Peter Jennings dies

While I only really watched him when RTE cut to ABC, or during big news stories, I always found to be something of a character – certainly different to the people we get reading the news over here. And so young too. My thoughts are with his family.






3 responses to “Peter Jennings dies”

  1. Emma avatar

    As someone living in Canada, I always appreciated that Peter Jennings remained true to his Canadian roots (unlike CBS’ John Roberts.) When Quebec had their referendum in 1995 he insisted that ABC allow him to broadcast the news from there. ABC was the only one of the three main American networks to carry live coverage from Canada that night.

  2. Kevin avatar

    Rather gone, now him – the face of American TV News is really changing these days. I used to watch Jennings when the BBC cut to him for the news late at night, prefered him to Rather.

  3. niall avatar

    The last of the giants of US broadcasting. Will be missed.