
The trailer everyone is talking about (filmed on a phone in a movie theatre). Everytime it’s uploaded to Youtube, Paramount order a takedown.

Yes that’s the head of the Statue of Liberty at the end. Poor quality I know, but these videos are hard to find.

Dailymotion still have it:

ClovrField TT
Uploaded by anil31






4 responses to “Cloverfield”

  1. Donncha O Caoimh avatar

    Everyone’s talking about? News to me 🙂

  2. […] Gavin talked about it a little while ago and now Apple have a trailer for it up – personally I’m thinking some sort of Godzilla movie but the idea that it somehow ties into the Cthulhu Mythos is an interesting rumor that I keep hearing.. Though I do have to wonder how you could possibly transfer H.P. Lovecraft to the silver screen – I mean, Lovecraft’s horror is and has always been based on what you don’t see not anything else… […]

  3. […] Cloverfield Gavin Blog Posted by root 16 minutes ago ( Jul 5 2007 yes that the head of the statue of liberty at the end poor quality i know but these videos are hard powered by wordpress and tarski Discuss  |  Bury |  News | Cloverfield Gavin Blog […]