UAE currency: Dirham

For those of you curious about Dubai and the United Arab Emirates, the local currency is the Dirham. At current exchange rates 100 Dirhams is worth about 22 euros/20 US dollars. Here is a photo of some of the currency:








6 responses to “UAE currency: Dirham”

  1. Dick O'Brien avatar

    At least they have the Latin numbers on the back!

  2. Gavin avatar

    Yes i would be lost without the english + latin numbers on one side!

  3. niall avatar

    If you’re anywhere close, we’re receiving reports of workers being killed in a building site collapse at Dubai Airport. Possibility of doing a down-the-line for us??? Email me if you’re available.

  4. Gavin avatar

    Dropped you a mail Niall

  5. John Kushiner avatar

    So, what can 100 Dirhams buy for a person over there? Give us an idea of what the buying power of the euro is.

    And aren’t those numbers considered to be of Arabic notation? Aren’t Latin numbers the same as Roman numerals (i.e. XVII)?

  6. Salman Khattak avatar
    Salman Khattak

    Actually, the numbers we use i.e. 1,2,3… are Indian in origin which were taken by Arabs and introduced in Europe. In the earliest usage, there was no concept of a zero in Indian numerals.

    Here’s a link that’ll make some interesting reading: