Category: Caucasian Politics

  • That Bush connection

    Josh Keating over on FP gives us the top 10 stories you might have missed in 2008. I particularly like this one: So why was $176 million of the aid money earmarked for loans to businesses—including $30 million to a real estate developer for a luxury hotel: the 127,000-square-meter Park Hyatt in downtown Tbilisi, an…

  • The troublesome Caucasus

    As ever, the Economist has an excellent analysis of the situation in the Caucasus. They mention many of the strategic and historical interests in the region that I heard directly from Georgians themselves. The situation is extremely complex, and via translator it was explained to me over several days. The map they use is extremely…

  • Russian consulate, Tbilisi

    I visited the former Russian Embassy (it was reduced to a consulate while I was there) in Tbilisi a couple of weeks ago. Across the street, boards are littered with anti-Russian grafitti, while directly outside the consulate people had dumped various forms of household waste and litter. Russia pulled their ambassador, Vyacheslav Kovalenko, and pretty…

  • Saakashvili's Camp David – Borjomi

    Don’t ask me how I got access. When I was in Borjormi I managed to get into the grounds of the summer residence of the Georgian president, Mikhail Saakasvhili. The house was formerly occupied by Eduard Shevardnadze, and before Soviet times it was a Dacha of Tsar Nicholas II and the Romanov Dynasty. The residence…

  • In Telavi

    Internet access is proving problematic in the last week, especially since I was all over western Georgia. Uploading pictures is not easy either, but I did get some good photos north of Zugdidi, in Poti naval base, in the tank base in Gori, and near Senaki. I am now in the north east of the…

  • In Tbilisi

    Arrived without any problems. Cool thunderstorm out the window on the descent too.

  • Off to Georgia

    Via Munich today. See you on the other side.

  • Who started it?

    Kirsty Wark is still using the line that Saakashvili himself started the war. At the very least, we do not know who started the conflict on August 7/8, and for the BBC to assume that they do is unprofessional. There are various accounts of who started the conflict, most recently from Michael Totten in Georgia,…

  • Russia revises Ossetia death toll

    Surprise surprise. I, along with many others, indicated recently that the alleged death tolls as high as 2,500 put forward by Russia were entirely without a basis in fact. Now, according to the BBC: Russia has issued new, reduced casualty figures for the Georgian conflict, with 133 civilians now listed as dead in the disputed…

  • Bloggin and links

    Big thanks to Niall Paterson in Sky News for the link, praise indeed from a much appreciated longtime reader. Eamonn has also been kind enough to offer advice and link up. I have also been in touch with Michael Totten, who I have exchanged emails and tips with, but unfortunately we won’t be in Georgia…