Eminem interprets "Just Lose It" on TRL

I had the great chance to see the TRL preview of Eminem’s new song. It is hilarious. No doubt you gonna enjoy it. You can check it out there:


On the video clip from TRL, you can see Eminem performing a great entertaining song that goes like this:

« This is the part where the rap breaks down
Each real intense no one makes a sound
Everything looks like its 8 mile now
(The beat goes really fast)
The beat comes back and everybody loose themselves
Then its back to reality look its B-rabbit and who’s underneath the ? (don’t know what he says sound like paddle)
I’m a grown man now (…)

Fellas WHAT?
Fellas Yeah?
Grab your left one make your right one jealous … »

As usual, Eminem communicates his enthusiasm on stage. His presence creates the specific athmosphere of complicity with the whole audience. Slim Shady takes you into his world where you will be able to enjoy his rapid flow and his great charisma. He will enlighten the moment he shares with the listener.
At the beginning of the TRL video clip, you will see Eminem impersonating a scared Madonna whose breast is on fire. Madonna and Michael Jackson seem to be Marshall’s next targets.
« Just Lose It » ‘s release has been reported to September the 28th. No contest Eminem’s new song promises to be a bomb. It looks like there is a little bit of « Without Me » in « Just Lose It ». Be prepared for a great show for the upcoming video. Marshall Mathers won’t disappoint you.






68 responses to “Eminem interprets "Just Lose It" on TRL”

  1. A shady character avatar
    A shady character

    wow, your lyrics are really wrong.
    but you are right, the song is hilarious!!!
    I have been a fan for years and he never fails to surprise even me.
    What I thought was interesting was that he decided to make fun of Madonna, who was his childhood celebrity crush and i understand he has a lot of respect for her in reality.
    AND, I heard that in the scene where he is running down the street naked he is actually wearing a sock, but that obviously can’t be shown on television, to my personal dismay…
    Paris Hilton is especially hot in the video as well as Marshall himself, and we are again happy to see another dr. Dre camio.
    I love the dancing little kids!!!
    it is titled “Encore”

  2. bill gates avatar

    sad when rap is defined as white people on trl…
    not the white people part so much, but the trl part gets me sad…
    also a terrible, annoying song, which is eminem’s style now
    gone is complexity or seriousness (but even then he was overrated, but he was good) and in is retardation and sounding like every lead single hes ever done

  3. Beth avatar

    Hey! I love his video! It’s sooooo different! I was just wondering how old that boy was in his video! He is a smoothe dancer! So how old is he? Anybody know?

  4. Elmo avatar

    i love this video so much! i love the little kids that are dancing in it, i really want to know what the little boys name is!! he so cute!

  5. Elmo avatar

    does anybody know what the little boys name is in the video, or how old he is? I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. charlemagnizzle avatar

    someone please tell us who the cute little boy is in the video! hes so HOTTTT!!!! ill pay someone 5 bucks to tell us….so tell us NOW

  7. fan avatar

    his name is max ostrowsky

  8. Carina avatar

    OMG OMG OMG I agree with you guys SOOOO freakin’ much!! That Max guy is SOOO HOTT!!!!!!!! I REALLY need to know how old he is though because now my friend make fun of me because I am 15. They say he is too young for me and now they compare me to Michael Jackson. So sad!

  9. Christie avatar

    i will come bak in a day or to..i hope yu will have gotten a
    place were i can find his name..pic..

  10. Carina avatar

    Come on! Someone has to know how old he is!

  11. Kevin Ostrowsky avatar
    Kevin Ostrowsky

    You guys are such big fans of my little brother. He’s 11 years old, letting all of you know who asked.

  12. britt avatar

    omg! omg! I know Max’s Aim Screen Name. My dad has a program where he pays and he can get all of the addresses and phone numbers for famous people. His address and phone number is unlisted but his e-mail isn’t. His screen name is: BasketballGuy526 ——- One suggestion, don’t tell him you’re a big fan, he’ll just automatically block you. Just talk to him about normal stuff and saying about eminem. You can talk to him about the video, but don’t tell him that you’re his biggest fan, because on of my friend did that, and he blocked her.

  13. lisa avatar

    britt u are right about his screen name. Thanks!

  14. Dice avatar

    AHHHH i m talking to him right now!!!!AHHHHH His name is Max,he is 11yrs old,i m 1 yr older than him/AHHHHHH i m talking to him right now!!!!AHHHH

  15. Carina avatar

    OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!! I LOVE HIM!!!!! I can’t belive this. Is it really his screen name? Is it really?

