures of her two sons and more than $3,100 cash.

Nelson’s rocky relationship with her son, whose real name is Marshall Mathers III, has been well-known since the Detroit rapper became a star. He has disparaged her in his music and she has settled two defamation lawsuits over his statements that portrayed her as an unstable drug user






7 responses to “Eminem's Mom Torn Over Carjacker Sentence”

  1. brittany-lei avatar

    i really feel for debbie, ive met her and shes a nice woman, im also a fan of em, so obv i know how he feels towards her, but i hope he found it in him to at least phone to see how she was. I heard the guy has just been given a four year sentence- i think he deserved to be punished but maybe a jail term of 4 years is a little harsh….but who knows it could have been a lot worse for debbie and at least putting him away has saved someone else being attacked by him.

  2. brittany-lei avatar

    i really feel for debbie, ive met her and shes a nice woman, im also a fan of em, so obv i know how he feels towards her, but i hope he found it in him to at least phone to see how she was. I heard the guy has just been given a four year sentence- i think he deserved to be punished but maybe a jail term of 4 years is a little harsh….but who knows it could have been a lot worse for debbie and at least putting him away has saved someone else being attacked by him.

  3. brittany-lei avatar

    i really feel for debbie, ive met her and shes a nice woman, im also a fan of em, so obv i know how he feels towards her, but i hope he found it in him to at least phone to see how she was. I heard the guy has just been given a four year sentence- i think he deserved to be punished but maybe a jail term of 4 years is a little harsh….but who knows it could have been a lot worse for debbie and at least putting him away has saved someone else being attacked by him.

  4. Nick avatar


  5. baby girl avatar
    baby girl

    I dont feel for debbie at all my mom is a druggy to and she would rather screw me out of something then help me and if someone is goin’ to be like that then fuck them. stupid bitches like that shouldn’t have kids. i think that she should be taken out and beatin for bein’ an ass.

  6. MOGirl687 avatar

    I know her very well and she has never done drugs or drank in her life i have known her since i was 11. she has never used dope and was a care-taker in 1980-1993 for foster childern.and also on call for the welfare office on weekends for little kids droped off on welfare door steps with no where to go….had the police dept. and other offices done there job debbies purse would not of dissappeared nor the 45 semi-auto gun used..the nite manager lied as he watched the whole thing and put deb out of the store.. she was set up…she also NEVER lived in trailers or abused her sons or any other kids as m’s managers make him say!!! LETS SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT NOW…..

  7. harley25 avatar

    i think dat she not bein fuckin real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!