Category: UK Politics

  • Daniel Hannan MEP

    He spoke at a social event last night, right at the end of Reboot Britain, though the event was technically unrelated to Reboot. Mr Hannan is now well known for his speech to the European Parliament, which was picked up by Fox News. I recorded his informal speech via Qik:

  • Blogging minister worries Whitehall

    It looks like this has made some people nervous: DAVID MILIBAND, the politician tipped as a future Labour leader, is to become the first member of the cabinet to set up a web log in which he will publish views that go beyond his ministerial brief. The launch of the “blog”, disclosed in a leaked…

  • Sir Christopher Meyer Critiques U.S.-U.K. Orchestration of Iraq War

    Steve Clemons points to the first part in the serialisation of Sir Christopher Meyer, former British ambassador to the US. It looks like it might be explosive with regard to the Blair premiership. The Guardian has it as front page news. I liked this bit: I told him [Wolfowitz] there had to be a strategy…

  • Blunkett resigns from the Cabinet

    You have to admit, he is a bit of a plonker.

  • Britain and Ireland

    Just attended a seminar in Croke Park on a new website just launched, It is a very interesting idea and I will certainly be keeping an eye on it. The launch got some coverage on Newstalk 106 this morning and on Mick Fealty from Slugger, and co-guest with me on de telly, is…

  • Mourners' funeral tribute to Cook

    It is sad to see, after the death of Peter Jennings during the week, yet another young life is beind laid to rest. At 59, Robin Cook had potentially decades ahead of him, but his demise was due to the scourge of modern society, heart disease. I met Robin briefly at a New Statesman/University of…

  • Huge radioactive leak closes Thorp nuclear plant

    This looks like a right mess… A leak of highly radioactive nuclear fuel dissolved in concentrated nitric acid, enough to half fill an Olympic-size swimming pool, has forced the closure of Sellafield’s Thorp reprocessing plant. The highly dangerous mixture, containing about 20 tonnes of uranium and plutonium fuel, has leaked through a fractured pipe into…

  • George Galloway and Paxo duke it out

    George Galloway managed to walk off an interview with Paxman, just after Paxman congratulated him on winning his seat. [Via Richard]. The transcript is not entirely accurate, I have highlighted the missing words. JP: We’re joined now from his count in Bethnal Green and Bow by George Galloway. Mr Galloway, are you proud of having…

  • Question Time

    I hope everyone will be watching Question Time at 8.30pm this evening – all three party leaders in front of a live studio audience. Should be pretty dramatic.

  • Salam Pax vs George Galloway

    Former blogger Salam Pax turned up at the manifesto launch for the Respect party and asked why Mr Galloway wanted the immediate withdrawal of occupying troops from Iraq. To which Galloway replied: We are not going to agree on this. You are a supporter of the war. You are a supporter of the occupation and…