  16. britt avatar

    Yeah, I searched his screen name using my dad’s profile. He has a program where you can look up anyone’s e-mail addresses or telephone numbers. That’s how I got Max’s screen name from there. His and many other famous people phone number’s and addresses are unlisted. Too bad!!:(

  17. Carina avatar

    Yeah I am talking to him as we speak

  18. Carina avatar

    Max is a pretty cool person! I really like him. He even talked about us meeting someday! But of course I had to tell him my mom wouldn’t like that…:'(

  19. Lauren avatar

    He is sooooo sexy!!!! He has a great body and face and everything!!! I LOVE HIM !!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! I’M GOING CRAZY RIGHT NOW!!! HE IS SOOOOOOOOOO HOTT!@!!!!

  20. kelly avatar

    i really wanna meet max in real life, that would be soooo cool! don’t you all agree with me, he is so sexy, hott and everything! he is sooooooo CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks so much for giving his sn!! He is cute!

  21. britt avatar

    Hey, what’s up guys? I found Ryan’s AIM through my dad’s program directory!!! Do you really want to know? DO YOU REALLY WANT TO KNOW?? It’s: punkdstreetballa and max’s is still: basketballguy526. YOUR WELCOME! lol buhbye peeps

  22. britt avatar

    Yes, people are asking, YES RYAN PINKSTON! His screen name is up above. Sry I didn’t make it clearer!

  23. TEENA avatar

    britt – what’s the program that your dad uses and how much does it cost to get it?

  24. Alison avatar

    Wow you all. This is just a normal kid. Im sure he gets annoyed buy all of us obsessing over him, Although he is really cool. I admit, he is really cute, but we shouldn’t like freak out about him. Well if any body wants to talk my AOL name is ib bubbles06. I.M. me sometime. Talk to you all later!

  25. Alison avatar

    Besides… im more intrested in meeting his older brother 😉

  26. Alison avatar

    KEVIN… how old are you??

  27. chris avatar

    hey…whats up all…im chris from mississippi..i am 14 years old..if ya wanna talk add me..my aol is wolfman7343

  28. ghhgjhgjghj avatar

    if theres any eminem fans in here….


    go here. it’s a new eminem book they wanna publish to silence the critics. e-mail them with your name age location, why you like eminem and how he changed your life. they need 200,000 signatures for it to be published.

  29. Alison avatar

    Im an Eminem fan for sure. But what American isnt? LOL.

  30. Chelsey avatar

    What is Ryan’s and Max’s Aol Screen Names?

  31. britt avatar

    It say’s above ^^^ Their Screen Names are:

    Max Ostrowsky (the boy who danced in eminem’s video) is: BasketballGuy526

    Ryan Pinkston (everyone knows him) is: PunkdStreetBalla

    I think they’re both best friends.

  32. Genna avatar

    Max is a cool kid lol, whens his birthday? Is Ryan Pinkston a jerk? I heard he was….but I dont know. Max is hot, you guys are right lol. Later

  33. Alison avatar

    Ifeel so stupid right now… but i have no idea who Ryan Pinkston is….. someone fill me in please. Thanks!

  34. Alison avatar

    Wait… nevermind,,, i found out who he was. Total hottie. I think he is hotter then that max kid… and he might be older, b/c he looks older. But thats just me. C-ya.

  35. Alison Bennett avatar

    Wow, my friend is a loser… please dont get us confused! Me and her R 2 friends with the same first name… so anyway… I LOVE RYAN! i am so obsessed with him! I wish there was a way for him to get invited to by birthday party… cuz thats really all i want is to meet him. OMG that would be a dream come true!

  36. Ally avatar

    Genna…i dont think ryan is a jerk. do you? What did u hear about him? I never heard n e thing bad, thats y i dont think so but i could be wrong.
    ~ ally

  37. Genna avatar

    well my friend met him and said he was a jerk…but i talked 2 him and hes cool….definately not hottta than Max..ha!!! late

  38. Mariah avatar

    hey all I like this site and maybe we can all talk i/m me at bjhscutiepy mm if u wanna talk well I g2g tty ppl soon bye!

  39. tatertot avatar

    you losers get a life LOL

  40. britt avatar

    Everyone —

    Who do you think is hotter, Max (from the Just Lose it Video) or Ryan Pinkston?


  41. Lisa avatar

    Max’s screen name is: BasketballGuy526 ——- One suggestion, don’t tell him you’re a big fan, he’ll just automatically block you. Just talk to him about normal stuff and saying about eminem. You can talk to him about the video, but don’t tell him that you’re his biggest fan, because one of my friends did that, and he blocked her.

