Paul Johnson beheaded

The deadline has passed, and reports indicate that the US captive has been beheaded in the style of Nick Berg. Shall we also see a video of Johnson’s beheading?

Update: My website has been deluged with people looking for a video of Johnson. 2,500 people so far today. Strangely I rank number one on the Google for ‘islamist website johnson’, higher even, than the BBC. are seeking a copy of any video of Paul Johnson. They also have copies of the Nick Berg and Robert Jacob videos.

Update: Ogrish have posted the pictures. I have linked to them






24 responses to “Paul Johnson beheaded”

  1. Mat avatar

    Do you know what the address is for this islamic website is that everyone keeps quoting?

  2. Gavin avatar

    Im looking, but nobody seems to link to it.

  3. Mohammad Ali avatar
    Mohammad Ali

    I am a Muslem; but I hate these savagery being done in Iraq. I am from Iran and I know how much Fundamentalism is disgusting and dangerous.I hope a day come in which no totalitarian exists.

  4. Mohammad Ali avatar
    Mohammad Ali

    I am a Muslem; but I hate these savagery being done in Iraq. I am from Iran and I know how much Fundamentalism is disgusting and dangerous.I hope a day come in which no totalitarian exists.

  5. Mohammad Ali avatar
    Mohammad Ali

    I am a Muslem; but I hate these savagery being done in Iraq. I am from Iran and I know how much Fundamentalism is disgusting and dangerous.I hope a day come in which no totalitarian exists.

  6. Dee avatar

    I am trying to figure out what brews this kind of hatred. I don’t even think they hate us specifically, because of what they do to their own people, but I think their parents must have never been around or they were just despised by their mothers and fathers, so they are immune to love and happiness, which in return takes their consciences. What does everyone else think on really why they are such crazy desperate people? It can’t really be about religion, because I just think they dont have anything or anyone to live for so they chose this to do. It isn’t like they made the money they have by using their brains. We all know it is soley from oil and drugs, so that was given to them. DOESN’T COUNT ! What else is there for them since everything breathing despises them. Misery loves company. For the record, the terrorists so far they look like the dirtiest, nastiest, smelliest, most disgustingly UGLY pigs that I could never have imagined in my entire life. Imagine what they did to animals when they were little, I mean besides having sex with them. Here is a message to all the terrorists: Nobody has ever or will ever want you, not allah, not God, they spit on your images.

  7. ??? avatar

    where can i get this site that he got beheaded? poor guy=( let him rest in peice

  8. Mary avatar

    Im looking for this website and im not gettin anywhere…anyone have a clue?

  9. Lee avatar

    there are images of Paul Jonson’s decapitated body here CAUTION: THEY MAY SHOCK

  10. monifa avatar

    i think we either need to get the hell out of that place or we need to send more troops and kill all those bastards. Just open fire until there is nothing left. They cut off there heads like they were animals. This is so wrong. We need to blast them all to hell!!!!

  11. April and Rick avatar
    April and Rick

    First of all everyone can say whatever you like. But we agree with those who have been in the middle east. We are soldiers in Iraq and in case you haven’t seen the news lately our city Baqubah is all over it. We are trying to hunt terrorists and we are dying every damn day for it. You liberal sons of bitches can dream away all day and point fingers and try to come up with excuses, but until you have a solution you are just part of the problem. Until you have had to walk around in terrible heat in 70lbs of gear with your finger on the trigger shut the fuck up!
    You don’t wake up to the sounds of mortars, rockets and car bombs, WE DO! You enjoy your family your country your freedom, let me tell you something… we defend democracy but we don’t get to practice it. I don’t think that makes us disloyal or unpatriotic to say so. You take these things for granted. we never will. Here’s a thought angela, so you wear make-up? Even nail polish? Well women over here die for that, think about that before you and your liberal ass buddies spread your tinker belle bullshit. Here’s another if you wanted to get married tomorrow could you? Of course, can I? Hell no because I have to clean up the mess that these poor people are left in. Not all muslims are bad I admit, but sadly there aren’t any I would turn my back to here. Remember idiot… WE KEEP YOU SAFE. GOD BLESS AMERICA AND OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN ARMS SUFFERING HERE WITH US!

  12. Hassanah avatar

    I don’t know what the hell is going on over there but I grew up a muslim and I have never seen the torcher of Americans and Iraqis so horrible in all of my life. We have invaded their country to try and take it over and it isn’t right. They wouldn’t like it if Iraqis came to America and tried to take it over. I understand the hurt over the World Trade Center disaster, but I believe that this war has been over a long time ago. Our troops and Americans need to come back home safely so no one else gets killed. If they stay, we will keep getting reports on the news about someone else being held captave. We are in a no-win situation.

