Category: Film

  • Simpsons Movie Trailer

  • Tom Cruise doesn't have a hissy fit

    So Tom Cruise actually comes across looking like a sensible human being. The video of it actually makes the guy from Channel 4 look like a plonker, by virtue of the fact that Cruise takes a completely reasonable position.

  • Tom Cruise on Oprah

    Is he on cocaine, drunk or just plain crazy? Update, June 17, 2005: The video link appears not to be working now, so try this one instead.

  • Kingdom of Heaven

    Doesn’t sound like a great one, but then what do I expect from Scott? Anyone else going to catch it?

  • Irish Cinema Set to Go Digital First

    This is interesting news. Not only that but it got Slashdotted. I have read about the advent of digital cinema for some time, what amazes me is the sheer scale of the files. Cinemas using the technology will be able to download the latest releases to a computer server via satellite at a lower cost.…

  • The Life Aquatic

    I forgot to give some kind of review of The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. There’s little I can add to the reviews around the net, besides that I thoroughly enjoyed it, it was full of dark humour, quirky events, and some quite memorable scenes – I think some of the reviews don’t do it…

  • Moore's documentary allies keep up fire

    Lots of new films coming out. I wonder which ones I will go see.

  • Besieged Movie Industry Suffers Record Takings

    A rather bitter but funny contributor to Slashdot notes that: “The BBC is reporting that the movie industry, in yet another illustration of just how much damage the Internet is doing to the long-suffering members of the MPAA, has just endured a record breaking $1Billion dollar takings for the single month of June. Clearly there…

  • The philosophy of Spider-Man 2

    Dan Drezner joins an interesting discussion on the philosophy of Spider Man 2. The film isn’t even out here yet. Do not read it unless you want to spoil the story, but I do like the way the arguments are presented. I think that Henry Farrell over at Crooked Timber probably has the best conclusion.

  • Matthew on Moore et al

    Matthew Yglesias also has some new takes on Moore, and comparisons with Bush, strangely enough. Of course I have read Chrisopther Hitchens’ now famous criticism of Moore. So too, I have read “Fifty-nine Deceits in Fahrenheit 9/11“, by Dave Kopel. But I like Yglesias’s take: The funny thing, though, is that if I wrote “The…