  42. Lisa avatar

    Max is hotter!

  43. Carina avatar

    I still love MAX!!!

  44. Livvie avatar

    Hey, yes i know max is soo hot. But on google they only show 1 picture of him. Ok well i gtg. Peace out.

  45. chandler avatar

    ur all stupid. jk. he’s my boyfriend!!!!

  46. mackenzie avatar

    omg! all the girls who think that max is hot and cute and watever else need to stop. max goes to my school in valencia. hes a good friend of mine. but ppl always call him gay, even though he has a girlfriend. hate to break it to all of u, but u don’t stand a chance with this guy. sorry! better luck nxt time!!! but u gotta admit, hes kinda cute. but like i said, he already has a girlfriend, and her name is megan mcdonald. sorry! find another boy cuz this is 1 u don’t have a chance with!!!

  47. mackenzie avatar

    because i go to his school i kno that he cut his hair- it looks okay

    oh and if anyone is going to go to rancho pico he is going there next year

  48. mackenzie avatar

    carina u are to old for him hes only in the 6th grade

  49. chandler avatar

    kevin, i have a couple of questions for u! what school does max go 2, and who is his teacher. i know all of this, bcuz he lives in valencia, where i do. we go to the same school, and have the same teacher!!!! tell me if u really r his older brother!!! not just a poser.

  50. blake avatar

    when i first saw the video i had to download it so i can watch max over and over lol. hes so hot… hope he turns gay for me 😉 i wanna do him so badly.

  51. catecate87 avatar

    i know miley cyrus sn mine is catecate87 ttm now

  52. Lovelle avatar

    Hey Britt!Can u tell me what is Max’s e-mail address?
    I met him once but I haven’t got hi e-mail add

  53. Lovelle avatar

    Can u tell him to e-mail me?lovelygurl_lovelle@yahoo.com

  54. Aaron avatar

    Hey im just a fan of eminem and stuff, and i saw his just lose it vid, and thought max wuz rockin in it. So i emailed him, and i got an AOL postmaster error message. r u sure that his email address is right??

  55. Britt avatar

    i met him in person, and he told me his sn: basketballguy526

    but shhhh dont tell too many ppl

  56. megan and marisa avatar

    we now max haha he is are best friend in the whole wide world!!!ya and i am the girl who went out with him
    what now bitches!!!!!

  57. megan and marisa avatar

    hahahaha now he is mine he held mi hand today haha bitches

  58. max_luvah avatar


  59. max_luvah avatar


  60. Britt avatar

    Unfortunatley he doesn’t have a myspace because I think he is too busy. He doesn’t go on aim that much either. You’ll see him on like during the week and stuff.

    Oh, and he got way cuter!!!!! TRUST ME!

  61. shady's baby avatar
    shady’s baby

    I love eminem!!!!!!!!!! hes soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    like whoa my friends think i nuts cuse of how much i love em

  62. shady's baby avatar
    shady’s baby

    oh and britt he do have a myspace and i have it =)

  63. Racheal avatar

    Omfg..max is so hott. I want him ;]
    Like seriously, hes so effin gorgeous,
    im older than him and i still think hes
    hotter than all the guys i know…well maybe.
    Yeahh, he is. I tottally luhvv himm

  64. Racheal avatar

    Btw i want to do him 😮

  65. Janessa avatar

    Heyy all you people that keep saying his msn is basketballguy526 are wrong.. cause i tried it @hotmail.com, @yahoo.com, @aol.com, @yahoo.ca, @msn.com, @aim.com, @aim.ca… none of them work. They say you cant add this person because the email adress is INVALID. Seriously, get lives you little liars… if max saw youu all pretending to know his email or be his g/f or b/f???? i bet hed be all like “bitch please” or whatever his lil 12 year old mouth would say.. btw, great ass Max! ;]

  66. Racheal avatar

    I totally agree.
    Max does have a great ass ;]

  67. andrew avatar

    who are the girls dancing in it? they r awesome!!!!

  68. condensing avatar

    I Have to acknowledge that the quotation regarding Eminem or should I say Marshall Bruce Mathers III attracted my attention as I have not visited previously. As his dad abandoned the home when he was an infant the tv age has been opportunity for large earnings and media exposure which he has taken on well, heading off the ruin with too much reporting and pressure gone through by other celebrities. Recently I’ve become his number uno fan and can never get too much data or comments about Eminem’s activities. Loved his previous releases Infinite, Slim Shady, although the contents sometimes are worrying. Black overtones and not making for a blessed planet.