Irish singer shuts up bloggers' tirade

Update: The people at El Paso say its an April Fool’s day joke. They posted it on March 30th?>. Anyways that aside, the most important thing coming up is McDowell’s defamation bill.

Now that is serious.

Dearbhail McDonald contacted me about that John Gray saga I went through a couple of years back. She wrote an article in today’s Sunday Times about a case being taken against the El Paso Times blog up in Dundalk. This is important stuff, especially since McDowell will shortly be publishing the new defamation bill.

Curious that Gardai were apparently ‘monitoring’ the blog. In other words the boys in blue read it.

Gardai have been monitoring the site, which is hosted on the Blogger network owned by Google, since it attacked local TD Dermot Ahern, and plain-clothes detectives will attend a public forum due to be hosted by members of El Paso today at a local hotel. The site gives no indication of who is behind it and the only means of contact is an e-mail address. It is not clear to what extent, if any, it is connected to the domain, which is registered to an entity calling itself dundealgan information, based in Willowdale, part of the Bay Estate on the outskirts of Dundalk.

“We have been keeping an eye on the site for some time,” said a senior officer in Dundalk. “But nobody has a clue who is behind it, and defamation is a civil matter, so there is little we can do to help.”

Will Google give up the details of login IP addresses? How much would it cost to take these guys to court in Ireland and the US?

Definately one to watch.

Yes I am still on hiatus.







4 responses to “Irish singer shuts up bloggers' tirade”

  1. Dick OBrien avatar

    Everyone, myself included, has been had. El Paso said it was an April Fool.

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Hehe. 🙂 good shtuff. However the issue of new defamation bill is still hanging over!

  3. Tony avatar

    How did McDonald know Gardai has been monitoring the site? Would she make something up which is [at least should be] so easily verified.

    Can Irish reporters quote senior officers who don’t exist? i.e.: We have been keeping an eye on the site for some time.”

    If this was a hoax [03/30/06] I’d have to question the integrity of the rationale behind it.

    If for no other reason … could it now be a hoax due to your pending defamation bill?

  4. shannon flanagan withus avatar

    im related to an irish singer i dont know his name but i know whut he looks like one day i would like to meat him if he is alive