In Telavi

Internet access is proving problematic in the last week, especially since I was all over western Georgia. Uploading pictures is not easy either, but I did get some good photos north of Zugdidi, in Poti naval base, in the tank base in Gori, and near Senaki. I am now in the north east of the country, in the town of Telavi, Georgian wine country.

I have tonnes of photos taken, I hope to upload some soon.

Here is a sample for now:

The bombed Georgian tank base in Gori:


The naval base at Poti, where Russian soldiers destroyed most of Georgia’s navy:


And the border of the Russian buffer zone, about 3km north of Zugdidi. You can make out an armoured vehicle on the right. There was no international presence near Zugdidi or at the border post. I was told Russia is trying to force the people in the occupied town of Gali to take Russian passports.


It’s been a safe trip mostly. Though Ossetian fighters attacked Turkish road builders between Tbilisi and Gori on Wednesday. And we nearly got arrested near Abkhazia, more of that anon.

More when I get reliable internet and some time!







2 responses to “In Telavi”

  1. niall avatar

    Stay safe

  2. sean avatar

    hi Gavin, I have wanted to travel to Georgia for several years. I was wondering if you have had any trouble getting money, are there dependable ATMs in Sakartvelo ? Also , what do you think about Georgian travel for an english only speaker as myself ? Thank you and have a safe and fun trip. Sean