Leggy indeed

Jeff is right, “making Ann Coulter the symbol of the right would be like, oh, making Michael Moore the symbol of the left, eh?” I thought she was attractive but, on reflection her legs do look awfully thin. Go to McDonalds Ms. Right!






3 responses to “Leggy indeed”

  1. Bernie Goldbach avatar

    The Coulter image comes through a fisheye lens and that technique would make a stringbean out of 50 cent.

  2. gavin avatar

    i am thee 1 and only gavin coulter and no1 can take my place!!! so fuk yees all…..and cc my bst m8 in the WHOLE wide world is the best n she is gr8 n i lve her 2 bits cos shes amazing n will always be betta than me!!!:):):):):):)
    signed…….THEE Gavin Coulter from Bonny Scotland!!!!!!

  3. scarpe avatar

    Ich besichtige deinen Aufstellungsort wieder bald fur sicheres!