Eminem 'Stan' – Irish style

This is only my second post on Eminem – but this must be one of the funniest take-offs I have ever heard. It sounds like Pat Shortt but not quite sure who it is. It’s a 7:27 minute MP3 of non-stop hilarity.

I think for alot of it, you might have to be Irish to understand it – but everyone should find the lyrics hilarious.

Listen to it. LISTEN TO IT! (The lyrics are pretty graphic, but only to people not from Ireland)

Emineire.mp3 (3MB)






17 responses to “Eminem 'Stan' – Irish style”

  1. Isabelle Esling avatar
    Isabelle Esling

    I’m gonna check it out!!! Thanks, Gavin:)

  2. Isabelle Esling avatar
    Isabelle Esling

    wow, that was real fun:) cool…

  3. dermot avatar

    Its Jon Kenny – d’other D’Unbelievable

  4. Dick O'Brien avatar

    Not one to play in the office!

  5. Keith Gaughan avatar

    I got sent that one a while ago by a buddy in college. It’s definitely a classic!

  6. Dan Buckley avatar
    Dan Buckley

    I’ll check it out, Gavin. Not around last week so only picked this up now.

  7. Topper avatar

    That was fucking class! Where did you find it?

    Just found your blog today, have added your CSS feed to SharpReader – could you do me a big favour and put the FULL blog post in the RSS feed or have a seperate ‘FULL RSS Feed’

    Good stuff Old Skin!

  8. Gavin avatar

    Not sure how to do that Topper, but I’ll look into it.

  9. Francis Cahill avatar
    Francis Cahill

    Pure class. It’s clear who was the brains behind D’Unbelievables. Kenny is great.

    Anyone know where to get the actual video of the Eddie Moroney U 21 commentary of Ahelow V Eire Og Nenagh?

  10. Dravon avatar

    I never laughed so much at somthing in mu fucking life.

  11. geoff avatar

    roostell the moto into a fulla so dat nik karmen riches it up and skulls a few cans of old krow before he knows it hes fucking in palmwoods at a party and when he wakes up hes back at kroppies the next morning…!!!! suck shit man!!! from the boys zac, jared, rory and nick roostell karmen!!!! yyyeeewwww

  12. Steve avatar

    That was a feckin geg!!! I sent it to my sister in the USA and my brother in Austrailia. Laugh???? I nearly flashed me fags ffs!

  13. mark mcnevin avatar
    mark mcnevin

    Help! i cant hear or find the song! i heard its so funny,will some1 please send it too me,im beggin here!!! I tried to click on Emineire.mp3 but it wont connect,i tried to find it online but no such luck,some please help!…..I’l give you candy!

  14. Tim avatar

    Any chance of re-uploading the file?

  15. Gavin avatar

    Tis reuploaded

  16. colm avatar

    tis great but how do i copy it to cd. when i try it says cannot copy file. my friends at work want to listen to it and can’t.. please help………………………………….!!

  17. magic stuff, and a great site gavin, 1 of my favs! avatar
    magic stuff, and a great site gavin, 1 of my favs!

    magic stuff, and a great site gavin, 1 of my favs!