Another suicide case in the Mathers family leaves deep wounds into Marshall's heart

I couldn’t believe my eyes as I discovered the news in the UK mirror yesterday. The Mirror certainly wanted to make a big sensation by showing a title like « Eminem’s « father » shoot himself in the head.

In fact, the article from the British tabloid wasn’t about Marshall Mathers II, but about Todd Nelson, Debbie Mathers’ brother and thus, Eminem’s uncle.
In fact, the Mirror’s article intented to point out Todd Nelson’s role as a replacement father for Marshall, which is totally wrong. Although Marshall has spent several years with uncle Todd at his house in Timken during his teenage years, Marshall wasn’t that close to his maternal uncle.
It is a matter of fact Todd Nelson has obviously tried to get some money out of his nephew’s fame and that he sticked up for his sister Debbie against Marshall, most of the time.

Some people may not understand why Marshall might be devasted by uncle Todd’s death, then. The reasons are quite obvious, though:

– the loss of a family member is always difficult to cope with, no matter if you were close to him or not, and I am talking by experience.
-Eminem had the great pain to lose his uncle Ronnie in 1991. Todd’s suicide will bring up a lot of memories to the surface.

During the two last days, I still had some hope this news could be a hoax. But the recent Detroit Free Press article about Todd Nelson’s tragical death ended my suspicions. This drama actually happened on October the 19th,2004:

Eminem will not attend to his uncle’s burial, but he has paid the costs of the funeral.
Marshall will have to cope with the loss of his mom’s brother and my thoughts are with him and his family members.
No matter what could have opposed Marshall and his uncle Todd, another witness of Marshall’s childhood and teenage years has gone.

R.I.P Todd Nelson.






14 responses to “Another suicide case in the Mathers family leaves deep wounds into Marshall's heart”

  1. louise avatar

    r.i.p god bless

  2. Nikki avatar

    Eminem lost his uncle Ronnie in 1991 and now his uncle Todd who was like a father to him. I know this is gonna bring back painful memories to marshall (eminem). Being that marshall barely has any family at all its a shame for him to lose the ones who are close to him and who he cares alot about.

  3. Cat B avatar
    Cat B

    I was just watching the news channel and I thought I had seen something about marshall being dead this really concerns me If you could send me some news and set my heart at ease that would be much appreciated! Thanx alot Cat

  4. shane L avatar
    shane L

    i feel pain just like you my uncle died and he was just like a dad to me like you. and i don’t even now my dad.

  5. kateryn avatar

    R.I.P everyone knows some sort of pain…my actual dad killed himself when i was eleven…no person should grow up without a father….

  6. ghhgjhgjghj avatar

    if theres any eminem fans in here….

    go here. it’s a new eminem book they wanna publish to silence the critics. e-mail them with your name age location, why you like eminem and how he changed your life. they need 200,000 signatures for it to be published.

  7. Shady avatar

    Yo Cat B!This is Em.You don’t have to worry,I’m still alive and kickin.Someone just said that shit to be funny.I’m still here and so is my shitty ass life.I’ll still be around for a wile.And I’m still gonna keep rappin,so don’t worry about me quitin just yet!!!Ha ha!

  8. wouldn't u like 2 no?! :S avatar

    u r not eminem stop beggin it man if u r then why did ya say u have a buzy scheduale if u did u wouldnt be wasting time here with us fooollll!!! and here is my email go webcam and prove it

  9. soma

    soma 331%

  10. danielle avatar

    i feel bad about the fact of his father, but i my appion its better to never know them. Instead of being completely helpless while they hurt u physical and emotional. It only grows anger, pain.

  11. chelsie avatar

    dear eminem i know how you feel and i am really sorry .

  12. chelsie avatar

    i know how it feel and you r pretty tough and ii think you shouldnt quit you should carry on the gift from your uncle. love ya lots love chelsie

  13. chelsie avatar

    eminem i love you so please dont quit

  14. tara avatar

    hey em i know how it fells to loose a family member my dad commited suiside wen i was only 1 mounth old i love u so much dont quit or all that ronnie did would be for nothing!