Conference posting

I am at the Hilton in Washington now, and hope to live blog at least some of this event. It is also being webcast for those of you interested in watching it. It is also available on C-Span.

Oh I just spotted Philip Bobbitt! Am I the only one who looks at professors and thinks of them as celebrities?



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15 responses to “Conference posting”

  1. Richard Waghorne avatar


    I’d no idea you’re in Washington. If you’re still around, get in touch – lunch is on me. I’m best reached at richardwaghorne AT gmail.

    Hope to talk with you soon,

  2. aladavlis avatar

    I am having trouble with my Internet explorer.It is doing some very odd things.Sometimes it will completely close the page i am visiting for no reason or it will be very slow loading pages and when i say slow i mean very very very slow for eg i tried to google something and after 10 minutes of the page trying to load i gave up.I thought that it was perhaps the topic i was searching so i tried putting in random things to see if that made any difference but it didn’t.Another problem i had was when i was on a forum and clicked on a link and nothing happened i tried to open a new tab and that wouldn’t work either and it would let me access any options that are in my tools menu.i had to restart my computer.Just to let you know i have high speed Internet connection.Thanks in advance to anyone that helps me with this problem.

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  8. KenMarshall avatar

    I think, that is interesting for all.

  9. xztheericzx avatar

    i’m eric. joining a couple boards and looking
    forward to participating. hehe unless i get
    too distracted!


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