John O'Donoghue expenses

For the record. Total expenses so far revealed (2006 – 2009): more than €700,000.

Incurred as Minister for Arts Sport and Tourism:

JOD Part 1 (India)
JOD Part 2 (Birmingham)
JOD Part 3 (Berlin)
JOD Part 4 (London)
JOD Part 5 (London)
JOD Part 6 (Venice)
JOD Part 7 (Manchester)
JOD Part 8 (New York)
JOD Part 9 (Turin)
JOD Part 10 (Stuttgart)
JOD Part 11 (Paris) (yet to be scanned by myself!)

Incurred as Ceann Comhairle, 2007 – 2009:

Explanatory document on CC expenses

Schedule 1 – Allowances and Expenses
Schedule 2 – Domestic flights
Schedule 3 – Details of foreign travel
Schedule 4 – Official entertainment


Domestic Travel 1
Domestic Travel 2
Domestic Travel 3
Domestic Travel 4
Domestic Travel 5

1 Stop Shop Constituency Expenses






One response to “John O'Donoghue expenses”

  1. scrawb avatar

    Keep up the good work Gavin. You have more 'staying power' than I had.
    I used to have which I innocently thought would make a difference. I got the impression that no one was interested in the reality that was 'politics' in Ireland. The whole shebang was just a club of ALL the parties who didn't want the boat to be rocked…a nice cosy little club where, no matter how inept or crooked a member was, they couldn't be castigated in public or sacked.
    The FOI is our best weapon and any money spent chasing up the 'gravy train fiddles' would be money well spent.
    Accountability is the answer. Unfortunately, every time a politician mentions that word, I get a tremendous urge to get sick.