Category: Puds

  • Puds incident

    As if to prove he is not the scaredy cat I think he is, I awoke this morning to the sound of Mr Puds plucking feathers from a pigeon he had just killed in cold blood. Yes, he brought the pigeon to my bedroom in order to feast on it. The scene was too graphic…

  • Mexican cat-off

    Mr Puds has some new friends/enemies. This evening a standoff took place between two neighbouring cats and Puds. Puds stood on our shed, while two as yet unnamed cats stood on the neighbour’s shed. They traded dirty looks with Puds and, even me. For now I think I will call these new cats Ginger and…

  • The cat's bed

    Bella returned from a walk today a little the worse for wear, as you can see. On being told to get into bed, she decided to collapse in a heap on Pudding’s bed. Clearly, Bella does not fit into the bed of a cat, but she didn’t seem to mind. I think Puds might.

  • New addition

    Meet Bella: Bella’s owner is taking a year out to travel the world, so she will be staying with us. And Puds. Suffice to say, Puds has been sceptical of the arrangement thus far. While Bella looks at Puds obliviously, Puds sneaks around the maruading dog like she is the devil himself. So far though,…

  • Puds looks like hitler?

    I have submitted Puds to CTLLH. He has a rating of 6 right now. I like this comment: Bow-Tie stache! Regal Air! Menacing Eyes. Very Cool!

  • Puds update

    Mr Puds has been enjoying the recent poor weather by lazing around the house doing not very much (a bit like me). This is one of his favoured sleeping positions. It actually looks like he’s trying to avoid the flash (celebrity blog cat that he is) but he tends to cover his eyes just to…

  • Cat update

    I don’t know what our Polish neighbours call their cat, so he is just referred to as the Polish cat. He is, shall we say, not ‘friends’ with my own cat, Mr Puds. I have never seen them fight, but I have heard them. And Puds has limped home a few times. So I wondered…

  • For all you cat lovers out there…

    I can entirely sympathise…

  • Cat update

    Mr Puds has been up to his usual tricks. Here I caught him just prior to him sleeping for the night. Mr Puds was taught from a very early age that he was never allowed on the worktops, even when no one was home. He has stuck rigidly to that rule, as evidenced by a…