Cat update

I don’t know what our Polish neighbours call their cat, so he is just referred to as the Polish cat. He is, shall we say, not ‘friends’ with my own cat, Mr Puds. I have never seen them fight, but I have heard them. And Puds has limped home a few times.

So I wondered what Polish cat was looking at outside my window today:


Hmm. I walked out to take a closer look with a camera, fearing the worst. What could that black blob be?


Sure enough, Mr Puds was up in the tree. ‘Scaredy cat’ doesn’t quite cover it. What’s strange is that Polish cat is perfectly friendly, and plays with the neighbours’ kids while my own cat simply runs away. What is Puds afraid of?


He jumped from the tree just after I took the photo:


Here is Polish cat’s response to Puds running away:


Puds then ran back inside, to take up position on the couch and look out the window:


Polish cat seems to just want to be friends. Mr Puds is having none of it.






6 responses to “Cat update”

  1. Dan Sullivan avatar

    Maybe the Polish cat wants be a different type of ‘friend’ than Mr Puds is interested in being. Maybe the Polish cat is seeking to be a friend with privileges…or maybe the Polish cat is a pub bore?

  2. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Or all of the above!

  3. Peader avatar

    Or maybe Gavin needs to get out more ! 🙂

  4. Gavin Sheridan avatar
    Gavin Sheridan

    Or maybe Peader shouldnt spend so much time reading bloggers who blog about their cats.

  5. Gamma Goblin avatar

    Face it, Puds is Xenophobic. Next he’ll be complaining that the Polish cat took his job and all his queen-cats!

  6. Maggie avatar

    Gavin, hes not a celebrity – he saw the fecking camera!