  13. Jim avatar

    Instead of posting all this mumbo jumbo bullshit why dont we just say what needs to be said. The middle east is a bunch of cock sucking fuckin pussies and once america smartens up and decideds to kill everyone one of em then maybe we would accomplish something

  14. niall avatar

    Another American post that hits all the usual targets: silly mixed metaphors (“cock sucking fuckin pussies”), ignorance (“mumbo jumbo bullshit”), and blind optimism (“once america smartens up…” – good luck with that).

    Interesting article in the Observer today (p16) by Jason Burke, drawing attention to two “rabble-rousing prayer leaders imprisoned several times for their hardline views”, Safar al-Hawali and Salman al-Auda – seems that they have released a statement denouncing attacks on Westerners and locals in the Kingdom of Saud. Seems that there is a growing sense among the more hardline Muslims that the actions of the terrorists and insurgents are losing them public support.

    Whether the politicos can do something with this is another question.

  15. someguy avatar

    theres is a video of it but theres also a video that i have personally seen at the base
    of that terrorist bastard pleading for his life….. then getting pumped by all 50 bullets of a p90..everybullet hit him then the power lit him on fire… justice was dealt

  16. someguy avatar

    theres is a video of it but theres also a video that i have personally seen at the base
    of that sick terrorist pleading for his life….. then getting pumped by all 50 bullets of a p90..everybullet hit him then the power lit him on fire… justice was dealt

  17. Anotherguy avatar

    There are links to a site at

    Very disturbing photos of Paul Johnson Jr and of Nick Berg. Apparently there will be more as the south Korean may be executed as well.

  18. Gavin avatar

    Curious that the weblog cited, is a direct copy and paste of my own weblog.

  19. Truth avatar

    No one will ever no the truth about who started everything with this war. But when you look at the facts it dont look good for americans. It is not right what they are doing to the american solders by beheading them. It is also not right what the solders has done to the iraq prisoners.
    But who started everything? The only people that no this is the american government. If you look back to the bombing of Timothy McVay not sure if I spelled his name right but you get the picture.
    He had stated that he was in the millitary and sent to many contries and was made to plant bombs in buildings in these countries and distroyed many of them with inocent people in them. This news was never given out to be displayed on the news. This was his reason for bombing a building in his own country. What other things like this does the american government hide from everyone. Maybe they are the real terrorists on this earth. However we will never really no this as they will never tell. They say iraq started this first with the semptember 11 attack. I think this war had started long before that and the iraqs were just getting back at them but for what ever reason we do not know and again we will never no because the american governmentt will never tell us. I dont blame the american solders or the iraq solders for this war but who is to blame would be between the governmentt of both these countries. The solders of both these countries should stand down and make there own peace between each other and tell there government to fight with each other in a ring with a set of boxing gloves on. This way there will not be as many deaths. With all this said I say God Bless both sides and may God keep them all safe.

  20. Amanda wishart avatar
    Amanda wishart

    waz uppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. a avatar

    lets go

  22. 762 soldier avatar

    all you ignorant people who think we will all be ok if we ignore the growing and everpresent threat of Muslim Hate need to SHUT THE FUCK UP! OUT OF OUR WAY LIBERAL PUSSIES! WE WILL DEFEND AMERICA! For years Muslim Terrorists have been waging War on the Free World. I am sure that the only reason we are at war is cause we want to take over the world or controll the oil or maybe its over a pipeline which doesn’t exist. So we just decided one day to pick on poor ol Saddam which never hurt a fly and the people danced in the streets woth flowers till Big Bad America took over. FUCK OFF. Years of Torture, Rape, Gassing Women and Children and playing games with that joke of a UN are over. I was there and I would gladly fight those COWARD MUSLIMS again if it ment you Liberal bastards could get a safe nights sleep. They will never stop killing. They live to hate and destroy all that is good. So next time you wake up in a Free Land and sip on your morning cup of coffee just remember that YOU SLEEP PEACEFULLY AT NIGHT BECAUSE TOUGH MEN STAND WILLING TO DO VIOLENCE ON YOUR BEHALF>

  23. mappys avatar

    where do i get more information on this

  24. OxjdlkTaylor avatar

    i have posted your blog on my site